Monster Factory

Chapter 306: Absolute Security Is Importan

When they heard Ye Qing say that. This is one of the new products the company expects to launch. To test, employees are rushing to wear alloy operating clothing.

Finally, the main test task fell into the remote operations room of the transit warehouse.

These employees have a lot of operating experience. They can control the robot to do some simple movements just after putting on the alloy operation clothes. They were familiar with it for a while. Ten robots were in the office area.

"Does anyone want to pour water?"

"Don’t move, this trash can let me come."

"Give me this document and get busy with yours."

They volunteered to work. Unfortunately, after they messed up two things, they could only retreat to the corner and practice their own entertainment with brooms and tea sets.

They volunteered to work. But unfortunately, after having spoiled two things, they could only retreat obediently to the corner and practice their own entertainment with brooms and tea sets and other practical and fun exercises.

Then they opened their brains and began testing more advanced skills.

Someone is controlling the robot to write, some people have contributed their own notebooks. The control robot has their hands resting on the keyboard and mouse and is serious about typing, and takes a pair of scissors and trim the potted plants trembling.

In the afternoon, these staff, who have been testing the prototype, continuously send out a large number of experience reports.

At this time, the reports were on the conference table, where Ye Qing and several managers met to discuss.

In case...

Based on a score of one hundred, employees participating in the test can only give a maximum of forty percent.

The report sorted out three issues that needed to be addressed most, and dozens of issues that needed improvement.

The first is the operating distance.

The remote control equipment uses the 2400-2483 MHz band radio signal. It has the advantage of large data transmission in a short distance. Once the distance exceeds one hundred meters, the robot will have a video-like stutter scene.

If you move your finger, it may take a second for the robot to move halfway, or there is no response at all.

If the robot is controlled remotely within a hundred meters, it does not seem to have to do more than that. It is quite possible he can walk alone and complete what it’s needed in person.

Of course, this is only a prototype, and no auxiliary equipment has been installed yet. Through the ubiquitous wireless network, or 4G network, remote control of the robot from thousands of miles away. There is no technical difficulty at all.

The second problem is the return of the monitor screen.

Observe the surrounding environment of the robot through an 8-inch display on the waist or control the robot, and it is very easy to predict the wrong position.

For example, the control robot reaches for the soap and feels half a meter away. In fact, it is close to you and you can touch it with a little hand.

At the same monitoring point. The larger the focal length, the closer the scene. And the smaller the focal length, the farther the scene feels.

With intelligent focusing, a VR camera with analog human eye function can be broken.

The third issue is battery power.

Ten minutes of autonomous power supply time can almost determine that when it is far from the power supply, it can only be reduced to a bauble.

This is because the robotic arm simulates human motion and seems to be the simplest action, and the robotic arm needs all the stepper motors and the main joint hydraulic system to participate.

There is also a prototype machine that is only equipped with a set of ordinary lithium-ion batteries. If a higher energy density cobalt lithium battery and a battery management system are used, the power supply time will be further improved.

However, at the meeting, it was not the focus of the discussion.

"Boss, this kind of robot has great potential in the field of explosive ordnance disposal. Dangerous industry and even medical treatment." The manager of the network department, Ji Ke, has a dignified look on his brow and worries: "it’s just the core issue. How can we build a secure remote control network environment?"

"The robot arm 46 in the transit warehouse was hacked last time. We had to use physical isolation to prevent this from continuing.

"In case..."

"We use a remote network connection, then the possibility of being hacked and trying to steal the operation right is almost 100%."

"When a robot is used in a home or industry, stealing the right to remote operations is the most perfect crime. It can even kill people..."

"Without 100% secure network manipulation technology, we cannot risk adding network control modules and may not be able to obtain product certification certificates."

"We can ask for the Real Eye? Ask him to help us improve the shortcomings of network security." Sales manager Kong Tao is full of expectations: "He is afraid of the threat to his life, and we can very low-key not announce his appointment. And can help him with a bodyguard. "

The rest of the managers nodded; the mysterious Real Eye was really too powerful.

Since the last shot, the hackers have never invaded the company’s network system.

Ye Qing doesn’t know if he was scared or if the security software left behind by the Real Eye works. But no matter which one, it can prove the power of the Real Eye!

Ye Qing also understands the importance of network security. If this problem cannot be solved, robots cannot enter the commercial market.

Of course, robots are not the only products. From the perspective of the price and practicability, robots can’t penetrate into the lives of ordinary people like Apple phones.

However, in Ye Qing’s vision, the research and development and commercialization of robots are very necessary. The sooner they enter the market, the more important it is to build a product reputation.

It’s like a regular phone, with a smartphone.

Once waiting for the monster factory to master higher intelligent technology, through the early word of mouth of old-fashioned robots on the market, it can completely lead to life-changing innovations around the world.

Before having dinner, Ye Qing sent another email to Real Eye.

Now he should start school and is studying as a graduate student in a domestic college.

The content of the message is simple:

"Is there an absolutely secure network encrypted communication in this world?"

Ye Qing received a reply from Real Eye, which was already after dinner. Ye Qing was in a meeting at this time, and the company’s employees were asked to formulate an improved second-generation prototype based on problems found on the first prototype.

Even non-intelligent robots have ample market space.

This is based on Ye Qing’s investigation and analysis of common problems in life.

Receiving a new email, Ye Qing opened her mobile-phone mailbox and looked carefully at the long reply from Real Eye.

"There is only a relatively secure network communication method, and there is no absolutely secure communication method."

"No matter how complicated an electronic encryption lock is, it is no more than a key lock. There is too much uncertainty in the software, and almost all banking systems in the world have been attacked by hackers."

"Before we had a master in China, using the ATM machine’s internal network cable socket, successfully transferred 500,000 Yuan to our account."

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