Seduce The Villainess (GL)

Chapter 238 Lady Of The Night (62)

(Southern Region- Newport City)

(Downtown Area- Building A-13)

Newport City was located in the center of the southern region and as such the housing prices were far above what ordinary people could afford.

The Downtown Area especially was only for the upper class since an apartment here would cost upwards of twenty million dollars.

Lily glanced out of a nearby window as she sipped a glass of white wine. She was currently sitting down on a comfortable sofa in a penthouse apartment.

Sometimes even she could not believe it. A poor girl from a third-tier city was now living in one of the richest areas in the entire country.

Her apartment was the size of a small football field and contained a gym, training center, swimming pool, private cinema, and other amenities.

She did not even have to clean the place since butlers and servants would arrive every afternoon to sweep, mop and wipe down all the furniture.

Lily took another sip of wine and could feel the built-up tension gradually leaving her body.

She continued to stare out of the window and observed the tiny ant-like people as they went about their daily lives.

Vampire hunting was a lucrative career.

Especially when one had risen up the ranks to become one of the youngest in history to hold the title of \'Commander-class\'.

Ever since she had awakened in Loyren Town... the trajectory of Lily\'s life had completely changed.

Her eyes had turned golden and strange markings appeared on her arms and legs.

However, these changes went far beyond just what was visible to the naked eye.

Lily discovered that she could learn any hunting technique in a short amount of time. If others took years, then she took months.

If they took months... she only needed days.

Even secret techniques owned by ancient human clans that required special bloodlines could be learnt.

Of course, she only possessed two of those techniques since the noble families were not thrilled to discover her talent.

Still even with all of her gifts... Lily did not dare to be complacent.

She may be relaxing now but she spent at least seven hours everyday training to become stronger.

Sometimes she even wondered if her discovery of her talent was nothing more than a cruel joke played by fate.

If she had only awakened earlier...

Would she have been able to save her sister?

Or was it her sister\'s death that caused her talents to blossom?

Lily didn\'t want to know the answer since every time she thought about Mary... her heart would ache with pain.

Lily let out a heavy sigh as she leaned against the back of the sofa. She placed the empty glass of wine on a nearby dresser table and stretched out her arms.

She didn\'t know why she was still affected like this.

Even after all these years... there were some scars that would never heal.

Lily got up from the sofa and headed for the training room to get these distracting thoughts from her mind.

Just as she approached the training center, the phone in her pocket began to vibrate which meant that she had an incoming call.

Lily pulled the phone out of her pocket and saw that the call came from a number that she was very familiar with.

She clicked the accept button and a warm masculine voice came out from the phone\'s speakers.

"Hi Miss Brooks," the unknown male gently spoke with a tinge of affection in his voice.

"James, you can just call me by my name you know..." Lily chuckled lightly as she heard a muffled cough on the other side.

"No! No! Miss Brooks! How could I disrespect a Commander-class hunter by calling her directly by her first name!" James hurriedly spoke.

A small smile flashed across Lily\'s face as she listened to the embarrassed fluster in James\' voice.

James was an administrator working for the Hunter\'s Association who acted as a link between hunters and the higher-ups.

Lily had met him two years ago when he had just started working and had been given a promising rookie.

That rookie had been herself.

From there... it was like fate.

The gossip magazines always wrote articles about the love affairs between herself and Finley or Ian, but Lily didn\'t care for either man.

Finley was an arrogant jerk who looked at her like she was an object while Ian was no better with eyes that were possessive.

James on the other hand was everything that they weren\'t.

Kind, thoughtful and very shy... he was a sweet man and his gentle words always made Lily\'s heart skip a beat.

So far, they hadn\'t taken the next steps to gain a closer relationship since James was so shy, but Lily planned to eventually break down the barriers around his heart.

"So, James... I assume that you aren\'t calling to invite me to dinner this weekend?" Lily softly teased with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

There was some incomprehensible stuttering on the other side as James struggled to find the right words to say.

"No... no... ma\'am... I... um..." James wasn\'t able to form a complete sentence as his brain short circuited.

"I... you have been assigned a... a new mission... I\'ll send the details... over..."

The phone call ended as a flustered James accidentally pressed the \'end\' button by mistake. Lily glanced at the screen and her giggles echoed through the apartment.

She didn\'t have to wait long before two new messages appeared in her inbox.

One was a sincere apology from James and the other was a file that was encrypted with a special key.

Lily replied to James first and told him not to worry and then opened up the file using the secret key that she had memorised.

The contents of the file filled up the screen and Lily absentmindedly read through the details about the new mission.


A frown appeared on the young woman\'s face and her brows slightly furrowed. This was going to be a mission that required working with the subordinates of a vampire prince...

Lily hated working with those bloodsucking fiends, but she was not inflexible enough to let her hatred for vampires prevent her from working with them...

Temporarily at least.

And from the details of the mission... this was not going to be a solo effort. Their target this time was a vampire lord who was unofficially on the level of the princes.

Lady Camilla.

\'The Mage\'.

Lily continued to read the report that gave more details about the terrible vampire lord who slaughtered humans for fun.

Camilla was a true monster. Her list of crimes was more extensive than any other vampire that Lily had come across.

Murder, arson, genocide...

She was a demon.

Hatred surged in Lily\'s heart as she stared at the sketch of a female vampire with short raven cropped hair.

She would kill that monster and every single one of her servants.

Lily\'s golden eyes began to glow and the markings on her body shifted slightly as if responding to her emotions.

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