Am I A God?

Chapter 357: The One Remaining Mission

Chapter 357: The One Remaining Mission

Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

Faced with Zhao Yao’s accusation, Old Cat’s body instantly quivered with indignation as he answered, “But ...” There was so much that he wanted to say but he couldn’t. With Roly Poly pouncing on every available opportunity to smack him, Old Cat could only accept the accusation, albeit unwillingly.

In his head, he was screaming at the top of his voice, “God d*mn it, how could he do this to me, a cat which loves to talk! I’ll turn autistic sooner or later if this continues!”

Zhao Yao peered through the thick fog of smoke and observed the supercats reveling in their hedonistic lifestyle. Zhao Yao tried putting an end to this debauchery by screaming, “Everyone, I have defeated Old Cat. From now on, all of you are free to return to your own homes!”

All the cats simultaneously swept their heads towards Zhao Yao as his voice rang in their heads. A chorus of meows followed immediately.

“Are you stupid? How can I leave without winning back all my money?”

“How can I possibly leave now? Just look at how lucky I am! No one in the right mind would leave with my luck.”

“Rhino, how dare you even think about leaving after winning all my money? You are not allowed to leave!”

Zhao Yao’s words caused a ruckus to break out amongst the supercats. However, that was all it managed to achieve. Every cat was bent on staying behind to either recoup their loss or further their winnings.

A few sensible supercats realized that this was their chance to escape this decadent lifestyle and jumped on the opportunity to do so. However, they were immediately dragged back by the remaining supercats, preventing them from leaving.

At that point, Zhao Yao knew that it was impossible to convince them with words or logic.

He propped his chin on his hand and began to think. Suddenly, he started to shout at all the cats, “Seriously, are you guys still playing mahjong? Do you know how outdated you are? What’s the point of winning that small amount of money from your friends?”

Zhao Yao’s words immediately caught the cats’ attention as they looked towards him with eyes which were sparkling with anticipation. Zhao Yao continued, “Haven’t you guys heard of Macau? Many casinos in Macau have already expanded their business online. You can have pretty dealers playing with you instead of these obnoxious cats.

All you have to do is to connect to the internet at home and you can begin gambling! Hundreds of thousands are lost or won in a matter of seconds. Isn’t that way more exciting than this?”

The cats’ ears trembled to Zhao Yao’s words. Zhao Yao had commanded their complete attention with his introduction of Macau’s online gambling industry.

Suddenly, a cat shot his paw in the air and asked, “How do you access the internet? I don’t know how to do it.”

“You can do so with a phone.” Zhao Yao said as he waved his phone in the air, “With this, you can win money regardless of where you are.”

“But I lost all my money to these cats! I have no money left to buy a phone!”

“You can borrow.” Zhao Yao tapped on his internet browser and introduced to the cats, “Just take a look. All these websites are waiting for you to borrow money from them.

You can start borrowing money after a simple registration. With an account, you can borrow up to RMB 10,000. The money will be transferred to your bank account within 10 minutes. Furthermore, it comes with zero interest and zero administrative charges. Also, there’s no cap on the number of transactions each day. You can borrow as much as you want and gamble to your heart’s content.

“Are you serious? How can such a wonderful thing exist in the world?” All their eyes were sparkling with excitement at this point.

“What’s the point of lying to you? I managed to borrow RMB 100,000 using this exact method. After that, I visited the online gambling site and turned my net worth to RMB 10,000,000 in the blink of an eye. Also, the police have been alerted to the scams in Chuan Xiao District. They will be sending people over to sweep the place. All of you will be thrown behind bars if they caught you gambling.”

Zhao Yao noticed the hesitation and continued his relentless marketing, “What are you waiting for? Just go back home right now and start borrowing money on your phone. You can then gamble to your heart’s desire with no one stopping you.”

At the same time, Zhao Yao had used his illusion to mimic the wail of the police siren. Chaos immediately broke out as the cats scattered in all directions. In a split second, every single cat had vanished, leaving the place in a horrible state with catmint and mahjong tiles strewn all over the place.

“Done,” Zhao Yao announced with a smug on his face. Just when he was about to leave, he noticed two pairs of eyes staring straight at him, with a phone dangling by their paws.

“What was the website that you mentioned?” Roly Poly asked with a grin stretching from one ear to another, “I can’t believe such kind people, who are willing to lend money to cats, actually exist in this world.”

“I want to borrow some money! Hmph? Why is it asking for my proof of identity?” Elizabeth thought about it for a short while before demanding, “Zhao Yao! Lend me your proof of identity! I’ll be able to borrow RMB 5,000 with it!”

His lips drew back into a frown as he slammed the two phones against the floor, “Are you guys seriously intending to borrow money on these websites? Do you have any idea what unlicensed moneylending is? These bloodsuckers will charge an exorbitant interest from you. Your RMB 5,000 loan will explode into a RMB 50,000 loan in a matter of days!”

“I can choose not to return them the money!” Elizabeth retorted as she crossed her arms over her chest.

“If you refuse, they’ll come knocking ...” While Zhao Yao was explaining, his lips began to curl upwards, revealing a sly grin. However, he immediately shook his head as he continued, “No, no. No matter what, both of you are not allowed to visit this website. Do you understand?”

Zhao Yao finally left the villa after rounds and rounds of reminder. However, Roly Poly’s eyes would gravitate towards his phone from time to time. A glimmer of excitement would even flash across his eyes.

Zhao Yao then took a look at the mission panel on his BOOK. Other than Xiao Ming, he had already rescued every single person out of Chuan Xiao District. After rescuing the supercats from this atrocious place, Zhao Yao had netted 750*2 experience points. The capture of Old Cat earned him another 500*2 experience points.

Currently, Zhao Yao’s BOOK read BOOK: lv5(15108/10000).

Hahahaha! Zhao Yao was overwhelmed with happiness when he glanced at the heaps of experience points he had accumulated. He couldn’t wait to use them on his BOOK and cats. However, he knew that this was not the best time to do so. Firstly, the environment was extremely dangerous. Secondly, he had to carefully plan the allocation of the experience points to ensure the most effective optimization.

Currently, only one mission remained: collect intel on Chuan Xiao District. Based on the description, the reward was dependent on the amount of intel collected, ranging from 10 to 1000 experience points.

Zhao Yao glanced at the mission panel and realized that the mission was already completed. However, the absence of the green tick next to it suggested that it had not reached the 100% completion rate.

His eyes then slowly drifted towards Old Cat, which immediately reciprocated with the most amiable smile he could possibly muster.

“I have found the money and saved the cats. Yet, the mission is not 100% completed. That simply means there is intel waiting for me to extract.”

With the thought lingering in his head, Zhao Yao cooked his head towards Old Cat before asking, “I suggest you answer truthfully to my question. If not, I dare not imagine what will happen to you. Is there anything which you have forgotten to inform me?’

“No!” Old Cat shook his head so violently that his head almost snapped off.

Zhao Yao thought about it before continuing, “Hmph, it’s rather hard for you to say anything constructive with the one-word restriction.”

Old Cat nodded his head violently, with excitement pouring out of his eyes. In his head, he was thinking, “Hmph, as long as you let me speak, I will make sure I let you go through 10 times the humiliation which I have endured!”

“I have just the solution.” Zhao Yao roared as he slapped himself on his thigh, “I need you to write a 10,000 words report.”

Zhao Yao’s words left Old Cat completely dumbfounded.

Zhao Yao continued, “The 10,000 words count does not include the punctuations used. Remember to report every single detail to me. Don’t bother to hide the truth from me.”

Meanwhile, Roly Poly continued leveraging on Zhao Yao’s superiority, “Hey, did you hear what Zhao Yao said? Be 100% honest with your report! We will never wrong an innocent man, but neither will we allow the bad guy to escape scot-free. Do the right thing.”

Zhao Yao continued, “It’s almost 12 pm already. I want the report to be in by 9 pm. If not, I’ll expect a 20,000 words report tomorrow morning.”

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