Wolf King And His Fox Consort [BL]

Chapter 106 - The Wolf Can Play Games Too

Xiao Zai could see the recrimination in Chu Yun\'s eyes. He was afraid Xiao Zai would use the pregnancy as an excuse to lord over him.

The tension making his muscles taut immediately drained away and he let out a wry chuckle. Chu Yun could be endearing even when he was being contrarian. 

"You don\'t need to worry about that, I\'m not going to forbid you from doing anything."

Chu Yun snorted. "As if I would let you."

That was true. Xiao Zai could scarcely wrestle a \'thank you\', or a \'hello\' out of Chu Yun. It was very unlikely that he could get Chu Yun to not do something he had put his mind to. 

So, Chu Yun\'s worry wasn\'t so much that he\'d be ordered about, but that Xiao Zai would become the kind of person who would expect obedience from him.

Xiao Zai observed him quietly, while Chu Yun shot him cagey looks from beneath his lashes. He had stopped at a safe distance from Xiao Zai, all the better to make a quick exit if things turned sour.

Ultimately, Xiao Zai came to the conclusion that what Chu Yun was really afraid of was changing his opinion of him. Which meant, that at least on some level, and whether Chu Yun realised it or not, he must have feelings for Xiao Zai.

"Why are you smiling all of sudden?" Chu Yun asked, extremely suspicious.

Xiao Zai tried to wrest his features under control. "Nothing, I just thought of something."

Chu Yun\'s eyes narrowed, his suspicion mounting. "What?"

"It\'s not important right now." It was an extreme weakness how much Xiao Zai liked seeing that angry look on Chu Yun\'s face -- he expected to see a lot of it in the coming months.

He cleared his throat, hoping it would clear his head as well. "In any case, I\'m not going to tell you how you should go about your life, but," Chu Yun immediately bristled but Xiao Zai just pushed on before he could sidetrack him with complaints, "I hope you don\'t strain yourself trying to prove a point."

Chu Yun\'s open mouth closed with an audible click. He continued to give Xiao Zai suspicious looks from the corner of his eyes.

"You should know that I don\'t like this, nor am I happy about the situation."

Xiao Zai nodded. "I know, and I\'m sorry."

"You should be," Chu Yun hissed, but without any real feeling. "Anyway, don\'t expect me to become happy about it any time soon."

Xiao Zai nodded again.

"As far as I\'m concerned this is a hostage situation," he paused, and then added, "and I\'m the hostage."

Xiao Zai chuckled. "I figured that."

Chu Yun still didn\'t look like he completely believed Xiao Zai, but at least he looked far less defensive.

It was as good a time as any for Xiao Zai to try and talk his way back into his bed.

"I promise I won\'t make any demands of you," he said, smiling encouragingly, "but it would make me feel better if we were staying in the same room."

Chu Yun crossed his arms and arched one eyebrow. "Is that so?"

"That so."

He could tell he was on the verge of annoying Chu Yun beyond compliance, so he decided to change strategies.

"Actually, I\'ve been sleeping very poorly, I think my quarters are haunted."

Chu Yun\'s other eyebrow joined its twin high on his forehead. "Haunted?"

Xiao Zai nodded seriously. "I\'m scared out of my wits, I don\'t know what to do anymore. It would put me at east to sleep with you." He inched closer to Chu Yun, his hands itching to wrap around his trim waist. "Maybe you can protect me."

He could feel Chu Yun\'s penetrating gaze boring into him, trying to get him to crack, but Xiao Zai held firm. He ran a hand over the back of his neck, flicking his hair out of the way and flashing the mark on his skin. Chu Yun\'s gaze was drawn to it like the inevitable flight of a moth into fire.

"Fine," Chu Yun snapped, "I guess it\'s my duty as your alpha," he added as an afterthought.

Xiao Zai could only tighten his lips into a grim line to prevent himself from breaking into a smug smirk. 

At least they were both getting what they wanted.


Chu Yun could feel the smugness coming off Xiao Zai in waves. He thought he was being so clever. 

Every concession on Chu Yun\'s part happened at his pleasure. Xiao Zai was lucky he was feeling benevolent.

They parted ways, and Chu Yun tried not to be annoyed by the pep in Xiao Zai\'s step.

He had more urgent matters to handle, namely, Chu Hean, who was still in Haolin, bidding his time.

Hua Nanyi reached him just as he was about to walk into his quarters. She was wearing the plain dark robes she usually wore out on her \'errands\' although she did look a little worse for wear.

"Did something happen?" Chu Yun asked, inspecting her messy hair and dirty skirts.

She frowned. "I was keeping watch outside the inn as usual, when I noticed someone suspicious going in."

Chu Hean had relocated to another inn in Haolin, this time one that welcomed all kinds of guests. Chu Yun suspected it was meant as a \'fuck you\' to him. He had tasked Hua Nanyi with keeping close watch because he wanted to stay one step ahead of him.

"Did you get to see who they were?"

"That was why I noticed them at first, they were going to great lengths to hide their face. I watched them go up and stay for a few minutes, when the person left I followed them through the streets, hiding myself as well."

Chu Yun already knew the chase wasn\'t successful. "You were made?"

She shook her head. "Not made, but the person could tell they were being followed and started running, I gave chase but lost them." She rummaged in the pockets of her robes and took out a white jade waist token.

"They dropped this while climbing up a roof," her expression was unreadable as she handed it over to Chu Yun.

Chu Yun ran his fingers over the engraved characters on the token, and then turned it around inspecting the seal on the back. "\'Crane among the clouds\', it\'s the symbol of the royal family of Su."

Hua Nanyi nodded tightly. "Either this person is someone who works for the royal family of Su or..."

Chu Yun closed his fingers around the token.. "A member of the royal family themselves."

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