History's Number 1 Founder

Chapter 269: The Bracelet and the Grasshopper

Once he was done with the lottery, Lin Feng’s attention diverted to the things that he had once neglected.

When he first heard that it was Yue Hongyan who had subdued the Avici Infernal Gale, he did not give much thought to it. After all, luck was often on her side.

But upon further deliberation, he felt something amiss.

Even with Xiao Budian’s help, it was not practical for Yue Hongyan, who was still in the Foundation Establishment Stage, to subdue the Avici Infernal Gale. Question is, how on earth did she manage to bring it back?

According to his sources, the gale was not kept in Xiao Budian’s Green Bronze Crucible of emptiness, but held on to by Yue Hongyan.

Previously on Mount Kunlun, when Gao Fan of the Aeolus sect tried to subdue the Grand Moon Primordial Water, he had no choice but to borrow the Great Furnace of the Commons. Even then, one wrong step landed him in utter defeat.

Subsequently when Yang Qing managed to subdue it, credit had to be given to Gao Fan for laying the foundations of subduing it the first time.

Notwithstanding the fact that Yue Hongyan had already surpassed Gao Fan, the truth of the matter was that the Avici Infernal Gale was many times more aggressive than the Grand Moon Primordial Water. Lin Feng simply could not fathom how Yue Hongyan could accomplish such an incredible feat.

Yue Hongyan fell silent at Lin Feng’s inquisition and handed him a crimson bracelet.

He inspected it for a while, then tested it out with his spiritual power. To his amazement, the bracelet contained countless number of Avici Infernal Gales!

Upon further observation, Lin Feng concluded that it was no magic treasure or item, neither did it contain any special power of sorts.

The capacity to contain the Avici Infernal Gale came solely from the bracelet’s material.

Xiao Budian interrupted, "Senior’s bracelet was initially a clear, smooth white. It only turned pink after she subdued and contained the Gale".

At this juncture, Lin Feng recalled seeing a similar stone in the exchange system, it was the Empty Jade.

The trademark of the Empty Jade was that it had seemingly infinite capacity, and whatever was stored inside could not escape on its own.

However, from the outside, the bracelet was a brittle object that would shatter on excessive impact.

In other words, Yue Hongyan could not have forced the Gale into the bracelet from the outside.

But if Xiao Budian already did his part, she could possibly place the immobilized Gale into the bracelet and seal them inside.

The bracelet was unlike the Taotie’s self-engulfing theurgy which could actively engulf objects. It could only do so passively with the help of another party, in other words, the third party had to place the immobilized objects inside the bracelet and seal it up. What’s inside would then be stuck inside.

Of course, the bracelets had its own limits as well.

It could not contain life. But being so made it the perfect storage bag. Spacious and secure.

The only downside was that such material was very scarce. Empty Jades the size of nails were already considered rare, this one was the size of a bracelet and was estimated to be worth more than its weight in gold.

Lin Feng had also noticed that, after being in possession of the bracelet, Yue Hongyan did not seem to be in high spirits. Her red eyes reflected a complexity of anger, hatred and loss.

"These emotions are clearly not directed at her late senior. It appears that she got the bracelet from Zhanglie" sighed Lin Feng.

In spite of all the hatred, anguish and fury that Yue Hongyan haboured, deep down inside her was a special place reserved for Zhanglie.

Or it could be because of the relationship they had in the past, which once ended, caused her to be filled with so many emotions.

Lin Feng casually stated, "This bracelet’s material is rare and special, it is Empty Jade which can contain a multitude of items. Hongyan, do use it wisely as you please"

Yue Hongyan jolted. What Lin Feng was trying to tell her was that the object itself had no autonomy, what she ultimately felt or decided to feel was solely up to her control.

She pursed her lips and fell silent.

One glance was all it took for Lin Feng to see through her. But such things could not be forced upon, what she needed was a little guidance from time to time before she could control herself and the Avici Infernal Gale.

Gradually, Yue Hongyan found her inner peace.

As everyone, including Xiao Budian and Tuntun, dispersed, Yue Hongyan made her way towards the Medicine mountains.

Even though Lin Feng stood in his place, his consciousness followed Yue Hongyan to the mountains, stopping at the entrace. Her attention turned to Yang Qing who was intently harvesting herbs.

Yue Hongyan’s expression softened, her eyes revealing what seemed like guilt.

Looking at the scene, Lin Feng carefully mentioned to Yue Hongyan, "before we jump to conclusions, it’s better not to mention anything to Yang Qing. And don’t bear the burden by yourself."

Although Lin Feng was confident that the Cloud Water Cave incident had to do with Zhanglie, he felt that it was better for everyone not to jump to unnecessary conclusions.

Yue Hongyan sighed and silently nodded her head.

At this juncture, the once focused Yang Qing felt the presence and turned around.

"Senior you’re back?"

"I just arrived" Yue Hongyan replied.

"Master told me that you went out to look for the Avici Infernal Gale. How was it!" asked a curious Yang Qing.

Yue Hongyan smiled and replied, "The heavens were kind this time, I’ve gotten quite some back".

"Tha’s great isn’t it!" replied Yang Qing.

Facing his smile, Yue Hongyan felt slightly uneasy and her head tilted so slightly to the left, her gaze avoiding his, landing on the ground beside his feet. There, two handmade grasshoppers stood quietly, as if they were really alive.

"You still have such childish interests?" poked Yue Hongyan.

Yang Qing blushed and replied, "just for the fun of it."

Seeing his reddened face, Yue Hongyan decided not to pursue any further.

"My junior used to like these. Ah, it was back when i was still at Cloud Water Cave." said Yang Qing casually as he bent to pick up the grasshoppers.

Yang Qing sat on the ground and gazed at the direction of the Cloud Water Cave, "Back then my combat powers were really poor, and i was often bullied by the others. The only person who didn’t mind was this junior, and she would fight with the rest over me"

"She would teach me how to fight. And when we were not training, I would sit down and start folding leaves into origami like this. We sat there in silence, in each other’s comfort." reminisced Yang Qing.

Yue Hongyan looked at Yang Qing and was reminded of her own past, her expression softened further, revealing a gentle smile.

In a flash, that tranquility vanished as her expression changed once again, revealing her hidden guilt.

"She...she..."stuttered Yue Hongyan.

She shook her head and continued, "The cave was burnt to ashes. When I went in to collect the corpses, many were already burned to the ground. Most of our friends were already gone."

"Funny now that I think of it. I erected a tombstone for everyone. Below some of them were empty patches of ground. I could not even find their bodies. If any of them happened to be alive, they’d jump at the sight of their own grave. I wouldn’t be surprise if they gave me a beating...not that I would mind..."

Yang Qing uttered, "only for her I did not put a tombstone. Call if denial if you might, I just hope she’s alright".

Lin Feng’s consciousness lingered in the vicinity. He had been listening intently to the conversation. He felt a sudden tingling sensation. "I’ve always thought that Yang Qing was queer, seems like my hunch was right" thought Lin Feng.

"If so, what was the altar for?"

At this point, Lin Feng’s consciousness had achieved equilibrium with Mount Yujing, the Black Heavenly Treasure Tree and the Heaven-Revolving Purple Clouds. He quietly sought out Yang Qing’s physical presence.

Half a second later, Lin Feng came to a realisation. "So this is where his ninth root bone is hiding. Rather deep I must say."

Lin Feng thought of how Yang Qing’s determination had a score of five and immediately thought, "I’d better wait for the iron to be hot". His teeth chattered in pain.


One of Lin Feng’s voice-projecting crystals starting vibrating. Someone was trying to contact him.

He flipped the rock and heard the voice of Songfu from the Pavillion of Heavenly Trade, "Master Lin, sorry to intrude".

"No worries, what’s the matter?" replied Lin Feng courteously.

"Men from the Qin Dynasty have entered Shazhou City as guides for Master Lin and your disciples to head towards Ancient Huanghai world for this time’s Huanghai assembly. They haven’t been able to locate you, so they have asked me to trouble you instead." replied Songfu.

"Do pardon my intrusion"

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