MMORPG: Strongest Assassin Online

Chapter 89 89 Annie

"That wouldn\'t matter if the world is destroyed?"

"Huh! what are you saying, is the world getting destroyed?" Alex asked immediately.

"I don\'t know if the warriors would be able to protect it, but I know one thing for sure, half of humanity would most likely be killed"

"Killed? By what?" Alex asked.

"Before technology took over the world, magic reigned supreme, knights, and mages were the protectors of kingdoms and cities" the boy spoke.

"Wait...magic, like magic existed before?"

"Yes, during the old times, but not all humans were able to use Mana, that was how magic became extinct"

"So during the old days, people could cast spells as they do in Nova Online?" Alex chuckled as he asked, he still couldn\'t believe that magic was actually real.


"So what happened to magic, is it gone or do people still use magic in secret?" Alex asked.

"If you are talking about those shows that people perform magic, those are just tricks, magic is gone"

"Magical powers are usually passed among offsprings, but not everyone is able to sense and use mana, so after a while, only a few families were able to use magic, and then those family\'s offspring lost the ability to use magic"

"But you are Gods right, can\'t you give humans the ability to use magic again?" Alex asked.

"We can\'t Interfere with humans but there is a way, and the Gods are planning to use that way to fight the great evil"

"You still haven\'t told me what is coming to destroy the world, is there another god who is angry at humanity"

"No, time is up, you are waking up," the boy said.

"Wait you still haven\'t told me how I can avoid getting killed" Alex shouted.

"Don\'t worry, you won\'t be attacked now, we\'ll meet again" the boy spoke and light faded from Alex\'s eyes.

"Urggh..." Alex moaned on the ground as he struggled to open his eyes.

Alex\'s eyes finally opened and he looked around, his apartment was bright due to the light but it was already night time.

Alex sat up and held his head, he was still feeling a little lightheaded, Alex stood up from and ground and walked towards his bed to sit that was when he noticed he was naked.

\'I\'ll just sleep under my sheets\' Alex mumbled as he slid under his sheets.

His head was filled right now with thoughts about what just happened to him, he knew all that he experienced was real because he could still remember all of it.

When he first met the Elder Gods, he thought he was dreaming because then he was still inside Nova Online, but this time he was in the real world.

\'I\'ll organize my thoughts tomorrow on the train back home\' Alex muttered as he closed his eyes.

*Knock Knock*

"Hey Alex" a voice called from the front door.

Alex slowly opened his eyes because he recognized the voice, he could never forget the voice, it belongs to Annie.

"Hey, Alex o-open u-up..." Annie stuttered as she spoke.

"Why today of all days, why now of all times" Alex sighed and stood up from his bed completely naked and walked towards the door.

\'This light is too bright\' Alex switched off the lights before he opened the door.

The door opened and a half drunk Annie was standing at Alex\'s front door with a smile on her face and a carton of can beer in her hands.

"Hiiiii" Annie spoke and raised her hands towards Alex.

Alex collected the beer from her hands and invited her in, Annie walked in and the little light from the window was enough to see that Alex was naked.

"Sweetie you aren\'t wearing any clothes, Did you take them off as you heard my voice" Annie teased.

"What!!" Alex shouted as he remembered he went to sleep naked.

Alex quickly rushed to where his clothes were kept and took out a black gym short and wore it as Annie made herself comfortable on the ground.

As she sat down she quickly opened the first can of beer and drank it without stopping, Alex was surprised as he watched her, something was definitely wrong and he could sense it.

"Annie, slow down," Alex said as he grabbed the carton of beer before she could pick the second one.

"Hey, that\'s mine" Annie spoke in a low voice.

"You gave it to me when you came here, so now it\'s mine"

"Mean..." Annie snorted.

"You are clearly drunk, why are you still drinking, did your boyfriend break up with you" Alex chuckled softly.

"I\'m going to kill any boy that breaks up with me, and I don\'t have a boyfriend, but I\'m trying to date a guy but he wouldn\'t agree," Annie said.

" confessed to a guy and he rejected you?" Alex asked, he was surprised, Annie was a really beautiful girl so boys usually flock around her.

"Yes he rejected me, his name is Alex and he\'s sitting in front of me, or sideways or back, I don\'t even know"

"I knew you were joking, and you hardly ever drink so why are you drinking so much today?" Alex asked.

"I need someone to sleep with me today or am going to kill myself" Annie shouted.

"Why didn\'t you meet any of your fans," Alex said.

"I don\'t mean sex dumbass, just sleep," Annie said as tears filled her eyes.

"Wait are you crying, what\'s wrong" Alex quickly held her face.

"My parents are divorced"

The tears she was trying hard to keep in her eyes all burst out at once, Alex held her as she cried.

"It\'s okay" Alex tried to console her but he was also shocked.

Annie had been his friend from childhood along with Gabriel but she and Gabriel never get along, Annie had expressed her love for Alex in the past but Alex was in love with someone else.

Alex visited her house a few times and whenever he was there, her dad wasn\'t around but Annie\'s mum was friendly, so Alex wondered what could happen to make them split up.

"Just give me the beer, I need to forget about home for a second" Annie shouted.

Alex kept the beer in front of them and immediately she grabbed another can, Alex also took a can so he could join her.

"Are you sure Alex, you can\'t control your alcohol you know that right" Annie chuckled.

"Don\'t worry am at home, nothing is going to happen, we\'ll just drink and go to bed" Alex said as he took the first sip.

Alex already knew he couldn\'t drink much so he usually doesn\'t drink except when he\'s at home or with Gabriel, and today was no different, even though Gabriel was around he was at home, what could go wrong.

The carton contained six beers and Annie drank four while Alex drank two of them, Alex\'s eyes were partly closed but his mouth was wide open.

"Hey Alex, close your mouth," Annie said.

"Don\'t tell me what to do young lady" Alex said as he stood up and walked towards the door.

"Hey, where are you going?" Annie asked as she held his legs.

"I\'m going home leave me alone" Alex mumbled.

"This is your home, where are you going to," Annie asked.

Alex looked around with his eyes closed, he couldn\'t even walk in a straight part as he walk to the door and Annie who was holding him slumped to the ground.

"You are right, it is my house," Alex said as he reached the door.

*Knock!! Knock!!*

Alex knocked on the door and waited for an answer, he frowned his face as no one answered him, and he was ready to kick the door down.

"Why are you knocking when you are inside, if you want to knock go outside and knock" Annie spoke.

"Ohh, there is a bed over there, I was searching for a bed" Alex laughed as he walked towards the bed.

"Hey watch it" Annie shouted as Alex fell on her body.

"What\'s this..." Alex muttered as he touched Annie\'s breasts.

"Hey stop touching my...aahaaa" Annie mumbled as Alex pinched her nipples.

"Annie I found something interesting, I found two fruits that have pins on them, come and touch them," Alex said as he played with her nipples.

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