Am I A God?

Chapter 568: The Preparation

Chapter 568: The Preparation

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

While Zhao Yao was thinking of the next day’s wedding in Kappei Hattori’s room, he heard footsteps outside the door. Kaede Hattori was standing and shouted, “Kappei, why haven’t you tried on your wedding suit? Hanzo said you have been hiding in your room for a week. What are you up to?”

Kappei Hattori shouted while lying on the floor, “Don’t bother me. I have my own life and do not need you to meddle in my affairs.”

Kaede Hattori looked forlorn. His brother was not like this before.

As an esteemed Japanese clan, the Hattori family had strict teachings about the patriarchy. His brother’s insolence led Kaede Hattori to kick open the door and rush in. He looked sternly at Kappei Hattori who was lying on the floor. “This is preposterous. Is this how you talk to your elder?”

He suddenly noticed Mr. Yamada and bowed his head in embarrassment. “Mr. Yamada, you are here too?”

Zhao Yao quickly nodded his head and said, “Yes, yes, I came here to investigate Kappei’s recovery. If there are no other matters I need to attend to, I will make a move.” Zhao Yao would naturally take a detour before coming back to see the show.

After watching Mr. Yamada leave, Kaede Hattori looked at Kappei Hattori in anguish and said, “Kappei, how long is this decadence going to last? Stop wasting away at home and disgracing the Hattori clan. Pull yourself together.”

Kaede Hattori thought that Kappei Hattori’s continued decadence was due to the serious injury to the lower bottom part of his body.

Upon hearing the words, Kappei Hattori jumped up from the floor and shouted, “How annoying, do not use your seniority as my elder brother to lecture me. I am merely staying at home, not doing bad stuff. I hate going out!”

Kaede Hattori’s eyes emitted cold rays such that Kappei Hattori trembled in fear and said, “What! What are you going to do? I do not want to go out! I want to stay at home forever!”

“Kappei Hattori, you disappoint me. As the eldest son of the Hattori family, I cannot let you continue this way.”

Zhao Yao nodded his head, witnessing Kaede Hattori drag Kappei Hattori out. “Seems like the Hattori family is using tough measures. It is a pity that there is such an unloyal son in the family.”

Roly Poly sprawled on Zhao Yao’s shoulders and thought, “This evil demon.”


The next moment, Zhao Yao returned to the hotel. In the hotel’s main hall, he found the Kujyo’s maid, Kuroko, waiting for him.

The little maid rushed towards him and shouted, “Mr. Zhao, how are you doing...” She stopped abruptly, recalling that he did not know Japanese and looked for his two Japanese speaking friends in vain. As she was pondering what to do, Zhao Yao answered her in fluent Japanese via Old Cat.

“Greetings, how may I help you?”

Kuroko put her hand to her chest and said, “So you know how to speak Japanese? That is good, I am here to give you the invitation card to Nanako’s wedding tomorrow. She hopes that you are able to come.”

“Ah?” Zhao Yao took the invitation card from her hands. Nanako had really invited him and Bai Quan.

His original plan was to sneak into the wedding and complete his mission discreetly.

Seeing Zhao Yao’s reluctance, Kuroko whispered, “Miss Nanako really hopes that you and Bai Quan will attend her wedding as the both of you are her only true friends.”

Zhao Yao smiled and thought, “I wonder if Nanako knows about Kappei Hattori’s condition. Would she still consider us her friends?” Frowning, Zhao Yao pondered for a while and said, “I appreciate Nanako’s gesture. Do not worry, I will attend the wedding on time tomorrow.”

After waving goodbye to the maid, Zhao Yao thought, “Anyway, I could make my moves discreetly. Attending the wedding should pose no problems. It could be a good cover.”

That night, Zhao Yao stayed in the hotel to sleep instead of going out for a mission, which was rare. He was preparing for the great deeds he would do at the wedding.


The Kujyo family’s home.

Nanako, who was adorned in her grand bridal costume, looked at herself in the mirror. Her eyes gleamed with complex feelings.

Sylvie walked over to her side and said softly, “My lady, the invitation card has been given to Zhao Yao.”

Nanako’s gaze flickered for a moment and she said, “Thank you, Sylvie, for keeping this matter from my elder brother.”

“My lady, this is my duty.” Sylvie looked at Nanako’s reflection and said, “This kimono suits you. You will definitely be the most beautiful lady at the ceremony tomorrow.”

Nanako looked into the mirror, touching her cheeks, and blurted, “Sylvie, if I back out now, what are the consequences?”

Sylvie was taken aback. She caressed Nanako’s hair gently and said, “My lady, do not worry. I shall accompany you to the Hattori family. I will not let anyone harm you.”

Nanako smiled gently. “It is okay, I am joking.” She understood clearly that now there was no way she could back out. Neither she nor the Kujyo family would be able to withstand the wrath of the Hattori clan.


In Hokkaido, in the field of a lavender farm.

Cannon and a pure white Persian cat laid side by side. Cannon licked the Persian cat’s fur and said with a gentle face, “Sakura, you are my sun.”

Persian cat giggled and said, “Then what are you?”

Cannon smiled lasciviously, “I am obviously your Hou Yi (a legendary Chinese hero who shot down nine suns with his arrows).”

“You are bad.”

Both cats were entangled in each other when a male voice boomed like thunder from the sky, “Cannon! Get your ass over here! We are going to the wedding!”

Cannon kept his wits and said to the Persian cat, “If anyone looks for me, do not ever say that I was here.”


The next day, the grand wedding proceeded as planned.

As requested by Kaede Hattori, the traditional Japanese ceremony was substituted with a western ceremony to facilitate interactions between him and his guests.

Numerous limousines were parked in front of a huge luxurious hotel. Famous and rich elites strolled into the grand hall. Of course, among the guests were included powerful apostles and supercats from all over Japan.

The lively wedding reception bustled with activity in the middle of a stadium-sized banquet hall.

There was a special section reserved especially for supercats. In this section, various cat cuisines and pure distilled water were catered for the guests.

Zhao Yao walked into the banquet hall with his stolen western suit. Looking around, he thought, “Hmm, the Meteorite Fragments are indeed attractive, a lot of apostles are here.”

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