Monster Factory

Chapter 299: Setting a small goal.

This general appearance can be placed in the Department of machinery with more wolves and less meat, and still enjoy the class of flower-level treatment.

The girl asked a student behind her. The classmate’s family is also very good. He always likes to show off some famous brands in the class. But after watching for a long time, he didn’t found the clue.

Now students are much more active in class than after 8 o’clock. Someone started, and soon there are more students who are involved in the topic of watches.

They want to know what kind of watch the senior brought with him.

Exploring - it was a very interesting thing.

People can find out the answer in the moment they explore the answer and get great satisfaction in their hearts. What’s more, this exploration or the exploration of what kind of watch Ye Qing, the legendary scholar, brought, does not suit their appetite too much!

"I am going online to search!"

"I have a cousin who opens a watch store. I will take a photo and show it to him."

The cousin who opened the watch shop was very forceful. The picture passed in less than half a minute, and there was a rush of information in the chat box.

"I rely!"

"If I am not blind, this will be Patek Philippe, the most collectible 2499 watch."

"You can search this watch online. This one is red gold. Don’t get it wrong with gold money.

An indescribable sense of satisfaction came to the classmate. This feeling may only be in the LoL promotion, winning five kills.

He announced the answer aloud, and then the whole class was searching the Internet with their mobile phones.

Even Professor Cai Chenning, who quietly turned his back, used the mobile phone to enter the keywords of 2499 red golds limited editions.

In the following time, various unbelievable voices were heard in the classroom.

There are those who suck in the air conditioner, scratch their heads and shout why this watch is so expensive, and those who smash their legs and pucker their lips and say that some seniors lack hanging parts betwine their thighs. I want to give the students a difficult word like monkeys.

"Thirty or forty million Yuan the watch, if you want to bump them, a house will be gone."

"As a result, the seniors are willing to bring them out. According to the Internet, nine other such watches have been collected and passed on to the next generation."

The topic quickly stopped because their Ye Qing senior had changed their posture and said something that they could not understand if they broke their heads.

"We are scheduled to move this civil air defense project on October 1."

The students in the class were suddenly paralyzed.

"I am a professor, can the civil air defense project really move?"

"Two hundred thousand tons, I remember that the large objects moved as a whole, and the heaviest was only tens of thousands of tons. It was still moving on the ground. How can the civil air defense project move underground?"

"I don’t think it’s moving around, because the buildings are both left and right. There is not enough space at all. Will it move up and down?

"It is even more impossible to move up and down. Because of the ripples caused by the center of the earth, you must exert more force than the left and right translation to move it."

When the students can’t guess, they ask the professor if they know how to move the civil air defense project.

How to move, this involves technology in the field of machinery industry. This is the profession of Professor Cai Chenning. However, he spent a long time, and his brows became a group, and he uttered a sentence: "This problem is a homework, and everyone starts the brain and sets a reasonable plan."

"You pay homework before October 1st, when we select the closest plan to the design based on the scene of the construction site."

The class was suddenly silent, and the students looked at Professor Cai Chenning with horror. It was even more incredible to see the movement of the civil air defense project.

"Cough... watch TV, watch TV." Professor Cai Chenning turned his head to cover up his embarrassment.

This embarrassment did not last long. On TV, the person who fascinated many boys and looked straight into the eyes, and asked Ye Qing a question that made the majority very interested.

She asked Ye Qing, what words should I give to the young people in front of the TV?

"To plan an extraordinary life goal for yourself."

"Our company has an engineer."

"Now, he pinches a bunch of alloy wire casually and makes 30 million Yuan in a half-hour."

An inspirational story about a young man who was born in a mountainous area and didn’t even have enough to eat.

Although the first half of the story is the ingenuity of the Master Craftsmen is not right, the second half is not exaggerated.

In the class of mechanical engineering, the boys are all red eyes.

Not moved, but stimulated by those 30 million!

"Teaching professor, there is really someone who can do machinery. Can earn 30 million Yuan in a half-hour?" A male student in the front seat asked in a hurry: "When I started school, some seniors told me that single dogs were the ones who learn machinery, even their wives is not easy to find in the future?"

Professor Cai Chenning was drinking tea, and a mouthful of saliva came out directly. He was choked and coughed continuously.

"Which cough, which department?" Professor Cai Chenning clapped his chest fiercely and his face turned red, and said vaguely: "don’t your seniors tell you the answer?"

"I have never seen in half-hour earn of 30 million Yuan, but in the 85 years, Zhongyun No. 1 Machinery Factory has not yet closed down. There is something who makes me remember it until now."

“At that time, Zhongyun Thermal Power Plant built a new motor unit, the first machinery factory, which was responsible for producing a 5 oo megawatt power motor. The motor was to be used with the steam turbine. At that time, we did not manufacture steam turbines and could only import them from Germany. As a result, we produced them. The motor has a slight abnormal noise and jitter during operation."

"After turning to 15 oo, the motor with a diameter of 3 meters, abnormal sound and jitter, can be felt by the layman with his hand."

"The rated power of the motor is 18 oo rpm, and the power can’t be transferred. Naturally, the electricity can’t be connected to the grid. The most deadly is that under abnormal vibration, the steam turbine that powers the motive will be damaged by the variable box main shaft connection. ”

"At that time, the state’s foreign exchange was all earned by handicrafts. It was the rhythm of being scolded to death by the whole nation to destroy the steam turbine unit."

"At that time, a steam turbine unit was nine million dollars. At that time, the state’s foreign exchange was relied on handicrafts to earn a little bit, and the steam turbine unit was damaged. It was the rhythm of being scolded to death by the whole nation to destroy the steam turbine unit. ”

The students in the class did not speak, and they listened attentively to the professor to recall the past.

Professor Cai Chenning continued to drink tea and said: "All the experts of the First Machinery Factory are all coming. My supervisor and I are also invited to participate in the troubleshooting.

"As a result, all of us worked overtime for a total of three days, and assembled more than 20 tons of stator windings, rotor reloading. Finally, the main shaft was removed and measured inch by inch with the instrument. The teacher fufu touched it back and forth with his hand, and his hands were blistering."

“The result is that we think there is no problem. When the motor is reloaded, the abnormal noise continues to exist.”

"The power supply gap of Zhongyun lasted for a week, until Siemens sent technicians from Germany to maintain the steam turbine. We just met the savior and asked help from their technicians."

“German technicians only checked a skew and told us that the cause of the fault was found. But siemens asked for 100,000 US dollars to tell us where the problem is.”

"In the past, in 1985, according to my monthly salary of 60 Yuan, I had to eat or drink for two hundred years to earn so much."

"Here, I can’t do without the money."

Professor Cai Chenning’s face was full of regret: “The German technicians said that there was a slight deviation in the concentricity of the shaft hole of the spindle on the motor end caps on both sides.”

"Two covers and two holes, because the holes were not made well, we lost 100 thousand US dollars of foreign exchange that year in vain."

"In the year, 100,000 US dollars, according to purchasing power, how is it equivalent to us now have 10 million deposits."

After that, Professor Cai Chenning converted the tone of the language.

"Students, you say, if the mechanical engineering profession is well learned, can you earn a lot of money and go to the top of your life?"

"You can!"

The following students spoke in unanimous.

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