My Mage System (BL)

Chapter 439 My most powerful puppet

Miguel then told him : “You are in a dimension that we created on purpose to be able to interrogate even Gods, so unless we decide to release you, you will remain pinned down by these chains.”

Atlas then started to laugh like a madman and the black aura that escaped from his body became even more powerful than before.

“You really think you’re strong enough to hold me back, we’ll see about that.”

And while Miguel was about to draw from his reserve of golden particles that he kept precisely for this kind of case to protect everyone from this black aura that was beginning to spread everywhere by creating a giant shield, Lena suddenly got up and a dazzling white aura began to emit from her body.

Elias widened his eyes and said not believing his own eyes : “An Angel ? Lena is an Angel…”

Miguel, hearing Elias’ astonishment, said to him feeling a little guilty : “That’s right, I completely forgot to tell you about this… I found out earlier that Lena was an Angel and Sora was a Paladin, they were brought here by their uncle who left through a transdimensional teleportation portal when he was certain that they were safe in this world.”

Elias looked at him and say : “You forgot to tell me something so important…”

He finally sighed helplessly and looked at Lena before saying : “So at least now we’re sure, they finally removed their shield… But why did he leave Lena and Sora here ?”

Miguel then shrugged because Sora and Lena didn’t even know they were from another world, so he couldn’t gather any information from them.

And as they watched her approach Atlas, Miguel then said to everyone : “Above all, do not approach her, this white aura is much more destructive than it looks.”

He and Elias knew full well that the white aura around Lena had unparalleled destructive power and if Caleb tried to hold her back, his hand would immediately disintegrate.

They had only seen 3 Angels among the thousands that were in their world able to use this white aura, and when they had asked what this aura was because no element corresponded to this color, the Angels had told them that only the most powerful of them could use this aura.

This white aura was the combination of the 4 basic elements, water, wind, earth and fire as well as the element of light which allowed them to combine together and create this dazzling white aura.

When Miguel had learned this, he had had a hard time believing it because after all the Angels were not mages, they were simply humans, and the fact that the particles of light remain constantly around them, attracted like a magnet, had already been a revelation more than shocking for him.

So when he had learned that simple humans could not only attract particles of light but also those of water, wind, earth and fire, it was all his beliefs that had been turned upside down.

And when he had tried to reproduce this dazzling white light, he had never succeeded. Even with the help of the particles of light, associating together these 4 basic elements was something he couldn’t do.

He who was a Priest and who was supposed to be the greatest expert in magic, he had never succeeded in reproducing this extraordinary power.

So when he saw Lena using this white aura he said to Elias : “It seems that Lena and Sora are not ordinary people, maybe we should go and take a look at their origin and meet this famous uncle, what do you say ?”

Elias smirked and told him : “We won’t win this war with only our 54 Warrior Spirits, so I had already planned to seek help from our allies.

The Drakonits were on my list, and Ian will definitely help me get their support, but I must admit that the Angels and Paladins weren’t.”

Miguel didn’t add anything because Lena was now very close to Atlas and she asked him, leaving everyone stunned : “Who are you ? This aura is not Atlas’, but I can still feel him and I know he is trying to fight you.”

A twisted smile then appeared on Atlas’ face and the black aura then gathered above Atlas’ chest and it formed a face they knew well.


It was indeed Lilith’s face that had appeared above Atlas’ chest and her voice then echoed through the prison dimension : “It seems that you have succeeded in getting your hands on my most powerful puppet, what a shame…”

She then began to laugh insanely and Miguel immediately received a message from Ian, ‘This is not good, Lilith had turned my body into a human bomb, she may have done the same to Atlas.’

Miguel then remembered that it was Kevin with Alan’s help who had managed to free Ian from Lilith’s grip and so he immediately used his perception to the fullest extent of his power and again quickly scanned Atlas’s body looking for something that might have escaped him the first time he had controlled his body.

And then what he discovered left him speechless.

Lilith had actually trapped Atlas’ body and right now microscopic needles of black particles that were placed all around and inside his energy reserve were absorbing that black aura and it was growing by the minute.

And if Atlas’s energy reserve really exploded, there was a good chance that they would all die.

The explosion of such an energy reserve was able to destroy a world and create a black hole, so even if the explosion didn’t killed them they will be trapped inside a black hole and nothing would be able to save them.

He immediately turned pale and ordered everyone to leave the prison dimension.

Caleb immediately left, bringing Kelan with him and Isaac teleported with Jordan, they were too used to obeying orders especially when they were given in this way, but Lena, Ian and Liam stayed behind completely ignoring his order.

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