Tempest of the Battlefield

Chapter 532: Golden Zerg

Despite the unorthodox methods, Mr. Wannabe\'s training sessions were much more effective in strengthening the soldiers than those of Wang Tong. Meanwhile, Wang Tong had spent most of his time in the workshop, tinkering the crystal gun he had brought back and trying to find a way to mass produce these guns. Wang Tong wished to equip the weaker soldiers —Guan Dongyang had to call them the reserves— with crystal guns, so that they would have a chance on the battlefield.

Wang Tong had tried, but they lacked soul energy to catch up with the pace of the class. Therefore, he was convinced that the only way for the reserves to fight was using the crystal energy guns. Although its power would fall short when used against the dark ones, these guns should be able to handle primitive Zergs with ease.

After working on the original gun for a while, he realized a fatal flaw in the Kaedeian design: it was too sophisticated.

Wang Tong started his soul scan and studied the gun with new found interest. Despite its convoluted wiring and intricate details, he quickly grasped the working principle of the gun: it used a web of soul energy to merge the energy crystal with the gun itself. With even the slightest GN force, one would be able to trigger the energy web and amplify the GN force by several magnitudes.

Wang Tong quickly realized that the only hurdle to its mass production was the manufacturing of the core. Wang Tong pondered on the solution for a few fruitless hours. But after a while, he had to shelf the project temporarily.

By then, Battle Wolf\'s name was heard all over the Mars, and its ranks swelled quickly. Wang Tong conceded that he would need to make sure of the combat capabilities of any new additions. Otherwise, the progress would be slowed by too much dead weight. However, he also needed to maintain a well-rounded talent pool, so that, in addition to combat, other aspects of the band could be covered as well.

Although Wang Tong had been spending most of his time inside the workshop, he stayed connected with the rest of the world through the skynet.

As he browsed the news headlines, he conceded that a good public relationship was essential for Guan Dongyang, since he was the face of the band. Guan Dongyang was a Martian, and therefore, it was much easier for him to connect with the Martian public than Wang Tong. In addition, Guan Dongyang had cultivated a decent public image, and all he needed was a little bit of tinder to ignite his popularity.

The headlines were depressing to read. The Zergs had waged numerous surprise-raids on the human settlements as humans used to do to the Zergs before the war. Now, the tides had changed, and so had the roles of aggressors and victims.

No doubt these raids had put a lot of strain on the human community. The new breed of dark ones that led these assaults had easily crushed the human settlements\' resistance. Despite the progress the Zergs had made in their breeding program, Wang Tong was convinced that it was doing more harm than good to them. The number had always been the Zergs\' decisive advantage over the humans. He calculated that if the Zergs had not shifted their focus from quantity to quality, the human resistance would have been overwhelmed by them by then. However, since the Zergs had shifted their priority, the swarms, albeit still large, had gotten significantly smaller than before. The so-called "progress" had inadvertently given the humans a brief respite.

Nonetheless, while watching the footage of the Zergs\' outrageous attacks, Wang Tong felt that he needed to do something before the morale of the human resistance took a toll.

The Divine Mastery Sect and House Lie were able to defend against the raids with ease. However, the same could not be said for small factions. So far, House Lie had shown no interest in helping out the other factions that were in dire need of aid. House Lie was still possessed by the warlord mentality. After some city was decimated by the Zergs, House Lie would move in its troops and brazenly claim the territory when the local factions were too weak to respond. House Lie\'s actions were a stark contrast with the Divine Mastery Sect, as the latter sent humanitarian aid to all the affected factions. But, despite the Sect\'s efforts, the overall morale on Mars was low, and the general political atmosphere was that of distrust and intrigue. Lie Jian had led the other factions by a terrible example, spurring more leaders to harbor a dream of becoming the sole ruler of Mars.

"This the Einstein City… We are under attack! The city center has already fallen, and we are trying our best to prevent the Zergs from spreading. We need help!"

Martians had a habit of naming their cities after famous historical characters, as they believed that the spirit of these famous people would protect the city. However, it was evident that the spirit of a physicist was useless against the Zergs, not even with the theory of relativity.

In the air, a dark one with a pair of nightmarish wings led the attack. On the ground, a swarm of mindless primitive Zergs wreaked havoc in the streets.

The Einstein city had been a tribute city to House Lie, and therefore, it was under Lie Jian\'s protection. The local militia trained at the city was assimilated into the House Lie\'s ranks as the sixteenth Battalion. The leader of the battalion was Lieutenant Kun Caiyi, a level twenty METAL warrior.

Under Lieutenant Kun\'s leadership, the Einstein City had enjoyed a long period of peace and prosperity. Lie Jian often used Lieutenant Kun and the Einstein city as an example while persuading other factions to join House Lie.

However, the Einstein city\'s fast development did not go unnoticed by the Zergs. This had been the fourth time that Zergs had waged a full-on assault on the city.

"Elbert, bring my personal guard here, and I will lead the charge!" Lieutenant Kun commanded.

"Wait for a second, Lieutenant! These Zergs are here to capture powerful soldiers; we can\'t fall for their trap. They will leave us be if they can\'t get what they are looking for. " Elbert urged Lieutenant Kun to think twice about his actions.

"Bullsh*t! If I let them step on my toe every single time, show would you expect the soldiers to respect me?" Lieutenant Kun shouted. Ever since he joined House Lie with his local militia band, he was ordered to exercise restraint during Zerg attacks. However, Lieutenant Kun\'s patience had been wearing thin.

Seeing his persuasion was useless, Elbert compromised, "If you insist, let me call the mastery unit to go with you, just in case."

"Move then! I can\'t wait to twist that ugly head off that dark one! Move, move!" Kun Caoyi Shouted.

Elbert quickly summoned a group of METAL warriors led by four level twenty legendary fighters.

Kun Caiyi scanned his guards and announced, "I only need to take the four of you with me to lure the dark on into the mastery caster\'s attack range. The rest wait here for my return."

"Yes, sir!"

The five warriors flew towards the dark one, and the Lieutenant shouted, "Hey d*ckhead, I\'m here. Come at me!"

The dark one\'s eyes glinted. He was given only two instructions: one, to capture the leader alive, and second, if the first mission failed, to take the leader\'s DNA samples.

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