Rebirth: How A Loser Became A Prince Charming

Chapter 435: High-End Jewellery

With his slender legs, fair skin and ethereal figure, he looked as elegant as an orchid. The audience could only see his bare ankles as he walked, the yarn floating around his body.

The photographers held their breath, for fear that they would scare the fairy away, but the clicks of their shutters expressed their admiration. Walk slow, my fairy.

The CK designer burst into tears. For so many years, underwear had been underestimated. He cried over the public’s ignorance. Look at him! He makes underwear look like artwork, not just a few pieces of comfortable fabric.

All the audience members were experienced fashion experts. They would never show surprise, appreciation or amazement on their faces, but they began to vote by throwing white or black cards into the boxes. After the voting was over, the best model would be announced.

Chad was annoyed. He thought he would be crushing a shrimp, only to realize he was facing a shark instead. He had to admit that he had lost the game, despite his adept underwear show. The Asian model looked sexier than him in that thin yarn.

"Good job!" Wearing only his shorts, Chad stretched his hand out to Qin Guan sincerely.

"You did well too!" Qin Guan shook his hand. "Sorry, but I have to change. That yarn is really rough on my body."

"Ha ha!"

The yarn had been used to keep bugs out of the greenhouse, so there were small thorns all over it.

Qin Guan scratched at his body in the fitting room. Fortunately, there were no cameras inside.

When they went outside again, they found nobody there. There was no trace to indicate that an event had just taken place in the greenhouse. The small lights on the ground were distinguished one by one. Qin Guan and Chad exchanged a worried glance as they looked around.

Suddenly, the windows opened and beams of soft light shined down on them. The whole greenhouse lit up as if it was daytime. Applause and cheers suddenly broke out.

"Well done, Qin Guan!"

"You are so sexy, Chad!"

Qin Guan and Chad adjusted their eyes to the light and saw a beautiful rainbow on the roof outside the greenhouse. The audience was sitting on keyboard chairs. Some of them were acquaintances, while others were complete strangers.

They were applauding the two models in the splendid garden.

The VOGUE assistant silently took the voting box away. Qin Guan and Chad had no idea what was happening, but they smiled anyway.

Qu Xuemei and Richard went into the greenhouse together and led Qin Guan and Chad off the stage.

When they reached the temporary lounge, Qu explained everything to the two guys. The two of them suddenly became allies. A secret reality show, huh? With so many VIPs and insiders? Any small mistake could have brought our careers to an end! You are terrible, Sister Qu! I thought you said that you liked me back in China.

Words couldn’t express Richard’s feelings. The results of the vote had not been announced yet, but he was ashamed of Chad. His tongue was tied as he faced the accusing expression in their eyes.

Qu was a born queen. Dignity meant nothing to her. Bold people always prevailed.

She glared at them as she said, "What are you talking about? Do you know how many top models would have fought for such a chance? Look at the audience members! We invited everyone! Bag, jewellery, clothing, cosmetics brands... Stop looking at me like that! You two should pay me for this opportunity."

She’s shameless!

Qin Guan and Chad shrugged.

"Out! Why are you still sitting here? Go attend the festivities!"

Qin Guan and Chad exchanged a hostile glance. We are enemies again. Let’s go out to the arena!

By that time, there was a fashion feast held up on the roof. People were talking animatedly. Sometimes, an inspiration would result from that clash of thoughts.

When they saw Qin Guan and Chad, they clapped for them. Some brands, who were interested in the two models, wanted to have a private conversation with them,

Qin Guan took a cup of hot chocolate from a tray. Before he could let out a long breath of relief, some people walked over.

"Hello, I’m the agent of Cartier in North America."

"Hi, we are from Tiffany..."

The two gentlemen paused at the same time. There were only few top brands in the jewellery industry. They were all famous among common people, and they were always competing against each other over renowned customers, models, and so on.

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