The Female Cultivator In The World Of Men

Chapter 149 - Let Me Tell You Story Of The Past (2)

"Lilith?" Le Fang Ling repeated after Feng Po Po.

Feng Po Po nodded her head in affirmation. Though, she was slightly surprised when Le Fang Ling mentioned that name with a small hint of familiarity.

"Yes, she was always shrouded in that ominous-looking purple aura, yuck," Feng Po Po wrinkled her pretty face in an ugly twist.

The expression on Le Fang Ling\'s face stiffened a bit like an image of certain someone flashed in her mind.

"Lilith as in that Lilith? That one with a purple flame that surrounds her?" Le fang Ling had no idea what she was saying, but truth be told, she was clear of every word she was speaking. In this weird world, there was only one creature she had met whose name and description matched with the one inside her head.

The world was not this small or was it? There was no way \'Lilith\' mentioned by Feng Po Po was the same woman who was trapped in the dimension of hers.

"Is that woman something like what I mentioned just now?" Le fang Ling asked as she looked at Feng Po Po with a strange gaze.

"You are not far from it," Feng Po Po sighed as she looked at the two students who were fighting in the match. With how her current mood was, she had lost her interest in this entire match. She was just looking at them,  but her concentration and focus was on something else.

Feeling a bit dejected, she raised her hands in the air, her palm facing the open sky,

Looking at the open sky with a few birds flying around, a brief smile plastered on her lips before fading away with the small drifting clouds.

"Lilith, she was a creature that even that silly girl looked upon with extreme request," she said as she brought her hands down. "She said she wanted to go and see what was beyond that wall, what kind of world did those horrible creatures lived in."

"Stupid, isn\'t she?" Turning to face Le Fang Ling, she placed her question in front of her. "While most other people were thinking about destroying that endless realm, she wanted to go and see that world."

"She even planned to take that boy from Mo clan with her, they were pretty close back then," thinking about the pale face of the young boy, Feng Po Po giggled.

As for Le Fang ling, she was silent for a while. After sorting out everything, she too leaned back on her seat and sighed. "I don\'t think she is stupid, because I feel the same way as she does."

"I have no clue about what a formless is or why do people fear it," Le Fang Ling recalled each of her incidents before that were connected with this mysterious being called the formless directly or indirectly.

Her birth; it had something to do with formless. Her power; it had something to do with formless. Her beloved senior sister; she had something to do with formless. Even Elder Li; she had something to do with these formless.

She rubbed her cheek where she was hit by the arrow from Zhang Wei. Even he had some sort of hostility towards her because they believed her family had something to do with formless and hence, making their life miserable.

"Everyone makes it seem like they are evil and horrible, while humanity seems like the most innocent creature out there," le Fang Ling chuckled at how far-fetched this ideology was.

"Of course, humanity is the mo-" Just before Feng Po Po could complete her sentence, Le Fang Ling interrupted her.

"That\'s who you think it is Feng Po Po, but you are just turning your eyes away from the truth and reality!!"

"Just look at you now, you said you never wanted to be this, but you were made into one."

"Look at me, do you think I deserved all that? Do you think it was that creature that hurt me? No! Not at all! They were my family members and relatives," Le Fang Ling gritted her teeth as she felt anger rise in her.

"I was beaten till there was not even a speck of life left in me!"

Before she knew it, she was speaking in a loud voice that was audible to a few people around there. When she felt curious gazes being exchanged by the people while pointing at her, she finally calmed down a bit. It was not the right place to create a scene over something personal and emotional.

"S-sorry about that, I was just a bit at a loss of words back then," Le Fang ling smiled awkwardly. Feng Po Po still looked a bit shocked after the outburst of Le Fang ling.

"So, ahem, my point overall was, you cannot deem anyone to be good or bad just because of their race," Le Fang Ling shrugged. "And I am sure that sister of your thought the same way."

"I am curious about what they really are and if they are the great enemy everyone keeps on telling me," Le fang Ling grinned as she looked at Feng Po Po. As for Feng Po Po, she was speechless and had nothing to speak of as of now.

"Heh, you are just like her," Feng Po Po laughed a bit as she rubbed the hair on Le fang ling\'s head. She could be wrong but she could see a faint image of that girl from her past in this girl. Well, that was not the only thing that Le Fang Ling resembled.

\'And it\'s weird as to how I think of that hateful bitch when I see her turquoise eyes,\' she thought to herself. \'That eye, it is really ominous.\'

But she quickly swatted away the thought. There was no way in hell that it was possible. Lilith had disappeared alongside that sister. That was when the war finally ended. All the minions and black energy that was surging around had retreated to their realm and the sun finally smiled upon the doomed land of the Twin Star Continent.

"Feng Po Po, I am not that super genius sister of yours but I will surely fulfill her wish," Le fang ling said with a determined tone. "I will go and see for myself what lies behind those walls, in that dark realm of formless." She looked at Feng Po Po and winked.

Feng Po Po: "…."

"Whatever you say," Feng pop o simply shook her head. Even if she wanted to stop her, she was bound to find one way or the other to go and visit that forbidden realm. She wondered if that sister had been alive, Le Fang Ling and she could be really good friends.

"So where were we? I think we lost track of the main topic," Feng pop o chuckled feeling a bit relaxed. She had not talked about any of these things with anyone in the past. It had always been pricking her consciousness from inside, well that was until today.

Letting it all out made her feel as if a huge boulder had been lifted away from her shoulder. Even the fear she was feeling about the earth element deity had subsided. She felt calm and composed.

"So what happened after the war?" Le fang Ling asked.

"With the miserable victory, we managed to rebuild everything from scratch. But we were too tired, working endlessly all day and night," Feng Po Po continued her story.

"War was not the only thing we were made to look after. Many other things happened after the war to make up for the loss of gallant warriors and cultivators."

"The entire place was broken and useless. There were no forests, no water resources, and no place to grow food. Only dry wind traveled all over the continent. Minerals became extremely scares and even the magical beasts were disappearing one by one."

"The war was not hell; the aftermath of the war was even more hellish!"

"We five deities were made to work our ass off to recreate the things destroyed but we too had a limit to where we could take all of that," Feng Po Po sighed.

\'So what did they do?"

"They chose a vessel."

A vessel was chosen for the elemental deities where they were bounded, in case we dared to rebel and run away. There were five main families in the five provinces of this continent and each family had something to offer as an abode for the deities.

"Like shrine? " Le Fang Ling assumed.

"That sounds cute, but it was not something like that," a bitter smile flashed on Feng Po Po\'s face as she talked about the vessel. "It is just a fancy name for a cage."

"It was a cage to make us slaves and to transfer our power to someone else if they deemed that we were weak or unworthy. It was something they all agreed with the Heavenly Emperor of the continent."

"But aren\'t your deities?" Le Fang Ling did not understand why they had to follow them. They were powerful enough to fight them all. But if they chose to not fight, then there was nothing else to be said.

"It\'s like you said, we don\'t want to have more wars, so we simply agreed but as soon as we were able to keep the foundation of the reconstruction, we managed to disappear from the place where we were held."

"All of us managed to escape after 500 years except one of us."

"He chose to stay behind, not for sake of love and humanity but because he said he had something better to do than hide like cowards."

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