The Spider Queen

Chapter 781 Take Me To Your Leader!

(Nyrean Super Galaxy- Rtern Region)

(Planet Violen- Royal Palace)

There was a quiet stillness in the air as no one dared to talk. The grand hall of the royal palace was usually a bustling hive of activity and noise was now eerily silent.

And it was all because of the alien sitting down casually on the bronze throne as though she was the empress of their planet.

She was a humanoid creature roughly six feet tall with long slender legs and beautiful golden eyes that shone brightly.

Her physique was voluptuous and seductive and was only enhanced by the fangs that poked out slightly from the bottom of her jaw.

Six spider-like appendages jutted out of her back and each appendage possessed a sharp needle-like tip.

Standing next to the strange alien was a well-dressed glob of slime whose liquid body kept trembling violently as though he was getting a seizure.

"Now…" Thai\'lle quietly spoke as she relaxed against the back of the throne and plopped her feet lazily on top of the alien next to her.

"Where is your leader?"

No one replied to her words.

The hundreds of slime creatures in the room exchanged glances but no one dared to say anything. 

The moment stretched on for a long time before finally someone in the back of the room could no longer stand the tension.

"There…. You…. You… killed him…" the creature stuttered nervously.

Thai\'lle looked in the direction where the slime\'s tendril was pointing and saw a flattened puddle of ooze smashed against a wall.


He was the leader?

Damn… if she had known that then she would have gotten information first and then killed him for disrespecting her.

"Alright…" Thai\'lle was never one to let sudden changes affect her plans, so she immediately switched to the next best option.

"Where is the person in charge after the leader?"

"That would be me… I am…prince Rown," the well-dressed slime crushed by her foot barely managed to squeak out.

"Please… I can\'t… breathe…"

Thai\'lle lifted up her foot and the slime immediately sucked in a large mouthful of air that inflated his entire body into a round balloon.

"Excellent!" Thai\'lle clapped her hands together and pretended as though she had not used the crown prince as a footrest.

"Now I require at least ten mega gallons of warp crystal fluid, some sheets of metalloid alloys and extra food rations."

"Chop! Chop!"

Thai\'lle placed her palms together and clapped them. Prince Rown immediately turned to the crowd and started to bark out orders.

The former Arachnais princess let out a small sigh and stretched out her arms lazily. She had been looking for her mate for months now with no luck.

The Federines controlled area was a massive region of space with hundreds of galaxies and thousands of planets inside.

Well at least she had a guide.

Thai\'lle absentmindedly touched the top of her shirt where beneath lay the pink marking that pulsated ever so slightly.

She could feel that she was getting closer.

Soon she would be reunited with her mate and if all went well… she would be seeing her daughter in person as well!

Oh! They had so much lost time to make up for!

What should she teach her first?

How to ensnare prey? Hunting down fleeing enemies? Striking fear into the hearts of captured prisoners?

Maybe all three!

Thai\'lle hummed cheerfully under her breath before stopping suddenly. Her golden eyes narrowed, and a heavy pressure descended on the hall.

"Come out little birdie," Thai\'lle spoke in a sing-song voice as she beckoned with her fingers at a seemingly empty spot.

Prince Rown followed the direction where the strange alien woman was pointing but saw nothing.

Was she going insane?

He did not dare to say such disrespectful words out loud considering that this alien had managed to destroy the entire palace\'s guard force in less than five minutes.

Then something shifted.

The air around the empty spot shimmered and a four-legged beast wearing a white uniform stepped into existence.

The creature had a robust frame covered in sleek, white colored scaled that reflected the sunlight streaming into the room.

A long slender tail swayed gently from side to side behind her back and the edges of the tail were covered in sharp bony spikes.

"Ahh… aren\'t you a cute one," Thai\'lle purred as her eyes widened like a cat that had just spotted an interesting prey.

"Now… tell me why you\'re here before I rip your throat out."

The beast walked forward and reached into the pocket of her uniform to pull out a small metalloid device.

Thai\'lle watched curiously but made no move to stop her since her danger sense did not activate and she could not sense any threats.

"I am Captain Lyra of the Federines secret police corps," the creature growled as she pressed a button on the side of the device.

The device trembled violently before a large holographic screen projected upwards into the air and spread across the room.

"I am not here to stop your \'activities\' on this planet. I am merely here to inform the residents of a criminal who is wanted for multiple crimes," Captain Lyra continued to speak.

The holographic projection shifted, and the image of a naked human male filled the entire screen. 

It was an extremely basic illustration which only showed the important distinctive traits of the homo sapiens species.

"Oh? Tell me more…" Thai\'lle curiously asked with an intrigued glint in her eyes. She had some vague suspicions about the identity of this wanted person.

"His name is Rokan Peterlor. He is the former commander of the Earth Federation\'s army and a spy who successfully stole military secrets," Captain Lyra angrily yelled.

"The reward bounty on his successful arrest has been raised to thirty billion dollars. Any person who provides information that leads to his capture will be given fifteen billion dollars."

"He has been designated as a level one person of interest and anyone who has provided him with shelter or support will be killed…"

"Along with their families."

Captain Lyra\'s dark warning echoed through the hall as Thai\'lle thoughtfully put her fingers on her lips and smiled.

Mhmm… looks like her mate was in some trouble.

Military secrets? A level one fugitive? 

On the run from the entire Federines government?

He was still as impressive as ever.

Thai\'lle\'s smile widened and for a brief moment a genuine laugh escaped her lips although it was too soft for anyone else to hear.

She tapped her fingers against the side of the throne and a few plans fluttered through her mind about what to do next.

Time was running out and she needed to find her beloved mate before someone was stupid enough to try and hurt him.

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