A New World, an immersive game experience

Chapter 798 The Imbalance Of Two Lives

He could not be sure which side was winning, nor what the outcome was going to be in the end. He could only pray that things would work out well. Since his interface was still working, Eldrian assumed things were currently still fine for GAIA—at the very least.

It working also meant he wasn\'t cut off from what was currently happening. He couldn\'t hop onto the forum as that part had never been open to the interface GAIA was providing him. But Elizabeth kept him updated on how Miracle had handled the rest of the situation.

The tournament finale was going to be held in half an hour. A short recess was to be held to allow everyone to stretch their legs and get some refreshments.

Eldrian wasn\'t sure if he should try to move to deliver his speech or accept that things had not worked out as he wanted. In fact, he couldn\'t get back to the arena without GAIA or Ziraili\'s assistance, so he guessed the option wasn\'t even an option.

"Do you think we should inform my parents?" Ceph asked. The two had gone to the edge of Avgi to talk in peace. Just outside, they could see many moving silhouettes in the distance. It appeared like an army was gathering.

"I\'m not sure what good it will do." Eldrian replied, "Plus, I think they might suspect something already."

"Maybe... But I doubt they would think that our world is a simulation. They likely suspect something regarding the gods and their ploys, but not that the gods are artificial creations themselves." Ceph countered.

Ceph wasn\'t sure what \'AI\' meant. As he understood it, the gods were like living creations. Legendary pieces of magical items. Ceph knew his dad had such a weapon, so this line of thinking made more sense to him.

"Does that information help?" Eldrian asked while watching the moving masses. Sighing as he realized Taurus was about to experience yet another attack.

And that made his question all the more important. Ceph also paused, considering it as he, too, turned to the moving masses far in the distance.

For now, the mass was actively avoiding Avgi. Knowing well that should they dare approach, they would be annihilated. But in time, perhaps, they would turn their sights towards them.

Everyone already had so many things to worry about with the invasion. Normal life itself was already draining. Adding a fight for survival was simply too much. Then add this too to the equation.

There was no telling how great the news might affect people. And there was no upside. It wasn\'t like knowing made anything easier or allowed them some insightful advantage over others. In fact, it might make everything feel meaningless.

It was simply something that would weigh on the minds of those they told. Make them question themselves and their entire lives, their entire existence.

So far, everyone Eldrian had told had managed to come to grips with the revelation with relative ease.  However, that was not something that could be expected from everyone.

As Eldrian looked at the moving masses, he felt he had to reevaluate yet again how he had been approaching things. Eldrian had thought he was placing ANW first in mind when he acted. But in retrospect, he was clearly prioritizing his Earth life over his ANW one.

This was perhaps a natural thing. After all, Earth was his true home. Where he had been born, and where his \'real\' body lay. Currently in a coma, as his soul had shifted to ANW.

\'No, that isn\'t it...\' Eldrian thought. It wasn\'t that he was neglecting ANW, but rather that he had been neglecting Earth. In essence, he might as well be dead there. His body was in a coma 90% of the time, after all.

\'I guess when the time came, and I saw a chance to change that, it was too much for me to ignore...\'

The frustration of needing to stay in hiding, away from his family and constantly on guard, Eldrian realized it had worn him down. He realized now, in retrospect, that he had gone through with the plan simply because he wanted things to change. Because he was so frustrated about how caged he felt.

He had thrown his life into ANW simply because the alternative was life as a fugitive. It wasn\'t truly his personal decision.  Superficially, he had focused on ANW. But subconsciously, his mind had never left Earth.

Eldrian did not question either\'s importance, but the importance in his heart, he realized, weighed in Earth\'s favor. \'Not that that is a bad thing. It is like moving from your homeland to a foreign land. You can love both, but your homeland will always have a special place in your heart.\'

This thought helped Eldrian rationalize his recent actions. The problem wasn\'t which he valued more, but that he hadn\'t been aware he was weighing the two against each other in his heart. \'As long as I don\'t forget this going forward, it should not be a problem.\'

With this clarity, Eldrian thought back to what had happened today. Clearly, he  should not have rushed. Not until he was more certain of what Miracle\'s aim was and what cards they held. Most of all, he should not have rushed until he could safeguard his family.

Yet, with the fight against Zaphreal, Eldrian wasn\'t sure if that would ever be a possibility. Not without help. \'That is perhaps the silver lining in all this. As I claimed victory, Zaphreal should protect my family. I\'m not sure exactly how much protection he can offer, but at least I have an ally in him—\'

Eldrian\'s train of thought paused as he wondered if this was perhaps Zaphreal\'s aim. \'But why? Why would he want to help me?\'

"Care to share?" Ceph asked, and Eldrian was truly glad for the offer.

Eldrian explained how weird it felt that the contract had been so loose regarding the duel\'s regulations, essentially allowing him an avenue towards victory. "I\'m certain they know of our bond and the ability to teleport. Elizabeth even told me they explained it to the audience..."

"Yeah, that\'s weird. If he wanted to ensure his victory, he wouldn\'t have allowed that to be present." Ceph nodded, adding, "Alternatively, you could have simply run from the start and the duel would also have been a draw, since you wouldn\'t be able to kill each other."

"Wait... What?!" Eldrian was stunned by the simplicity of it. Perhaps that was what Zaphreal had suspected Eldrian to do. However, Eldrian had never thought of simply turning tail without putting up a fight.

\'Why did the thought never even enter my mind? Is it because of the convenience of being only in an avatar? That death did not matter, and more importantly, was I trying to inch out an advantage? Yet, why did a complete retreat never cross my mind?\'

Eldrian realized something as he thought of this. He considered both worlds as real, but they did not have the same rules. He couldn\'t approach both with the same mindset.

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