The Primal Hunter

Chapter 438 - Paths To A Better Future

Results: No individual obtained at least 60% of the total votes. No World Leader will be elected during this World Congress. Note that a World Leader must be elected within the first 3 World Congresses.

The vote ended as everyone expected with no World Leader elected. Jake had decided to just vote for Neil for fun, getting a weird look from the guy afterward. It had actually gone about as Miranda had theorized before they entered the World Congress, with, of course, the small change of the King being present.

Miranda had not believed any World Leader would be elected due to how many dissenting opinions still existed. The Noboru clan and Holy Church alone opposed the other gaining power, the Risen would want neither but prefer the Noboru clan, the independents wanted neither of them, and Valhal wanted who-knows-what.

The Court of Shadows and Haven didn’t really matter much anymore voting-wise as they were beaten out by sheer numbers. However, their opinions could still sway some, and not having their support would potentially only lead to trouble down the line. The same was true for Eron, who had been oddly silent since the entire event began, almost hiding away.

Determining who was happy or not with this conclusion wasn’t hard determining either. The Holy Church seemed disappointed, and the Noboru clan also appeared to hope that they would have won the vote. In fact, Jake got the feeling the Noboru clan and many of the independents associated with Arthur had made some kind of agreement.

However, it seemed like most had assumed this vote would end in no winner as a foregone conclusion. Getting sixty percent of the votes was no easy task, and no faction had confidence in achieving it as things currently were on Earth. In fact, Jake was unsure a real agreement of more than sixty percent would ever be reached.

This is why both he and Miranda had agreed that all of this was just planting the seeds of the next World Congress, where according to the rules, a World Leader had to be selected. No one knew how the next election would work, but the best guess was that it would simply be the individual with the most votes who wins.

With the end of the first vote, a new one instantly began. Jake had wondered what the next vote would be about. A new shop of some kind? A system event? Something entirely different? Well, it sure did turn out to be different than Jake had expected.

The second vote of the World Congress will relate to allowing those who have yet to find their Path to do so.

As the world progresses and many begin to find their footing, some stumble as they fail to find their Path. They reach an impasse as their progress stops and their motivation dies. This event is one that will allow those who faltered to reignite their inner fire and discover their true Path. At the same time, members of the World Congress can decide which direction they wish for their planet to go.

The voting options are as follows:

1. Paths of the Unusual Unions

2. Paths of the Heretical Few

3. Paths of the Devoted Ones

4. Paths of the Lonely Souls

5. Paths of the Independent Worlds

6. Paths of the Recognized Supremes

7. Paths of the Submissive Realists

Additionally, an event will open up for those overqualified to participate in this system event known as the Path of Myriad Choices. This event will allow those able to enter to explore another potential Path they may have followed and seek inspiration from it, or perhaps choose to change their Path entirely. Further information on how to qualify for this event will follow.

All of these events will potentially allow participants to change their current class, profession, or race based on the nature and their experiences during the event.

Voting will begin in: 3:59:59

Jake carefully read it over, and he had to admit… it was not what he expected. He also tried to poke the options a bit, fishing for a response, but it did nothing. In other words, they would have to vote purely based on the names of the seven paths and what they could deduce from them.

The entire congress hall was silent as everyone read the option and description. Jake frowned a bit the more he understood what this was about and how it wasn’t directed at him besides that extra event. Jake knew his own Path, and this event seemed to be aimed at those who didn’t. It was an event to boost up not only the elite but was for everyone.

He saw Jacob smile out of the corner of his eye, the Sword Saint nod in approval, and many of those at the independent factions also look at it with great interest. Jake was still interested as he wanted to see what that extra event Path of Myriad Choices was all about.

“Interesting proposition by the system, alas a vote in which I will recuse myself from participating, even if I do have my own opinions on the matter. This seems to be for you humans more than anyone else, and no matter the choice, it will benefit other races if they can participate,” the King said, being the first to speak.

Jacob chose to take the opportunity to follow up as he spoke. “Rather than argue what is the best choice, can we agree to exclude some initially? I believe there are some that should naturally be disregarded.”

“Why? Becoming a planet of heretics seems like a great way to get it blown up,” Carmen joked in response.

“Indeed it would be. Hence why, I believe it a natural one to exclude. While we have no details on each option, I also believe excluding Paths of the Lonely Souls just based on the name would be wise. Humans – or beasts for that matter – do better in groups than on their lonesome, and this entire scenario is clearly aimed at the masses and not the powerful individuals. The lonely souls have already found their paths; they do not need this,” Jacob added, getting primarily approving nods.

“The independent factions would also vote to exclude the third, sixth and seventh option for obvious reasons. Devoted Ones reek of recognizing a singular religion or turning our world into a theocracy. Recognized Supremes appear like one where the paths are all about assisting those already at the top, and the seventh option should be excluded by name alone,” Arthur argued, his words rather similar to Jacob’s.

“There is more to devotion than recognition of a god. It can be a devotion to a good life or the community. Even if it is aimed at factions with religious leanings, that does not necessarily mean it is only for them,” Jacob said as a counterargument.

“I don’t remember you being openly ignorant to reality,” Arthur answered as he looked sharply at Jacob. “I am more surprised you didn’t argue for selecting Submissive Realists as that seems to describe the Holy Church more than anything.”

“Submission is a choice that should not be made out of fear or recognizing it as the only realistic option remaining, so naturally, I disagree with that option. I am surprised you didn’t instantly argue that we should choose the Lonely Souls options. You seem to have quite the talent for pushing people away,” Jacob answered with a smile. You know, the kind of smile that wasn’t really a smile.

Jake felt like this pretty much confirmed there was some kind of beef between the two of them. This was a bit surprising as Jake remembered the father and son seemed quite close before the system. Did Arthur just not agree with Jacob taking up the mantle of Augur? Or was Jacob disappointed Arthur directly opposed him?

“Independent Worlds and Unusual Unions,” the Sword Saint cut in, stopping the two men from airing their personal grievances of the other. “I do believe there is much positive to be said about independence, but so is there for unions. To call the current situation on Earth an unusual union would not necessarily be an incorrect description. The only question is, are what we are seeing on Earth truly a union or merely a temporary moment of peace? Not that independent Worlds is that much better as we are all but independent forces many of us.”

“This vote is clearly as much about what we want Earth to become as what it currently is,” Caleb said. “The Court of Shadows have little input on these options, but the prior conversation about the future of Earth is very relevant. Do we want it to be an unusual union of forces or an independent entity capable of functioning regardless of the factions? In many ways, was the goal not to become an independent world through an unusual union, mixing the two a bit?”

“That is one interpretation,” Priscilla said. “The Independent Worlds choice can also have an emphasis on the “worlds” part. As it currently exists, Earth is but one world, but there are ways to make several smaller dimensions or even small worlds within the same area. I do find it entirely possible this choice is not about uniting the factions in any way but having each capable of properly isolating themselves from each other.”

“Fair enough,” Caleb relented with a nod. “In that case, is that truly something we want? It would also inevitably result in only one faction ruling the true space of Earth with little interaction between each force.”

“It is a safer choice if that is truly what it is about, but we also have to question what exactly these Paths the system offers will be about and what the majority of the denizens of Earth would resonate with,” Jacob reentered the conversation. He was clearly done with the useless bickering with his father, and besides the two throwing sharp looks the other’s way, they stayed civil.

Definitely something there, Jake nodded. Now, what was Jake’s opinion on this vote? Well, to be perfectly honest, he didn’t really care much. He was clearly also the only one who would even be fine with the heretic choice. Speaking of which, it was interesting the system even offered such a path. Then again, it was just one extreme end of the spectrum, and so far, it felt like the system was impartial on the topic.

Miranda also began participating as Jake listened in but ultimately knew this truly didn’t concern him. As Jacob had said, this choice was as much about what would resonate with those of Earth, and Jake hadn’t even been on the planet for the last couple of months. He would leave again the moment this World Congress ended, assuming where he currently was could even be considered on Earth.

To believe he had any fucking clue what those who couldn’t find their Path needed or wanted to “pull themselves up by their bootstraps” would be stupid even for him. Jake was privileged and knew his own Path already near-perfectly, and he had his own goals. In nearly all ways, this entire vote had nothing to do with him.

Luckily, it appeared the discussions soon reached an impasse, and it was decided for the factions to spread out and have some more intimate discussions and deal-making. It was also an excuse to have all the space mages become able to group up and discuss space mage stuff and a lot of merchants to meet up. Lillian went with the merchants, and Neil was, of course, a space mage.

Miranda went over to the Sword Saint right away, and Jake considered what his plans were for a moment before he decided to head over to the only other person who looked about as bored as he was: Carmen.

Also, he had noticed her throwing him the occasional glance during the meeting before. She looked like she wanted to talk to him, and as he had nothing better to do, why not?

Jake went up to her and waved. “Long time no see.”

“Hey,” Carmen greeted in return. “How is Sylphie?”

He should have known. Sylphie had talked about Carmen a few times, calling her the “nice punchy lady,” and it seemed like Carmen also liked Sylphie equally.

“She is doing fine. Had some fun doing a dungeon and is otherwise just flying around in the forest and hunting things. That, or she is hanging out with her parents, probably still hunting things for some quality family time,” Jake answered with a smile.

“Her parents?” Carmen asked, interested.

Jake realized Carmen truly only knew Sylphie from the Treasure Hunt and seeing how they had the time…

“Oh boy, let me tell you about the time I was attacked and taught how to fly by a random hawk just after getting my wings and said hawk decided to bring me to his and his mate’s nest to make a super baby hawk.”

The two of them ended up heading for Haven’s booth and isolated it as they just chatted while everyone else was working. Jake had considered doing alchemy during this period, but he was currently working on poisons, so he wasn’t sure he could attempt to concoct something during the World Congress lest the fumes count as attacking others.

Carmen also shared what she had been up to in recent times. Primarily that she had focused on her profession like so many others and was currently forging her “weapons.”

Jake was a bit confused at what the weaponless fighter meant until she took out a dagger and jammed it down onto her own palm, only to see the blade be deflected, unable to even scratch the skin. “The Path I walk is one where my body becomes my weapon. I am good at punching people, that is all I am good at, and while I could use gloves before to somewhat alleviate damage to my fists, I recently became able to refine them.”

“Wait, how strong can you make them?” Jake inquired.

“Remembering your battle with the Sword Saint at the end of the Treasure Hunt, I am pretty sure I would be able to directly block the blade with my fist once refinement is complete,” she explained with a confident smile.

“How exactly does it work? And… well, can I do it too?”

Yeah, Jake was shameless, so what? Seriously, he had his gloves which became incredibly durable when infused with mana, but the mana expenditure was great and only grew the more powerful a blow he blocked. To passively have his hands be as tough as an actual weapon? Oh boy, he could only imagine his Touch of the Malefic Viper-powered punches.

“Well, probably not. It is tied to my profession and is expensive as fuck. Moreover, it doesn’t work if I use weapons,” she explained, putting a dampener on Jake’s hopes and dreams.

“Well, that’s too bad. Speaking of which, what god is it that blessed you?” Jake finally asked. He didn’t actually know.

“Well, Gudrun. It was first another guy who seemed cool enough, but he quickly said I didn’t really fit his teaching anyway, so instead, I got blessed by Gudrun. She is apparently the wife of the bigshot of Valhal called Valdemar,” Carmen answered. “Gotta be honest, doesn’t feel good to be tossed from god to god like that, but Gudrun has been great so far, even if she is a bit hands-off, and I mainly get advice from C-grades these days through some rituals from my profession.”

“Huh. Gotta say, sure are a lot of Primordials hanging around Earth,” Jake chuckled a bit.

“All your fault, oh mighty Chosen of the evil ancient snake god,” Carmen snickered.

“Hey, it is what it is. He is a friend, and that is that,” he shrugged.

“Sure,” Carmen just shook her head, changing the topic. “Remember when you said you owed me a favor after that thing with Limit Break during the Treasure Hunt… were you serious?”

Jake sure did remember and nodded. “As long as it isn’t anything ludicrous.”

“You are a hunter, right? Do you know how to track people? Not now, but when I am done with my refinement, and you got time.”

“I can do a bit of tracking, but it really depends. I do have a tracking skill, and my Perception is decent enough. Moreover, I am always up for a challenge. Why? What do you need to track?” Jake asked

“Not a what, but who… I wanted to ask your help to track down my family. I think it is about time for a proper reunion,” Carmen said with an odd smile that Jake wasn’t quite sure what to make of.

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