QT: Grace To Grass Counterattack System

Chapter 110 Who Let The Zombies Out 17

He Yuan slowly opened his eyes. He had been injected with more shots then usual the night before so his head felt woozy.

He shook his head as he tried to sit up and when he succeeded, his eyes widened. The chains had been removed. Apprehension pooled in his heart. What were they planning? There was no way the psychos released him from his bindings for nothing.

As more drugs cleared from his system, a different awareness settled in. He was starving. Usually, he was always hungry -seeing as he\'d sworn off food for over two months- but this time was different.

The need for food dominated his mind in a way that made him seem crazed. His canines had extended a few more inches and were terribly itchy.

Now that his hands were free, he could access the system storage so he clicked on ten hunger relieving pills. There was no need to bother about the people watching him.

The storage panel was invisible to the inhabitants of a task realm so to them, he was just pointing at a particular point in the air like a crazy person. He was a zombie anyways, he wasn\'t expected to behave sane.

He Yuan closed his fists as best as he could with his claws and waited for the pills to materialize in his closed fist. Once they did, he brought his fist to his mouth and pretended to nibble on his palm with his elongated canines.

Next he used the opportunity to slip the pills into his mouth and swallow. The maddening hunger reduced drastically and He Yuan was a lot more clear headed.

At that moment, the metal door opened and two humans were thrown into the room. A middle aged man and a little girl.

"AAHH!" The little girl screamed the moment she laid eyes on He Yuan before scrambling into the arms of the middle aged man who was shaking like a leaf on a stormy night.

He Yuan only gave them a bored look and remained standing where he was. He finally realized why he woke up with a greater amount of hunger than usual.

The psychos were expecting him to tear the people before him to pieces. He was going to have to disappoint them. His tastes weren\'t so peculiar.

"P...please," The man said as he protected the little girl in his arms and began sobbing along with her.

He Yuan looked away. He didn\'t even move a muscle but he understood why the man was scared. He was a zombie after all and zombies did not have the best reputation amongst humans.

When the man realized He Yuan was not going to attack them, he relaxed a tiny bit and looked around confused. What kind of zombie was this?

He Yuan used this opportunity to subtly look around the room. There were three spots in the room where the injection darts -used to put him to sleep- were usually shot from. This knowledge came from the amount of times he\'d broken through the chains and tried to escape.

Another fact he was aware of was that during his experiments, a maximum of four scientist were always stationed on the other side of the demarcation. It wasn\'t hard to figure when he could practically feel their energies.

He Yuan directed his attention at the middle aged man. If he wanted to escape from this place then he needed to get past the metal door, everything after that would be easier. He hoped.

An idea formed in He Yuan\'s mind and he bared his fangs and stalked over to the man and child.

"AAAHHHH!" The girl screamed again with tears running down her face as pushed into the man\'s arms. If she could tear open his skin and pry her way into it, there was no doubt she would.

The middle aged man was not much better with his face full of tears and snot. There was no way to save himself as he hadn\'t awakened an ability yet.

"P-please... P-l-ease..." The man was still crying and begging when he suddenly locked eyes with the zombie before him. Immediately, he felt a foreign energy probing his mind.

He Yuan grabbed the shaking man and growled fiercely at him before slowly trickling his energy into the man\'s mind. After soothing his scared thoughts, he said, [Relax~]

The man\'s eyes widened at the calm voice in his head and he subconsciously followed He Yuan\'s instruction to relax.

Before he could open his mouth to speak, He Yuan beat him to it. [Don\'t speak. Project your thoughts, I can hear you.]

The man gulped and his eyes darted around the white room. He wasn\'t crazy right? The vicious zombie before him was truly speaking in his head right? [Y-you can speak? I-I thou... Zombies can\'t s-speak.] He projected in disbelief.

He Yuan brought his face closer to the man\'s neck, trapping the sobbing girl in between them. The psychos were watching, they might begin suspect something if all he did was stare at the man. [Well, I can. Now listen to me closely and I\'d get us a chance out of here....] He went on to give quick instructions to the man. There was no time so he had to be quick.

Once He Yuan was done, the man held the little girl tighter. [I\'ll do it.]

The scientists watched as He Yuan held the man tightly and sniffed at his neck without doing anything and when they realized he had no plan to tear the humans to shreds, they cursed.

"Put him to sleep." Dr. Wu Instructed, eyes trained on the beings on the other side of the glass demarcation.

"Yes Dr." One of the scientists said and pushed a blue button to activate the injection darts.

Immediately the wall opened to shoot out the injection darts, He Yuan tilted his body slightly and activated his energy so that the darts hung on the air close to his skin instead of piercing through. Next, he made a big show of \'pulling out\' the darts and collapsing on the ground.

The door opened shortly after and three people walked into the room, coming to a stop right in front of He Yuan.

Dr. Wu eyed the middle aged man. "Leave." The man did not hesitate and scrambled out of the room with the little girl.

"Although we did not get the result we were expecting, I\'m quite satisfied with this one," Dr. Wu said with a small smile before squatting to take a closer look at He Yuan. "Say, do you think he is capable of speaking?"

The men continued talking amongst themselves but He Yuan kept his focus elsewhere. The middle aged man was currently on the other side of the glass demarcation with the last scientist.

[It\'s done!] The man projected finally and He Yuan smiled. Suddenly, he opened his eyes causing the three men in the room with him to jump back slightly.

"What the-" Dr. Wu did not get to finish his sentence as a foreign energy rushed into his mind.

The three scientists all had their heads snapped back and blood streaming down their noses as He Yuan quickly got to his feet.

The metal door slid open and the middle aged man appeared before him. He Yuan wasted no time in rushing out of the room and locking Dr. Wu and his assistants behind.

He would have preferred knocking them out completely but attacking three people at once left a huge strain on his ability and he was already feeling the beginnings of a headache.

The middle aged man held the little girl tightly as He Yuan walked out of the room. "I-I did what you asked. H-how do we get out of here?"

He Yuan looked over at the last scientist that was passed out on the ground with a huge bump on his forehead. It seemed the middle aged man did not hold back. [I know the way out.] He simply projected and walked out of the second section with the man and girl behind him.

When he overloaded the brains of the scientists with his energy, he\'d managed to pry out some information from their minds.

The three of them ended up running down a long all white corridor. They had about fifteen minutes before the other scientists caught on with their escape.

[You need to go and release the other humans and make your way out of here. This is as far as I would go with you.] He Yuan projected when they got to the end of the corridor, he also mapped out the safest route out of the facility in the man\'s mind.

No matter what, he was currently a zombie. Even if he went with the man to help the humans to escape now, there was no guarantee that they wouldn\'t attack him later.

The man gave a shaky nod and took off when they reached an intersection. He Yuan, on the other hand, ran down the other end.

To the place in the facility where the zombies were locked up.

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