Merged Soul: Reincarnated in a Dark World

Chapter 12: Youre killing him!!

Chapter 12: You\'re killing him!!

Immediately, Derek turned back and began walking at a rapid pace. He had to find his daggers. He didn\'t know where they were but he had to get them.

The maid called out to him but he ignored her and kept on moving. Soon he came out of the huge sitting room and moved towards the main door. Someone already knew what was going on.

She tapped her advanced watch and a screen floated out. The image of two men in suits appeared.

"Don\'t let him leave the building!" She snarled angrily..

"We understand!!" Two voices sounded and she nodded and moved towards the sitting room.

The room she just left had huge Holo screens with images of the entire building including outside its compounds, and the image of Derek leaving the building was highlighted.

When Derek came out he saw two men in Black suits walking towards him, one of them said with a deep voice "this would end quickly if you go back inside".

"So I\'m caged in here" Derek\'s brows raised.

"This is an order, you are not allowed to leave the building, tell us what you want and we will get it for you" one of them said with squinted eyes.

"Really... Get me my dagger" Derek scoffed with a dangerous glint flashing in his eyes.

"I\'m sorry but you had no dagger when you came here, and you walked in yourself" one of them said, this time walking closer to Derek.

"Then that means you have no right to stop me" Derek growled and rushed towards them, he believed in his powers and to him, this man would be groaning on the ground in a few seconds.

He threw a punch at the first one\'s face, both black suit men chuckled inwardly, from Derek\'s blow they knew he was a total amateur in close combat.

The first one intercepted Derek\'s punch and that was a mistake, he flew back and slammed on the ground, they had underestimated Derek and the price wasn\'t small, Derek threw a kick at the second man who was shocked, BAM!, He joined the first one on the floor. Derek smirked and moved towards the gates, Vera shook her head and hollered "get him cuffed and locked up NOW!!".

"I understand ma\'am"

Suddenly six military men in military pants came out and walked towards Derek with a steady pace, Derek stopped and turned back, he saw six huge men who were taller than him with the shortest about 1.9 meters.

His eyes contracted \'this will be a lot harder than I imagined\' he groaned inwardly.

He could feel that these men were not ordinary like the ones he had just beaten, they had an unusual aura around them and the more troublesome thing was that they felt linked. Derek tried to concentrate and communicate with his daggers but he was clueless.

Derek was beginning to see his faults, though he had powers he neglected them. He always looked for them when he was in a dilemma or affected by its absence. Well his fault had been brought to light but it didn\'t stop these men from coming towards him.

When they were a few meters away from Derek one of them clenched his fist till it made popping sounds, he grinned at Derek and said with a deep voice "I\'m going to enjoy punching that pretty face of yours".

Derek got into a fighting stance and when the six of them saw it they burst into laughter, they were called to fight such an amateur who had not even learned the simple basics.

Derek\'s stance had a lot of flaws, so much that Vera couldn\'t stop laughing when she saw his stance from the screen, she couldn\'t believe Angel had feelings for such a worthless boy.

She had thought he was an excellent fighter, probably an alpha rank ex soldier from his stronghold. She crossed out the probability of him being a teleporter because no teleporter could go through such important night without a serum, so the thought of Derek being a soldier came this morning.

But now she knew he was just muscles, he must have gotten it from a gym to impress ladies but the house he was in wasn\'t a home for useless people.

Even the cooks had learned basic fighting stance which showed the standard of the Crawford family.

She crossed her arms and smirked, she would like to see how they beat him up, none of the crawfords will be back for a week or more so Derek was now in her palms and she would deal with him mercilessly, he had no right to make Angel shed precious tears for him and he would pay for it dearly.

Derek rushed towards them and threw a punch, this time although they knew he was an amateur they took him seriously, he had the ability to take down two highly trained normal humans so he must have something.

The first man doged the punch and gripped Derek\'s arm, another appeared almost instantly and elbowed Derek\'s arms,"arrgghh!!".

Derek screamed in pain and waved his other hand towards them but two others held and did the same thing, the pain was driving Derek mad, the men were surprised when Derek\'s bones didn\'t break. Technology was pretty high so a broken bone could be fixed but it will be forever weaker than an unbroken bone, which would totally ruin Derek\'s possible future.

One of them rushed and punched Derek\'s face repeatedly, Derek\'s face was devastated, he was attacked from all angles without any chance to fight back, the men were surprised to see Derek\'s skin intact without any bruise.

It began to excite them, with their coordination even three alpha ranked soldiers wouldn\'t stand a chance so seeing a great punching bag like Derek aroused them, they planned to break Derek\'s tough body.

Derek clenched his jaws and threw a punch at one of them, the man caught his fist with a strange technic with transferred Derek\'s force to the ground, Derek saw the ground cave in slightly but the man stood there without any damage, he grinned with sunlight shining on his bald head and punched Derek\'s face with his full might, they had decided to stop holding back.

Derek\'s face twisted but they were not done, another used his knee to hit Derek\'s abdomen, another jumped into the air and kicked Derek\'s face again, his bones almost cracked.

Vera saw this was getting out of control, so she gave the order to stop but the men were engrossed in their new punching bag they ignored her.

They picked the half conscious Derek from the ground and held him in the same position they did in the beginning, Derek managed to struggle out and kicked one of them, his foot hit the man\'s protruding chest but did nothing, he didn\'t even budge, he grabbed Derek\'s foot and twisted it, Derek screamed in pain, his entire body had enough and blood spilled from his mouth, they continued hitting him.

Derek\'s entire body was covered in blood, one of them lifted Derek from the ground and slammed him right back, the hard ground caved and blood poured from Derek\'s head, his face was covered in blood, Derek was one thread away from death.

"STOP!!, STOP!!, YOUR KILLING HIM!!!!", Vera screamed in horror, she had came out of the building at some point and was horrified to see Derek\'s state, even the maids who came out because of the commotion covered their mouths in horror, there was no way Derek would survive before help would arrive.

The men recovered and distanced themselves from Derek, their hands were covered in blood, gradually Derek\'s breathing stopped.

Vera began to panic. How was she going to explain to the crawfords, Angel would hate her, but that was the least of their worries as.....

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