Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1087 – Meeting Allen again

Chapter 1087 – Meeting Allen again

Feng Yu is not concerned about Microsoft’s plight, and he appeared in public again in the US. Once again, Feng Yu appeared in LA Wind and Rain Arena to watch his team’s game.

This year, the Wind and Rain team had gotten two draftees. One of them is Wang Zhizhi, from China, and the other is Manu Ginóbili, from Argentina. Feng Yu had used his connection to get Wang Zhizhi from his current team. He will be the substitute for Rodman, and Manu Ginóbili will remain in Europe for training.

In the first round of drafts, the Wind and Rain team got a player named Metta Sandiford-Artest, and a player named Andrei Kirilenko. Kirilenko immediately asked Andrei Kirilenko from Feng Yu, as he says this player is his countrymen, and he will groom him.

Metta Sandiford-Artest and another player, whose contract is almost up, are traded for Hakeem Olajuwon from the Rockets.

Hakeem Olajuwon is no longer at his peak and is plagued with injuries. Or else, Rockets will not release him.

But Feng Yu had still insisted on completing this trade, as there is no better center forwards in the market. The players Feng Yu targeted are either not for sales, or the teams want to trade the player for Carter or Pierce. These two players can attract fans and will be the pillars of the team. Feng Yu will never trade them for other players.

Just happen, the Rockets will rebuild their team, and both parties agreed to the trade. Although Wind and Rain team’s salary had increased, Feng Yu does not mind. He only wants his team to improve and play exciting matches.

After Hakeem Olajuwon joins the Wind and Rain team, he immediately becomes the big brother of the dressing room and can keep Rodman in check. He has lots of experience and can impart to the rest of the youngsters.

The Wind and Rain team is currently using two main strategies. The players for the first team are Olajuwon, Rodman, Pierce, Carter, and Billups. They are the main players for the team.

Pierce and Carter are explosive players, while Olajuwon is the support. Billups is strong in defense, and with him around, this strategy’s defense will be better.

The substitutes, Mobley, Lewis, Alston, are also fast offensive players and can easily partner with Pierce, Carter, or Wang Zhizhi.

Before this year’s all-star game, LA Wind and Rain team are in the sixth position of the western division. Their ranking had shocked many experts. This team was rebuilt last year, and they managed to enter the playoffs in their second year!

Many teams belittled Wind and Rain Team. They felt this is a team full of youngsters and old and injured players. Even when they qualify for the playoffs, they will also be out in the first round.

The two most outspoken teams against the Wind and Rain team are LA Lakers and Portland Trail Blazers.

Lakers are unhappy with Wind and Rain because they are from the same city and share the same arena. Even their fans are the same. That’s why they have fierce competition. This year, the Lakers had performed very well because of Shaq. They are currently first in the western division, and their target is the overall champions.

Portland Trail Blazers is against Wind and Rain is because of Paul Allen. His enmity with Feng Yu had reached another level after the latter sold his Microsoft shares.

The media describe the relationship between Feng Yu and Paul Allen as fire and water. Some media even exposed that Feng Yu had bought a basketball team because of a bet with Paul Allen. Feng Yu will buy the lousiest team in the NBA and rebuilt it to beat the Blazers!

In the previous meeting, Wind and Rain had won against the Blazers, and this time, Paul Allen announces that they are back for revenge!

After Feng Yu asked Coach Karl, he told the media. “Wind and Rain will defeat the Blazers again.

During this match, Olajuwon, which always plays for around 20 minutes, played for 35 minutes.

In the end, Wind and Rain won 107:91. During the after-match conference, Olajuwon added salt to the Blazers’ wounds. “Don’t let us meet in the playoffs, or else, you all might not even get through the first round!” Olajuwon is also unhappy with the Rockets for trading him away. He wants to prove he can still dominate the courts!

Paul Allen is furious when he saw the smiling Feng Yu. If Feng Yu had not sold his Microsoft shares, the share prices would not plunge.

After the match, Feng Yu went over to stop Paull Allen from leaving. “Paul! It’s been a while. How are you doing?”

Paul Allen felt like strangling Feng Yu and shouting at him. “Microsoft share prices have been falling, and you are asking me this question?! My team had just lost to your team. What do you think?!”

This is like cutting someone with a knife and sprinkling salt over it!

Paul Allen let out a loud “Hmph!” and tried to walk away. He does not want to speak to Feng Yu!

“Eh... eh... eh... Paul... we have known each other for so long, and I must host you when you come to LA. Let me treat you to dinner, ok?”

Paul Allen snapped. “I will not dine with you!”

Paul Allen remembered the unpleasant experiences in China when Feng Yu mentioned dinner.

“How about coffee then? We can talk about Microsoft over coffee.”

Paul Allen is furious. “You have nothing to do with Microsoft anymore, and we have nothing to talk about!”

Feng Yu is trying to humiliate me! I will never give him this opportunity!

Feng Yu shrugged his shoulders. “That means Microsoft is going to lose the lawsuit... Oh, when is Microsoft going to launch the new operating system?”

“What has it got to do with you?”

“Of course. I am Lenovo Group’s shareholder, and Lenovo’s contract with Microsoft still has one year.” Feng Yu smiles.

“Then it should also be Liu Chuanzhi to ask! Also, Microsoft will not lose the lawsuit!”

“Paul... we are partners before, and here’s a piece of advice for you. Quickly sell away your Microsoft shares and invest in something else. Microsoft share prices will not rise.” Feng Yu advises, ‘sincerely.’

“What a joke! Who are you to give me advice?! Do you think I need you to teach me when to hold or sell my shares?! I am leaving! I have nothing to say with you!”

After Paul Allen left, Feng Yu smiles. Regardless of whether Paul Allen sells or holds Microsoft shares, the share prices will still plummet.

If Paul Allen sells his shares, it will speed up Microsoft shares’ crash, and his assets will shrink. But if he doesn’t sell his shares, his assets will still shrink.

No matter what Paul Allen does, he will suffer massive losses.

The US market crash had started... Hmmm... Maybe I can speed it up!

Translator’s notes:

Wang Zhizhi

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