Monster Factory

Chapter 382: Someone knocks on the door

Chapter 382: Someone knocks on the door

However, this is not the super long dragon in Ye Qing’s office, and the atmosphere is unbeautiful.

When making the tea, Yun Shi deliberately chose Mingjing’s specialty Longjing the famous national tea which is known as national tea, which can be purchased at tea shops all over the country. But not in many tea shops. You can buy a pound of parallel products for only a few tens of Yuan. This is a treasure picked from the eighteen mother trees in the Longjing of West Lake, which were grafted on the tea tree. Even in the high-yield year with favorable weather conditions, its price is more than 100,000 wicked yuan a pound.

West Lake Longjing tea has always been ranked as the top ten famous tea in China, and the eighteen mother trees in Longjing are the mothers of all Longjing tea trees. In ancient times, the emperor personally picked their leaves tea, so they were called eighteen Yuqian and the super-long Longjing which was grafted from the mother tree once, is already the best Longjing available on the market. More ever, the real mother tree has only two yields per year. If you want to buy the Longjing tea, I’m afraid you can only wait for the annual tea Fair to announce the auction share of ten grams and twenty grams for many competitors.

This was still the purchasing department of the company, which bought it at half-price from the oldest tea shop in Shanghai, the treasure shop of the town. Because there are only two pitiful portions in the teapot Yun Shi cooked only one-tenth.

Either way, she was convinced Ye Qing shouldn’t just drink it in one sip at a time like kung fu tea. He should not drink it from a glass but from a cup to taste it. In fact, Yun Shi has never seen a real premium Longjing, but since it was written on the teapot it should be true.

Longjing, which was cheaper than gold, was cooked well and has a pleasant scent. So, her serious president surely asked her to give him a cup.

Ye Qing gently took a sip, gave an arbitrary comment: "Huh~ It’s not bad, there is a feeling of fragrant lips and teeth... Right, how is your English?"

"Everyone can become a university teacher, OK." Of course, Yun Shi said this in her heart.

"No problem with normal communication. The percentage of international students in our schools accounts for 7%. Almost everyone can communicate and talk in English." Yun Shi puffed out euphemistically. When she just delivered tea, she saw Ye Qing reading English materials on the computer.

It is just that the president’s English is average, and the word dictionary must be opened while reading the information.

"Then you come to help me translate this information. The content is not too much. I will give you half a day. If you encounter a professional word that you don’t know, you can look up the dictionary." Ye Qing placed a notebook on the sofa and gestured her to come.

"After the translation, don’t go to work in the afternoon and go back to the dorm to rest."

Sure enough, Yun Shi heard she didn’t have to go to work in the afternoon and immediately became energetic. When she ran to the sofa, she saw the English information on the display, and her expression was more energetic.

English is not like Chinese. After mastering a few thousand commonly used words, you can read various professional materials at will. Even if you don’t understand professional terms, you can even guess according to the literal meaning. English is good, the words between different works let the layman who read it absolutely have the feeling of reading the book of heaven. Sometimes some words are too cumbersome, and abbreviations are used in the writing process, and laymen must turn over to the dictionary.

This is a paper about the balance of humanoid robots. Looking at the mark. It comes from a well-known paid literature website in Laomei. In the materials, the main aspects are electronic and process control.

Ye Qing was sipping tea while watching Yun Shi’s translations there. She did not even need to look up the dictionary. She looked very serious at work. After finishing a cup of tea, he found she didn’t even have a pause in her fingers. He couldn’t help but give her a label not only for her serious work but also for her strong business ability.

Just at the door, would it be too arbitrary to criticize her?

Ye Qing got his hair rubbed when he took out his mobile phone and brushed the circle of friends leisurely because when he consulted the WeChat, he saw some very familiar picture in the circle of friends. The picture was from a student of Ye Qing’s Department of Mechanical Engineering named Tang Jiedi. After graduation, he chose to stay at the university to study postgraduate. If it weren’t for this activity, he would post, Ye Qing even forgot that there was this friend in his circle of friends.

That was a close-up view of a nut, a partially enlarged view of the nut.

This nut was a gift from the Japanese University of Science and Technology. Tang Jie used a series of helplessness, sorrow, and backwardness to describe his mood. He also said that if he hadn’t learned at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, his face would be swollen by the people of the Japanese University of Science and Technology.

Ye Qing went to the intra-school forum again. Sure enough, 90% of the forums were posts related to the Japanese University of Science and Technology delegation.

A post titled "A Lost Game" attracted Ye Qing’s attention. The post has not been posted for a long time, and it said that at 8 o’clock this morning when the Japanese University of Science and Technology visited the school [Precision Measurement Joint Laboratory], the Shanghai University side, some proudly introduced a laser interferometer for the Japanese University of Science and Technology. And then what happened?

The laser interferometer is currently the world’s most extreme measuring device for detecting the length of objects.

We all know, the more you want to measure the limit data the more the environment around the instrument must be strict. When the length of an object is accurate to nanometers, even if a car passes by outside the laboratory, the data on the instrument may be changed. Therefore, the laser interferometer in the laboratory must be placed on a stable platform to eliminate external vibration.

Below the nanometer is the femtometer. To accurately, test the results below the nanometer, the laser interferometer and the detected object must be placed in a vacuum environment to eliminate the problem of slight refraction of the laser in the air.

The laser interferometer in the laboratory is a proud domestic device. Although there is no vacuum cover, the high-precision and stable platform below is also made in China, and it is built by China University.

However, after visiting the Shanghai University laboratory, the Japanese University of Science and Technology students laughed one after another. Speaking of this laser interferometer, not only were they using their country’s Japanese product for optical lenses, but there is also a gap in accuracy.

A laser interferometer is only the size of an old camera.

Originally, on the right-side science and technology side of Shanghai University, the problem of arrogance broke out again which was taken seriously. On the other hand, the Japanese Institute of Science and Technology students said they had also brought their laser interferometer with them to compare the accuracy with that of Shanghai University.

In this ratio, Shanghai University is completely defeated. Because the one produced by the Japanese was not only smaller in size, but also has a measurement accuracy that is an order of magnitude higher than that of Shanghai.

The comments below the post brushed more than a dozen pages and Ye Qing turned two pages, almost all of them sighed and sighed, humiliating the department of mechanical engineering to the grandma’s house.

With a smile, Ye Qing turned off the forum, called the Master Craftsman Ye Qiao, and asked if the screw was made.

"Five have been made, boss, do you want to continue?"

"I’m dizzy, don’t make anymore. This day, I’m going to make these polytechnic people stop laughing.

Ye Qing smiled and hung up the phone, but couldn’t help thinking of what a wonderful expression would be when they would see the screw screwed into the nut over the afternoon.

The nut stands for the Japan University of Science and Technology, and the screw stands for Shanghai University.


But in a flash, Ye Qing couldn’t laugh. Because when he looked up he found that Yun Shi, who had worked hard and he made her feel very responsible, was lying on the sofa unconsciously and fell asleep sweetly on the pillow...

"This guy can’t be praised." Ye Qing stood up and took a blanket and gently draped her. It seemed a little bit bad to stay here again. So, he was going to go to the new office area upstairs.


Outside the office, someone was knocking on the door.

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