Odyssey of the Blind God

Chapter 14 Mediocre

"To be honest, my elder sister was also blind, just like you. When she awoke from her origin, she was able to visualize all kinds of objects and perceive her surroundings better.

It helped her to live a normal life, but that was not enough for her.

Unfortunately, because of her low talent, she tried to exceed her mana core\'s limit.

Through this, she had aimed to become stronger and receive the chance to bind one more ability to her core.

Unfortunately...she didn\'t succeed in breaking through her limit, and her efforts had the exact opposite effect.

As a result, her mana core is now severely damaged!

I hope you don\'t misunderstand my behavior or intentions. I just wanted to help you. It\'s not like I have any ill intentions. Please, just don\'t do the same mistake as my sister if your mana core\'s limit is not as high as you hope it would be!"

Nial had not expected such a story, and he nodded his head, unsure of what he was supposed to say.

Thus, he blurted out, "Ah...my condolences for your sister\'s loss?"

\'Is that even correct to say to her?\' Nial asked himself immediately after, only to hear the young man laughing.

"You\'re really odd. But I think we shall resume the evaluation, don\'t you think so?"

Saying so, she guided him through the last of the three tests, which was quite easy.

Doing as instructed, Nial placed his hand on the orb that lay on a cushion in front of him after which Nial inserted mana into it.

Afterward, the orb began to heat up, and through his mana perception, he also noticed that it began to glow faintly.

Not knowing what exactly that indicated, Nial waited for a moment, only to hear the young man sighing deeply.

He had already assumed what this could mean, and the next words of the young man only cemented his theory.

"I\'m so sorry to tell you this, but your mana core limit barely reaches the average range...so you will barely be able to enlarge your mana core three times!"

Nodding his head as if he had known it all along, Nial simply smiled at the young man as he asked,

"Alright...when will I get my new Identity card? I wanted to purchase something with the money I transferred into the bank account that is linked to my ID."

Nial didn\'t want to look up the information of his bank account because it was a hassle with the phone he was using.

Furthermore, he couldn\'t even read anything but blind language.

Thus, there was a language barrier he wanted to avoid with the use of the Originals ID card.

Meanwhile, the young man was confused about Nial\'s reaction.

He had expected Nial to be a bit disappointed by the test result.

But instead of asking that right away, he simply kept looking at Nial\'s face.

He had wanted to see if the reaction was genuine, or if Nial put on a facade.

However, Nial\'s expression stayed as it was, calm and neutral, which caused the young man to say.

"I can give you your new ID card in a minute. Let\'s leave the examination room first, and I\'ll bring you the card while you wait in the hallway!"

That being said, he was led outside the room. While he was waiting for his new ID card to be brought by the young man, he suddenly held out his hand toward Nial.

"By the way, my name is Shana, I wish you all the best for the future, and don\'t be as reckless as my sister!"

\'Wait…that\'s not a boy\'s name…?! He is a Girl??\' Nial immediately thought, utterly dumbfounded at the unexpected revelation.

Yet, before he could even say something Shana gently placed her hands on his shoulder, and turned him in the direction of the entrance hall while mumbling,

"It\'s a little secret, so don\'t tell anyone, alright?"

Her voice sounded amused, but Nial could tell that Shana was doing all of this to console him, in any possible way. Maybe, he reminded her of her elder sister a lot.

This was something that Nial found to be very nice of her, even if there was no need for her to console him, at all.

He was perfectly fine, even though his mana core\'s limit was not special. Having awoken his origin itself had been a boon for him. As such he was not excessively greedy.

In the end, one could break through limits, even if it was an insane task and required one to risk a lot. And, if he were to be desperate enough, Nial knew that he would try, and overcome it, if necessary!

Fortunately, it was not necessary for him to try something as stupid as trying to endanger his life.

He just wanted to earn enough to improve his family\'s financial situation, while trying to search for a way to heal his sister.

That was all he wanted, nothing more or less!

Thus, he straightened his back before smiling as he introduced himself yet again,

"It was nice meeting you, Shana. I\'m Nial Oran, let\'s meet again in the future!"

After he said this, he heard a light chuckle before she replied,

"Yeah, let\'s meet again, bye!"

He smiled while tightly holding the ID card he had been given as he returned to the entrance hall through the small door.

His encounter with Shana was pleasant, but Nial didn\'t really think that they would cross paths again.

There were more important things for him to achieve now!

However, he then recalled that it would not be further unlikely because she worked at the Originals association which he had to visit to exchange his origin crystals!

While he was thinking about that, he heard his phone ring.

This astonished him, because he had only four numbers saved in his contacts.

The name of the caller was announced through the application for blind people Nial was required to use in the past.

[Incoming call from \'Father\']

Hitting the receive button, Nial answered his father while ignoring the looks he received. Meanwhile, he kept walking ahead, paving his way through the crowd of people.

Unfortunately, avoiding other Originals was easier said than done.

Most of the originals did not bother retracting their mana fluctuations, making things more difficult for him.

Countless mana fluctuations of multiple people overlapped, which was quite annoying in Nial\'s case.

It was quite difficult for him to try to distinguish them and avoid running into people while simultaneously talking to his father.

"Dad...what did you just say? I couldn\'t understand you!" Nial shouted the moment he finally found a way outside the Originals association.

Taking a breath full of fresh air after leaving the crowded hall, he listened to his father.

However, his words made Nial cough and wheeze when he accidentally swallowed his saliva owing to the news his father told him.

"You found what? Are you serious?? Do you know how high the chances are!? And it\'s just the second day since the dungeon manifested..that\'s amazing!"

His excited voice made several other Originals turn around and look at him. But, once they sensed that Nial was just a newly awakened Originals with barely any traces of mana within his body, they thought that he was just shocked about everything new he was learning at the moment.

"I sold the Mana Perception ability crystal at the merchant nearby. He gave us 15,000$ for it! Give me your bank details, and I\'ll wire you some money!"

When Nial heard this, he instinctively shook his head while disagreeing with his father,

"No, I don\'t need anything, I got almost 1000$ for the origin crystals I sold. There is no need to wire me more money! Use it to purchase better medicine for Sabrina. That\'s where the money should go!!"

Nial was of the opinion that his father had to take a good look at his priorities. Yet, a moment later, he heard his father taking a deep breath as his frustrated voice could be heard through the phone.

"Just use the money to purchase a spear, will you?! You never want something from us, not even a proper phone! But don\'t forget that you are our child, just like Sabrina! AND we do NOT want to see you get injured inside a dungeon just because your equipment is of no real use!

What do you expect to purchase for a thousand dollars, to begin with? Don\'t tell me you wanted to purchase an unranked weapon! Just because the more expensive unranked weapons are properly forged, you don\'t necessarily get more value out of them!!

For Originals, it is akin to intentionally crippling your combat prowess! If your mother knew what you planned, she would probably beat the shit out of you!!

Now give me your Bank account information, or I\'ll tell Maline, and even Sabrina about everything, once she wakes up!! I don\'t think you want that to happen. Right?

With that in mind, I just decided to transfer you 10,000$. The rest and our savings will be used to purchase medicine for your sister, alright? If you want to help your parents, just earn more money with the equipment you\'ll purchase!... And don\'t even try to purchase a cheap weapon, I\'ll inspect it later!"

\'Scary!\' Nial could only think as his father rained down orders on him. He had no option but to obey his father and meekly gave him his Identification number.

His father just grunted in response as he wired the said amount to his Originals ID card.

Afterward, his father warned him once again before hanging up, telling him to return home once he had purchased a good weapon.

\'To think that he found an ability crystal so soon after I got one. That\'s good...but I\'m sure that I would have found an okay-ish weapon for less than 1000$.

Would I not be wasting too much money if I were to purchase a weapon for more than 10,000$?\'

Even though Nial didn\'t know the prices he had to pay for a proper weapon, 10,000$ seemed a bit too much for a normal Low-quality Common grade weapon.

Little did he know that he was in for a surprise, the moment he entered the blacksmith shop he had walked past less than an hour ago.

Visualizing the placards that held the prices of goods placed behind them made Nial freeze in his tracks.

\'Those are probably the better ones...right?\' His earlier confidence about being able to purchase a weapon disappeared into thin air.

Now, Nial grew worried that he might just have to go home empty-handed.

\'Is that some prestigious blacksmithing shop? It must be...right, I forgot...how could a shop that is so close to the Originals association and right in the central district not display and sell some of the most skillfully crafted weapons…\'

Nial realized that he wouldn\'t be able to find anything for him, but somehow, he wasn\'t able to take his eyes off the weapons, that shone in the soft light falling upon them.

It felt wrong and out of place for him to be there.

Luckily, he was the only customer in the shop at that moment.

Whether this was because the blacksmith\'s weapons were not as unique as Nial assumed them to be, or because of a different reason didn\'t really matter.

Nial just needed a weapon, right now!!

\'Please let me find something good, but cheap!\' Nial hoped, fully aware that he was just challenging his luck.

However, at the same time, Nial had yet to understand what kind of shop he had just entered, and that his luck was a lot more terrifying than he could ever imagine!

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