The Villains Need to Save the World?

Volume 4 Chapter 198: The Chief Commander Of This Combined Fleet Isn’t Proper At All

Volume 4 Chapter 198: The Chief Commander Of This Combined Fleet Isn’t Proper At All

Translator: The Light

Edits by Kenny

On the northern bank of the Sacred River Selma, in Fremont Lair, Bella and Holy Swordsman Cynthia headed deep into the lair with Mechanical Creator Andrea’s guidance. As they moved deeper into the lair, Holy Swordsman Cynthia felt more and more uncomfortable.

Deep in the lair, there were all sorts of monsters. Most girls were disgusted by insects. Cynthia wasn’t any different. She subconsciously grabbed Bella by the sleeve and followed her like a little girl.

Andrea saw it but didn’t say anything. A smile appeared on her face; she seemed amused by Cynthia’s timidity. According to the classification and category, Fremont Lair was only a low-level nest, and its contents weren’t that frightening.

Even Gods were horrified by real lairs, much less humans. Fremont Lair was an improved version of the lair. With the intervention of Mechanical Creator Andrea, there were many traces of advanced machinery in the lair. In fact, it didn’t look that scary.

In the depths of Fremont Lair, Bella saw many new types of metalized demons, such as the Noyes Dragon and other new varieties. Andrea had already set up a complete metalized demon fleet for the naval battle. Unlike ordinary wooden ships, these demons had more fighting power than all the fleets on earth combined.

“Bella, you’re here. I’ve already helped you to detect the space coordinates. Later, I can help send the fleet to the designated location. Don’t worry. I’m more professional than Noesha!”

“Mmm, Alfreia, you’re here? Then I’ll have to trouble you. After this battle, I’ll send you a present!”

Near the demon fleet, Bella met Extradimensional Creator Alfreia, who was sitting here eating candy. Alfreia was dressed in a pink Gothic loli costume. Seeing Bella, she got up and skipped up to her. Bella immediately reached into her storage ring and took out the candy that she had saved for a rainy day and handed it to Alfreia.

Bella carried a lot of small gifts that girls liked in her storage ring. Having picked up girls for a long time, naturally, she would have a lot more of these sorts of things. Of course, aside from these small gifts, Bella also brought ropes, gag balls and other “sinful props.” As to carry them, the secret has long been self-evident.

The artillery fire on both sides of the Sacred River Selma continued endlessly. The demons and Dark Human didn’t require rest. At night, cannons lit up the entire Selma River as if it were daytime. The two sides began a night battle.

If there weren’t any unforeseen circumstances, all-day combat was no problem for the two sides who didn’t need rest. This kind of combat mode was impossible for Beastmen and Humans. A day of the war, such a bitter job, only demons who wouldn’t grow tired could persist in such an arduous task like a whole day of battle.

Dark Night Demon King Aggy didn’t take part in the defensive battle on the Sacred River Selma. She went to visit her best friend, Demon King of Death, who didn’t come due to some unexpected circumstances on her way here. The Demon Kings who commanded the defensive positions on the southern bank of the Sacred River Selma were Terror Demon King Griffin and Bone Demon King Trollope. They commanded operations from Ancient Todd City and didn’t come to the defensive frontlines on the southern bank of the Sacred River Selma.

Unfortunately, Bella and the others didn’t know about this. Bella believed that Dark Night Demon King Aggy was still in charge of the line of defense on the southern bank of the Sacred River Selma and hadn’t left the area. Underworld Demon King Cornice was merely a candidate for Demon King. She was undergoing “Demon King training” with Creator of Darkness Mystica. She was temporarily unable to take part in a one-on-one fight between Demon Kings.

At present, Bella thought it was a three-on-three fight between Demon Kings. If the numbers were the same, her side might not have the advantage. Therefore, Bella vetoed the original plan to get the Demon Kings to fly over to the opponent and play their big moves.

The artillery fire on the Sacred River Selma was still ongoing, but Bella had quietly left the frontlines. With the help of Extradimensional Creator Alfreia, Bella brought a “mysterious fleet” and teleported out to sea.

As compared with Noesha’s time-space magic, Alfreia’s time-space teleportation magic was the most advanced type of teleportation. This was the work of a Creation God, so the Demon Kings on the southern bank of the Sacred River Selma didn’t even discover this anomaly.

Out in the vast sea, a mysterious fleet was quietly sailing. It was the morning of the next day. The rays from the morning sun out at sea spilled onto this black fleet, bringing some warmth to this mysterious fleet that seemed terrifying.

This mysterious fleet was massive in scale. From a visual estimate, there looked like thousands of “ships.” They appeared together like a dark “shadow” moving through the sea is running, which was frightening. The ships in the fleet were divided according to the types of warships from the old world.

Compared with all the wooden ships in the world, this mysterious fleet was terrifying. This mysterious fleet had metalized demons similar to an aircraft carrier, Leviathan Beast. The Leviathan Beast was named after a from Sea Demonic Dragon from an ancient book that was a black whale-like demonic beast that looked like a demonized killer whale.

The Leviathan Beast’s back had undergone Mechanical Creator Andrea’s magic alterations and had many buildings on it. These buildings with different functions provided the Leviathan Beast the feature of manned navigations on the sea.

The length of each Leviathan Beast was more than six hundred meters, which was more than twice the length of the largest aircraft carrier in the previous world. Calling it a super aircraft carrier wasn’t at all an exaggeration. On the Leviathan Beast’s back, there were many flying demons. These pterosaur-like demons were called Hadyn Wyverns.

Hadyn Wyverns were more than thirty meters in length, comparable to the jumbo fighter jets from the previous world. Because the Hadyn Wyverns stood in the same posture as a bat, the actual area occupied was much smaller than that of a fighter jet. Their primary function was similar to the fighter jets of the previous world and were air combat demons.

On top of that, there were also many naval type demons in this mysterious fleet. They all had metal components on their bodies as well. As a product created from the combination of dark and mechanical civilization, it seemed more appropriate to call them metal demons.

The demons established each Leviathan Beast as the center and divided into several sub-fleets. This mysterious fleet had hundreds of Leviathan Beasts and was divided into hundreds of fleets. According to the benchmark from her previous world, this was equivalent to a combined fleet of hundreds of aviation battle regiments. The terror of their combat power was self-evident.

Bella was on the main flagship. This Leviathan King was more than a thousand meters long, and its skin was so dark it looked like a black reef. It was more than twice the size of a regular Leviathan Beast. On the flagship, there was a thirty-meter long Hadyn Wyvern King in command. The strongest force in the entire mysterious fleet was concentrated here.

The vast sea had always been a place people yearned for. Bella stood on the deck and watched the sunrise out at sea, revealing a relaxed smile. As chief commander of the largest combined fleet in the history of the world, the outfit she was wearing had nothing to do with her position as chief commander of the fleet.

Bella was wearing a black bikini, which had a bold cut-out design in many places and looked more like sexy lingerie. This sort of bikini was unsuited to be worn in public, only for private parties.

Behind Bella was a clear swimming pool designed according to the standards of luxury cruise ships by Mechanical Creator Andrea and could accommodate many. Holy Swordsman Cynthia stood not far behind Bella. She was wearing a purple bikini with a design similar to Bella’s and had a cut-out design. Bella’s and her bikini looked as if they were “sweetheart bikinis.”

Cynthia was using her real face now. Her long silvery hair looked especially striking. From the back, Bella had the illusion as if she were Kriss or Ariel.

“Bella, tell me, this is a naval ship, right? I’m not in some brothel, am I?”

“Mmm, Cynthia, relax. This is really a broth-... really a naval ship. Your swimsuit is a great fit and looks beautiful! Don’t be so rigid. We’re not working right now. Why do you like to put on a serious face more than President Maria?”

Cynthia was speechless as she looked at Bella, who appeared completely relaxed. In the swimming pool, President Caroline and Miss Emily were also there. President Caroline was wearing an orange bikini, and Emily was wearing a blue bikini. Before leaving, Bella took them along with her to the fleet.

They were “important hostages.” One was the daughter of Duke Brandon, while the other was the sister of Bella’s arch-enemy, President Carlos of the Golden Legend Society. Bella wasn’t at ease because she was afraid that they would run away.

As for the other “captives,” Vice President Anya was being watched by her sister Annie, while Lola was in charge of watching President Dinah. Princess Khalifa and Death God Maureen, as well as a large number of beauties such as the four Beastman princesses, were all under the watch of Succubus Queen Aisha and her subordinates. There was no way they could run away.

Caroline and Emily both looked powerless. Although they were sitting in the swimming pool, their mouths had been stuffed with small gag balls, and they couldn’t speak at all. Their hands and feet were bound by transparent silk. They weren’t exactly enjoying themselves in the pool, more like being imprisoned by Bella.

Caroline and Emily didn’t dare to raise any objections. Bella had said that anyone who didn’t obey would swim naked. Obedient girls could only own bikini. To avoid the embarrassment of being naked in broad daylight, Caroline and Emily chose to give in.

Besides the swimming pool, there were many beautiful girls in bikinis. They were girls from Frederica Academy. Bella had “rescued” them from Two-Headed Ogre Nelson’s secret room on New Moon Island. Under the guidance of Succubus Queen Aisha and her succubi subordinates, these beautiful girls had already resigned to their identity as personal maids.

Bella was more lax with these beauties and didn’t tie them up. They were incapable of magic and couldn’t run even if they wanted to. For the sake of drawing a distinction, the average beauty wore a bright white bikini, while the other beautiful girls of Frederica Academy were wearing pink bikinis. It was to make it easy for Bella to look for girls to meet her needs.

Frederica Academy, one of the twelve human academies, was located in the eastern part of the Arcana country, Aldridge Empire. Because it was close to the sea, students often went out to sea on ships and were better on water. This was why Bella had taken the girls from Frederica Academy out to sea. They had a richer experience in sailing on the seas and were better qualified for this job than the girls from other academies.

Bella was carrying a large glass of orange juice in her right hand that had a slice of lemon and a small tube at the edge of the glass. It seemed as if Bella was on vacation at sea. She didn’t appear as if she had any connection with the fleet commander. No fleet commander went to sea in a bikini to command operations. This was simply a blasphemy against the majesty of the navy!

Bella didn’t care at all about her image! She had previously designed a very serious looking, pure black navy dress. That handsome fleet commander’s uniform had been placed in the captain’s room.

At the edge of the swimming pool, the girls of Frederica Academy were propping up a barbecue grill. They used this campfire to barbecue seafood. All kinds of deep-sea creatures captured by the demons had been transformed into delicious seafood by the skillful cooking of these beauties.

On the barbecue grill, there were plenty of deep-sea fishes and squids being grilled. The barbecue rack had also placed a small pot. The deep-sea crab soup was stewing in the pot. The whole deck was filled with the delicious smell of seafood. Bella gulped and pretended to be calm as she waited for the food.

Be it in the past world or this Other World, seafood was undoubtedly a rare delicacy. Holy Swordsman Cynthia’s ability to endure was a little worse than Bella’s. She had already gathered around the barbecue grill and put on a serious look just to ask about the grilling methods.

On Cynthia’s chest hung the Holy Cross of the Radiant Church, which was upside down, symbolizing that she had betrayed her faith. However, Caroline and Emily didn’t know the specific meaning of wearing the Holy Cross upside down. They, too, believed that Cynthia was a staunch believer in the Radiant Church and had only been temporarily blinded by Bella, this demoness.

“Stop looking at her. Cynthia and you girls are the same. You’re all mine! Just relax! After this war, I will let you go back to school. After all, learning is the most important thing! Right now, all the academies in the empire are on holiday. Or else, I would’ve let you go back!”

Emily and Caroline had long gotten used to Bella’s “shamelessness” and allowed her to pinch their faces as she uttered her lies. As if Bella would let them go so easily. The transparent silk that bound their hands and feet was the best evidence of her crimes.

Currently, all the academies of the Imperial Alliance were temporarily on holiday because of the war. It wasn’t a problem for them to endure this a little longer. Anyways, after they returned to school, they wouldn’t have to see this witch anymore. Caroline and Emily naively thought so. They didn’t know that Bella was a student of Olsylvia Academy. They simply thought that as long as school started, they could escape from Bella’s “clutches” by returning to their respective academies.

There were quite a several “captured” beauties who shared the same thoughts as Emily and Caroline. They all naively believed that their schools were the safest shelters and that they could escape Bella’s harassment.

Who would’ve thought that school was the most dangerous place? Bella kept a low profile because of the threat of an encounter at any moment. If it were a safe and undisturbed school environment, many of these “captured” beauties wouldn’t be able to get out of bed now.

Bella’s mysterious fleet was sailing southeast of the Beastman Continent towards the surrounding waters of the Priestley Continent. New Moon Island was located southeast of Priestly Continent. The Black Fleet that departed from Dulles Isle, a sub-island of New Moon Island, was sailing towards the northwest under the command of Ocean Demon King Victoria.

If nothing unexpected came up, the two fleets would encounter each other head-on at sea. They were traveling towards each other, so it was only a matter of time before a head-on collision occurred. Prior to this, the Phantom Fleet led by Sea Demonic Dragon Amy Beth and New Moon Demonic Dragon Dorothea will first meet Bella and the Ocean Demon King Victoria’s Black Fleet.

The Phantom Fleet, which departed from the port in the rear of the main island of New Moon Island, went out to sea ahead of the Black Fleet. The number of ships on both sides was probably about the same. The difference was perhaps the strength of the commanding general. New Moon Demonic Dragon Dorothea and Sea Demonic Dragon Amy Beth teamed up to face Ocean Demon King Victoria and her subordinate, Siren King McMillan.

Based on their victories, Ocean Demon King Victoria’s side had a significant advantage. The twelve old Demon Kings had easily defeated the Twelve Gods of the God World. As Holy Beasts, Sea Demonic Dragon Amy Beth and New Moon Demonic Dragon Dorothea could easily win the battle against Siren King McMillan but would find it difficult to fight against Ocean Demon King Victoria.

They had to speed up. Bella didn’t want to watch the Phantom Fleet fall. She wanted to rush to the scene to support the Phantom Fleet before the Phantom Fleet meets with the Black Fleet. Bella sipped her orange juice and held her grilled squid in one hand, surveying the surface of the sea in the distance.

Since Extradimensional Creator Alfreia didn’t know the specific coordinates, she could only send Bella’s mysterious fleet to an area close to the Black Fleet. The rest was up to Bella’s mysterious fleet.

“Hey, the fleet on the other side is... That’s strange; we’ve bumped into them so soon. Wait... The fleet on the other side isn’t made up of wooden ships... Where did it come from?”

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