Am I A God?

Chapter 680: Hit the Road

Chapter 680: Hit the Road

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

While the high-ranking officials were raging, countless actions were taken.

In the Extradimensional Belly, Zhao Yao had created the groups.

“There are no objections right?” When Zhao Yao saw that no cat objected, he continued, “I shall appoint a cat to be in charge for each group. I will be in charge of Group One, Sphynx cat is in charge of Group Two, Elizabeth will be in charge of Group Three and Cat Sage is in charge of Group Four. Everyone stay in your own groups. You have to follow the orders of your leader. Their orders are my orders.”

Speaking of this, Zhao Yao’s eyes let a cold and menacing glare that made all the cats’ fur stand up.

“Zhao Yao is so scary!”

Zhao Yao said, “If someone doesn’t listen to their instructions, don’t blame me for giving harsh punishments.” He grabbed Lucifer and chopped him into two. “This will be your fate!”

Lucifer spat out his tongue and rolled his eyes. “This feels nice.”

Seeing the cats shiver in fear, Zhao Yao continued, “Okay, these are the temporary groups. If the leader thinks it is necessary, you can pick more cats.”

Ares and Sphynx cat raised their paws immediately.

Ares, “Catherine!”

Sphynx, “Ares!”

The two cats looked at each other and Ares looked away immediately in a cold sweat.

Zhao Yao coughed and explained, “The cats already grouped cannot be re-adjusted. I deliberately matched your powers so that there would be attack, defense, movement and stealth powers. There can’t be any one missing.”

Roly Poly raised his paws and asked eagerly, “Can we bring along Red Packet?”

Red Packet jumped as if he was stepped on. “Don’t bring me along on such a dangerous battle!”

Zhao Yao shook his head. “Red Packet is a non-combat cat, let him go.”

Roly Poly sighed, “Aye, if I brought along Red Packet, maybe I could rip off more money.”

Cheese raised his paws and asked, “Can I bring along my family members?”

Rice Cake swept her tail agitatedly and meowed, “I don’t want to go!”

Seeing that the cats had nothing more to add, he asked, “Are there any more problems? Okay, then...”

He woke Edron up and he instructed Edron to call his brothers to arrange for a meetup. They would never expect that Edron had betrayed them and all agreed to meet tomorrow in different parts of Europe.

Looking at the cities, Zhao Yao rubbed his chin and said, “London, Rome, Berlin, and Istanbul? You guys live really far apart.”

Zhao Yao looked at the map and said, “So we will split the locations. The final meeting point will be...

Dust Ball and I have the Double-Headed Vulture, we can return to the country where the Double-Headed Vulture is headquartered anytime. I will go to London while Dust Ball will go to Berlin.

Elizabeth has the weakest mobility, she will go to Rome.

Cat Sage has stronger mobility so you will go to Istanbul.

When everyone is done, we will meet at the Double-Headed Vulture’s headquarters. Any problems?”

All the supercats were ready to go. After hearing Zhao Yao’s question they answered in unison, “No problems”.

Hence, they traveled to Paris’ airport and Zhao Yao sent the different cats into different airplanes. Lastly, in the frozen world, he stepped onto the flight to London.


An hour later, in Trafalgar Square, London.

Matcha sat on a long bench and had a bag of bird food beside him. He waved his paws and the bird food spread towards the Square.

In an instant, a flock of pigeons fought for food around Matcha.

Matcha shook his butt and tail. He was ready to pounce on the pigeons.

When Zhao Yao turned around, he rolled his eyes. He grabbed Matcha by the neck and walked away. “How many times must I say that we are not here to feed pigeons.”

He looked around and frowned. “Why is it so hard to find? Where is this?”

After Zhao Yao left his flight, he had followed the address and started looking for the place. After a while, he realized that he was lost.

He turned on his phone and tugged the corners of his mouth. “I don’t have international roaming. I can’t check my gps.”

Matcha stuck out his head from Zhao Yao’s shoulders and asked, “Zhao Yao, are you lost?”

“How is that possible?” Zhao Yao pointed to a random direction and said, “It is further down that way.” As he walked he asked Edron, who was in the Extradimensional Belly, “Hey, do you know your way around London?” As he asked, he looked at the map.

An hour later, Zhao Yao was holding onto the map and walked towards his destination. Then, the sky started to drizzle. He shook his head and sighed, “London weather.”

Zhao Yao activated the Deflective Field which covered a thin layer on his body. It looked like he was drenched by the rain but actually, he was not wet at all.

He came to a bar and looked up. He then looked at the map again and asked Edron the address. He nodded and thought, “This should be the place.”

He pushed the door and tried to go in but the door did not move. This was a piece of cake for Zhao Yao as he activated the Deflective Field and walked in. He then realized that the bar was empty. He raised his brows and asked, “Hello?”

However, the bar was still empty and there was no one inside.

Zhao Yao frowned and sat down. He looked at the time. “Okay, there’s still half an hour left. Let’s wait.”

Matcha jumped down from Zhao Yao’s back and onto the bar table to sniff around.

Zhao Yao did not restrict him as cats are highly curious. If he did not let Matcha sniff around, it would be worse than killing him.

When Zhao Yao arrived at the bar, in the apartment across the street, a dozen staff members were looking at the monitor screen in surprise.

“Who is this guy?”

“Is he here to meet Brandon?”

“According to our info, Brandon is here to meet his brother Edron. Edron is an Asian?”

“He looks like a tourist.” A staff said after looking at Zhao Yao checking his map. “Just like all the other Chinese tourist.”

Their boss, an apostle from England’s Protoss team, Anthony, frowned. “Ignore him. We just have to monitor this meeting.”

A man said hesitatingly, “He may die.”

Anthony said, “This is the first time Edron and Brandon are meeting in the country. The Double-Headed Vulture is a big threat to our country and we spent so much manpower and resources to get one man inside the organization. There is no way we are going to give ourselves away because of a tourist.”

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