My Mage System (BL)

Chapter 171 - Pure Ancient Demons

Kevin added then especially to her : "Liam will be in direct contact with you so that you can cooperate and make this new network operational as quickly as possible."

And he said as he looked at Solomon, Kerry and Alice : "I know your alliance is new but I think you should work together on these hideouts.

They will be used mainly by the rebels and the people of the organization but we need the black market and Tony\'s network to supply them.

This is why we need those who are going to fight and their suppliers to work together to make this network as efficient as possible."

Just then a teleportation portal opened just next to them and Liam arrived a few seconds later, he glanced into the living room and raised an eyebrow when he saw that there were so many people.

He said as he looked at them all : "It\'s done, she\'s in a secure place ! And I can see that the rescue mission was a success too."

He came and sat down with them and Kevin explained to him his plan, Liam smiled and said : "That\'s a great plan, I was just wondering how I was going to use all the Teleportation Talisman papers that Ian had crafted.

I don\'t know how long he has been practicing crafting them and why he never told me about it but there must be a thousand of them in there."

He put Ian\'s magic bag on the table, he had taken it when he had put him to bed, and when piqued by curiosity he had opened it to see what was inside, he had discovered among other things all these Teleportation Talisman papers.

Liam also told them in a tone that was non-negotiable : "I will organize this from here, thanks to the communication stones I don\'t need to be present to coordinate everyone together and I want to stay with Ian until he gets better."

Kevin smiled and said to him : "Don\'t worry, let\'s not rush either, we need to find the perfect locations so everyone should take the time to think about it carefully before choosing them.

Let\'s try to get this new network up and running by the end of the year."

Everyone nodded and Liam said : "Okay, I think it\'s time for everyone to go home."

He looked at Solomon and Kerry and said to them : "I\'m not sure if a human was really involved in your kidnapping, and you\'re going to have to lay low for a little while, her disappearance is going to cause a lot of trouble."

He pulled out the Teleportation Talisman paper that Kevin had given him for his mission and handed it to Solomon saying : "Your ticket home, my mission is over, we just won a big battle today."

Kevin got up and went to get the file that had been left on the kitchen table, when he came back into the living room he handed it to Kerry saying to him : "Study it first, my knowledge of what happened 17 years ago is far too vague to be of any use right now, and I\'m going to have to work on something else in a very short time, so I won\'t have any time to devote to this file."

Kerry suspected that he was talking about freeing the Queen so he took the file, nodding, and simply said to him : "Thanks for everything."

Kevin smirked and said : "Things are about to change, so get ready."

Alan handed a magic bag to Solomon who took it and looked curiously inside, he opened his eyes wide when he saw that it was filled with bloodstones and Alan said to him : "There is the same amout of bloodstones that Kevin has already given to you, this is our contribution to a future peace between our two territories."

Solomon thanked them warmly and promised to make good use of it and Liam then added while looking at the three of them seriously : "Remember, no one must know about Kevin or Ian ... No one !"


In the demons territory inside the royal palace, the general still wounded by his burns came to make his report to the Minister of War, who was his superior and also the one in charge of eliminating the rebellion.

Both the Minister of War and their current King were pure ancient demons, even he who had been appointed general and was respected by the other demons because of his strength, was nothing compared to these two powerful demons.

Demons lived on average three times longer than humans and once they reached the age of 25 their bodies stopped aging.

On average they could live until the age of 300 but of course there were ways to extend their lives, only it was very difficult to get them.

As far as he knew the King and the Minister of War were the oldest demons and no one knew exactly how old they were.

The Minister of War was a powerful mage while the king was a fighter that no one had ever managed to beat.

Only, now that the mark had appeared on their right hand, it meant that there was a demon more powerful than their King and that he was their rightful King, but was he really powerful enough to fight against these two.

When he told to the Minister of War what had happened and what kind of spell had hurt him, this one had remained thoughtful for a moment, at least that was what he thought.

But in reality, as soon as his general told him what had happened, he couldn\'t help but think that his daughter might have been found out, and when he tried to contact her, his fears proved to be correct.

He hadn\'t succeeded in contacting her which was a first for more than 20 years, the rage invaded him at once and the poor general who was only making his report was struck by a force against which he could do nothing and he found himself projected against the ceiling.

Then suddenly this force let go of him and he crashed again to the ground, a purple hand made of particles of darkness came to clasp his neck and started to burn his skin like acid.

And when the Minister of War finally released him, he said in a sinister voice : "Attack all the rebel hideouts we have the coordinates of without delay, it is time to make a purge and show them that it is pointless to challenge the power in place."

He threw a Regeneration potion high grade to his general who was suffocating because of the burns he had just made around his neck and he said to him : "Idiot, against the burns made by purple flames the Healing potion high grade is ineffective, only the Regeneration potion high grade will be able to heal you, go now and exterminate them."

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