Monster Factory

Chapter 439: The Watcher

Chapter 439: The Watcher

Technicians in the product research department had been doing the upgrading of the robots. While retaining the power system of the Explorer robot, they had made various alterations on it.

For example, they installed smart modules and wrote programs to allow robots to move autonomously. Various auxiliary modules were added to allow users to obtain more effective information through this industrial version of the robot.

Those factory users had also reported the problems they had encountered on weekdays or which features were most lacking. The second-generation product had been unfinalized, and Ye Qing was not in a hurry to finalize it.

The transformation of the ticket checking robot was also handed over to the Product Research Department by Ye Qing. There was no technical difficulty in this regard. There were only dozens of infrared scanning modules, and the research department had specially made a scanning watch to be worn on the robot’s wrist. It was different and did not affect the sales of the main product.

For a thousand industrial robots, there were still more than a hundred in the factory warehouse. Just go back at night and let the monsters make up for a few hours.

Before returning to the factory, Ye Qing also went to the underground laboratory of the Giant Monster Industrial Building to see the situation of Tianjin. He brought a batch of pure rough diamonds from the Lord’s Battleship returning from Nigeria. After all, he was promised to give Tianjin half.

Taking the large elevator straight to the laboratory, Ye Qing had rubbed his eyes in disbelief when he saw what there was in front of him. After two days of absence, the huge laboratory had completely changed its appearance.

Tianjin, which had certain financial rights, had purchased a lot of hardware equipment in these two days. And as long as the equipment could be made by the Monster Factory, Tianjin only needed to contact the Master Craftsman to obtain it.

He had also seen a 90-nanometer step-and-scan lithography machine, and the matching single crystal furnace, plate washer, chip packaging machine, placement machine, and so on. These devices were new and old, with a total value of over 100 million. This was a complete set of chip production equipment. Although there was still a big gap from the most advanced 14-nanometer, it was enough to produce most industrial chips.

A semicircle, similar to the command center in a science fiction movie, was located in the original office location of Tianjin. A total of twelve arc-shaped displays form a semicircle, and there was also a rhythmic keyboard tapping sound. Ye Qing walked around these displays while weighing the diamond bag in his hand. He wanted to give Tianjin a surprise.

Wait... Why did the Electrocristalline suddenly become taller than itself... The picture seemed to be wrong, and the one sitting in the command center was not a one-meter tall Electrocristalline. It was a robot with human limbs. At this time, it was plugged in behind its head, sitting in front of the monitor, and tapping the keyboard.

Had it not been for the robot’s upper body, the Explorer robot from Monster Heavy Industries, Ye Qing would almost throw the diamond bag as a weapon and then choose to call the police.

Suddenly he had seen a robot with two legs sitting on a chair. Ye Qing had even seen a monster. But had he seen this intubated robot sitting on a chair and playing League of Legends?

At this moment, the screen had just jumped into the Summoner’s Canyon, and Ye Qing hadn’t clearly seen what hero the robot had chosen. It used an electric hand to type a sentence on the keyboard.

The invisible Electrocristalline: "You lie down for me."

"I’m already lying down, lying in my husband’s tender arms."

"Great God, do you need me to deliberately sell a few waves to increase your interest?"

"Wow, kaka~ I was abused by the great god and cast in a psychological shadow. The heavens had pity on me and the great god stood together."

Ye Qing is standing behind eyes fixed and looking straight, this robot can even chat. After typing, it remained motionless like a statue, waiting for the whole army to attack.

Preoccupied to watch this robot perform, he suddenly noticed the corner of his clothes was gently pulled.

"Who do I rely on?"

Ye Qing turned his head, now it was a one-meter high Electrocristalline.

"Boss, are the robots I did were good?" Tianjin raised his ears proudly, expressing his expectation.

Ye Qing looked back at the screen, at this point, the game has started. The robot was operating a keyboard and mouse to a speed that could be uncaptured by the naked eye, with a nine tail fox demon in the middle of the line.

Robot-operated Yasuo, who had used a test of his positioning ability, will face this Ahri. His main skills were directional skills. Yasuo dodged them all in thrills and frequently blocked the release of the demon Ahri by a wind wall. After reaching the third level, Yasuo directly resisted the damage of the defensive tower and killed it.

Ye Qing looked at Tianjin again which was next to him, showing him the robot had the ability to operate the game independently. The key was this robot had two legs.

Twenty minutes later, the robot-operated Yasuo directly forced the opponent to surrender with a record of 24:2.

This robot should be able to accurately calculate all talent runes, plus level skills and damage caused by creeps. When Ye Qing had watched him finish killing several times, his own blood volume had fallen to single digits, which was so thrilling that it couldn’t be more thrilling.

But it was immortal. When they were on the line, all the pointing skills were hidden, and the killing of people under the tower is like searching for money and Ye Qing wanted him to help him improve his account.

The final fog was pushed away by Electrocristalline.

In the body of the robot, a drive motherboard is installed by Electrocristalline, and the transmission system and electric signal control system had also been modified. The driver board contained software won from Real Eye, but this software could only be used to identify the dynamic data of League of Legends.

The principle was simple, but it was harder to do everything with robots than to climb the Himalayas. To recognize the screen through a high-resolution camera, the robot should have the same precise finger mobility as a machine tool to control the keyboard and mouse. And how to convert data into mechanical movement involved very complex mechanical automation knowledge.

In order to complete the precise operation, Tianjin had specially modified the keyboard, affixed identification codes on the keycaps, and had replaced the mouse pad with a grid-like capacitor plate to increase the accuracy of the mouse movement.

"Can it walk?"

Ye Qing asked the most important question. The balance ability of robots has always been a nightmare for mechanical engineers. Ordinary people walking with potholes don’t even have to tilt their bodies. But with a robot, the chance of falling into a dog and eating shit is as high as 99.

"For now, it’s okay to move on flat ground."

"I’m already discussing a new dynamic balance software design scheme with Teacher Real Eye." Tianjin had held the tablet and clicked several times on a software interface that Ye Qing had no clue.

"By the way, Boss, I gave it a name, it’s called the Watcher One."

The industrial version of the robot was called the Explorer, the home version of the guardian. Now Tianjin had produced the Watcher One itself. At least from the name, these three robots were very good.

After Tianjin finished speaking, the Watcher One slowly turned his head and looked at Tianjin.


The less obvious mechanical movement sounded, and the Watcher One got up from his chair. Then stepped out the legs of the silver-white metal shell.


The Watcher One’s steps were stiff, but every step he took, Ye Qing felt his heartbeat a few times.

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