Wolf King And His Fox Consort [BL]

Chapter 31 - The Fox Has Unwanted Visitors

Chu Yun spent a very pleasant day in the company of his family, after he and Xiao Zai returned from Lanzhou.

Even Chu Hean made an appearance for the afternoon meal, and entertained everyone by playing a few melodies on the guqin.

Whatever else he was doing up there in the academy in the mountains, he had clearly been working hard on his music skills. It had been a while since he played for them, but his improvement was noticeable.

Xiao Zai was subdued and quiet through the whole thing, albeit polite when talking with Chu Yun\'s parents, and his father\'s concubines on the rare occasions they engaged him in conversation.

This was an ideal scenario for Chu Yun -- if he could keep Xiao Zai this docile at all times, his life would be much quieter when they returned to Zui.

That night Xiao Zai even slept in the same bedroom as Chu Yun without voicing any complaints, although he stayed as physically distant from Chu Yun as he possibly could, which was easy to do in a bed that could easily fit four people.


They left for Zui the next day. Predictably, Madam Jing cried through their entire farewell.

Chu Yun hugged her tight and whispered in her, just before letting go, "Keep an eye on Hean."

She sobered immediately and nodded at him once, in silent acknowledgement of their previous conversation.

Whatever was keeping Chu Hean so interested in staying up at the academy certainly couldn\'t be good news.

This time, Chu Yun was taking Little Butterfly with him on the journey back to Zui. If he ever got tired of sitting in the carriage he could always ride her instead and enjoy the breeze.

The journey went by a lot slower this time around, because at least when they were going to Xin, Chu Yun had the excitement of seeing his family again to buoy him.

Now they were returning to the cold foreign land where he was expected to live out the rest of his days, with only infrequent visits to his homeland. Chu Hean had promised to visit whenever he could, but Chu Yun wasn\'t putting much stock in that.

No, he was on his from now on, and he had to get used to it.

He chanced a surreptitious glance at Xiao Zai, sitting across from him, his eyes closed and arms crossed in front of his chest. He had Xiao Zai too, he supposed -- whatever that meant.

"This journey shouldn\'t be this long," Chu Yun said, just to have something to say.

Xiao Zai cracked his eyes open just a sliver and nodded. "It shouldn\'t, but it was hard enough to build these roads as it is. Both Zui and Xin were adamant that the roads between the two countries could only pass through certain territories. The result is this," he waved towards the window. "The most winding, impractical, path possible."

Chu Yun kept quiet, glancing at Xiao Zai from beneath his lashes. Now, here was something that could mark the beginning of Xiao Zai\'s rule as king. Improving the roads between Xin and Zui was something that was sure to earn him some popularity among the gentry and commoners alike.

The military nobility would be harder to sway -- but they were also the smaller group, albeit the most vocal.

Chu Yun would have to consider his options carefully.

He couldn\'t hide the frisson of excitement at the challenge ahead. He might have been perfectly content lazing around in his father\'s estate, safe in the knowledge that he was the smartest person in the entire country.

But there was something to be said for the opportunity to prove it -- in two countries no less.

"You know, sometimes you\'ll start smiling to yourself and it just sends chills down my spine," Xiao Zai said, shaking his head.

Despite himself, Chu Yun laughed. It made his already charming eyes look all the more enchanting.


Despite how long and tortuous the journey was, it went by without incident.

It was night when they arrived at the estate of "the traitor family relative" which reminded Chu Yun that they should really come up with a new name for the estate, to get rid of all the bad luck associated with the place.

There was a carriage parked just inside the gates when they crossed them, which immediately sent Chu Yun into high alert.

Light shone from inside the estate\'s main building, further worrying Chu Yun.

He was dismounting from the carriage when the doors to main hall opened and Gu Wei came out to greet them.

"Father? What are you doing here?"

He had stolen the words right out of Chu Yun\'s mouth, although Xiao Zai\'s tone was much more welcoming than Chu Yun\'s would have been.

Wasn\'t it punishment enough that he had to live here? Did he also have to entertain his father-in-law after a multiple day journey?

He tried to mask his grimace with a grin. "Father-in-law honours us with his presence."

Gu Wei smiled beatifically. "Before you left, I told one of the servants to send word ahead when you made your last stop, so I had the time to prepare a warm meal to welcome the two of you home." He inspected his son\'s appearance discreetly. "It was a long journey, and I didn\'t want you to worry yourselves with food when you arrived."

He waved towards the main hall. "The food has been kept warm, but we should eat soon."

Chu Yun kept smiling through the offence of being welcomed into his own home.

Inside, was a lavish spread laid out over two tables, which was a little worrisome.

It was far too much food for the three of them. "I hope I haven\'t been too presumptions, but I invited someone else to join us."

He absolutely had been too presumptuous. Chu Yun sat down next to Xiao Zai on the floor and pinched his own thigh to keep his expression from shifting. "Not at all, who else will be joining us?" he asked, his gazed fixed on Gu Wei.

Right on cue, two servants opened the double doors leading to the reception hall and an elderly woman wrapped in furs, and supporting herself on a exquisitely carved walking stick came in. A stone-faced servant walked at her side, not daring to touch her, but there in case she lost her footing.

It took Chu Yun a moment to recognise the Queen Dowager without her heavy golden crown, and its twinkling hairpins.

She smiled at the panicked look on Chu Yun\'s face, revealing a row of yellowed teeth.. "It warms this old widow\'s heart to see the younger generation looking so alert after such a strenuous journey."

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