The Glory After Rebirth

Chapter 496. The Successful Crossing of the River

Chapter 496 - The Successful Crossing of the River

496. The Successful Crossing of the River

Translator: DragonRider

Lian Hai gave an affirmative nod. “I can have someone leave from the western gates, take a detour and deliver a message to a store in the city where the nearest garrison is stationed, telling the people there to inform the commander of the garrison, but is it necessary for us to do that? I mean, the new emperor has already set out to handle this matter.”

Dugu Shan said, “No, that won’t be quick enough. Nian Feng’s men could break in at any moment. Is there a quicker way to make contact with them?”

“Well...I can send a carrier pigeon to the store, but there’s a risk that the pigeon might be shot down after it flies out of the city. In that case, we won’t be able to achieve our objective, and our men might be exposed. Also, if I send one of my men there to inform the garrison, I’m afraid they wouldn’t believe him, and neither would they come to our rescue, unless he has a token,” replied Lian Hai after pondering for a while.

Dugu Shan’s brow corrugated in a frown. Indeed, sending a carrier pigeon was risky.

“I have a suggestion, Your Lordship,” said Lian Hai.

“Go on,” said Dugu Shan, looking at him.

“You may dispatch the Yuexi garrison here. It’ll be slower compared with dispatching the nearest garrison, but firstly there won’t be any risks of the carrier pigeon being intercepted, and secondly, when they arrive, they may enter the city through the western city gates to help defend the city, and they could also inform the other garrisons to move south pressuring Nian Feng. But if we do it that way, the Western City Garrison must hold the city gates long enough, and a token will also be necessary,” said Lian Hai.

Dugu Shan didn’t make a decision immediately. Instead, he started mulling over it.

“If Your Lordship find it inconvenient to make a decision as to this matter, you might as well report it to the new emperor, but...Your Lordship, are you sure you want to do this? If Nian Feng’s plan to take the city is thwarted, the new emperor’s position will be consolidated, and we won’t have any chance of turning the tables on him,” said Lian Hai.

Dugu Shan said, “Nian Feng’s army is too strong. I’m afraid the Dugu family will come to grief if this city falls.”

“Your Lordship, could try contacting the Yuexi garrison. Isn’t the assistant commander of the Yuexi garrison friends with your eldest son? If they agree to offer us assistance, you could totally just have the citizens and your family guards to help the Western City Garrison defend the city gates. After the Yuexi garrison enter the city and apprehend Nian Feng, you’ll be able to follow the example of Nian Feng, use the Yuexi garrison to force the emperor into abdicating the throne. In that case, unlike Nian Feng’s army who are held back outside the city, the Yuexi garrison will be inside the city, and the emperor will be powerless to resist,” said Lian Hai.

Dugu Shan’s eyes brightened. “You’re right. Guards, go and get my first son here!”

“Yes, Sir!”

Lian Hai slightly lowered his eyes to conceal the significant gleam in them.

No matter whether this plan succeeded or failed, the Yuexi garrison would inevitably have a fight with Nian Feng’s men eventually, and there was no doubt both sides would suffer casualties so heavy that neither of them would be able to pose a threat to the Great Wen.


When the Luohai Kingdom, due to Mu Hengtian’s death, was witnessing Nian Feng’s army attacking its capital which was in utter confusion and chaos, Yuwen Tong had successfully led his army across the river.

The army of the Great Wen were engaged in a fierce fight against Chen Jing’s men on the north bank. This battle was the toughest one since Yuwen Tong’s army had entered the Wan Kingdom, and the enemy’s resistance was the strongest. Although eventually they managed to gain a firm footing on the north bank and take Zhaoyang City which was to the north bank, and force Chen Jing’s men into retreating to an area dozens of li (a Chinese unit of length, equal to 500 meters) away, the army of the Great Wen suffered hitherto the heaviest casualty in this battle.

Yuwen Tong gave the order to make camp and rest, and also rewarded the troops with the best food and wine in an effort to bolster their morale as quick as possible.

Meanwhile, Yuwen Jin and He Xiao led a team of crack troops forward to scout out the lay of the land. Though they had lost quite some men during the battle, the overall morale of the troops was still high. After all, they had not only crossed the Wan River successfully but also defeated Chen Jing’s army. If the army kept progressing, they would sooner or later reach the capital of the Wan Kingdom!

“We’ve now crossed the Wan River, which means we’ll have to deal with not only Chen Jing’s men but also the garrisons stationed in northern Wan Kingdom. Though the Wan monarch wouldn’t dispatch all the garrisons in the north, they’re still a threat. Those troops have been defending against the tribes in the north for many years, so they’re more difficult to deal with than Chen Jing’s men.”

“It’s about time we dispatched the army stationed in Shengzhou Pass.”

In the military encampment outside Zhaoyang City, Yuwen Tong and all the officers were having a meeting in the main tent. They all believed that it was time to dispatch the army stationed in Shengzhou Pass.

Yuwen Tong tapped on the table, carefully studying the unfurled map on it. All the places that had been occupied by his army bore red marks on the map. The remaining important targets were the Wan capital, Chen Jing’s army and the garrisons in the north. The route of this army marching north was the only line of attack on the map. The army in Shengzhou Pass had been on the defense all along.

Yuwen Tong’s forefinger moved to the nearest city to the north of their encampment, circled it with his fingertip and said, “We need to finish this fight as quick as possible. We cannot afford to give the garrisons in the north any more time to move south. Our men in Shengzhou Pass are ready to depart at a moment’s notice. Tonight the message will arrive at Shengzhou Pass, and tomorrow they’ll set off. Barring accidents, considering their usual speed, they’ll be able to rendezvous with us outside Jifang City. If Shan Congli takes action quick enough, his northern garrisons will engage us outside Jifang City.”

The others were also looking at the map. Xiao Jiangyue said, “Jifang City is small, but it is flanked by mountains and is like a gorge, which greatly advantages the Wan army defending it. The city is also the last south barrier of the Wan capital. If we break it, we’ll be able to march straight north to the Wan capital, so Jifang City is where we will be faced with the fiercest resistance from the Wan army. We must be fully prepared before we go there.”

The others inclined their heads. “Should we send some men to Jifang City to do some recon beforehand?”

Yuwen Tong produced a newly made map, unfolded it, took a look and said, “Here’s some information about the general situation in Jifang City and the canyon terrain around it. You guys may have a look first, but currently our first priority is to force Chen Jing’s army into retreating to Jifang City. We’re in no hurry to make a detailed plan to take Jifang City.”

Yuwen Tong let Xiao Jiangyue and the others have a look at the newly made map and then put it away.

Xiao Jiangyue and the couple of others were astounded, because the map was so detailed! It was as though the one who had made the map had measured every inch of the land around Jifang City with a ruler!

“Sire, this map...” someone couldn’t help but ask.

Yuwen Tong directly put the map away, making no reply.

That officer shut up. After exchanging astonished glances with the others, he was secretly overjoyed. No matter how the emperor had obtained this map, the level of difficulty of the daunting task of taking Jifang City had now finally been brought down a little!

“All right. Now I guess all of you have got a general idea of what the next step is, and that is enough. Presently, the most pressing matter is the rest and reorganization of the troops. Their food and daily necessities must be of high quality. I want you guys to personally inspect the encampment and make sure that every one of them is rewarded with the best food and wine. If anybody dares cut corners, show them no mercy and have them executed.”

“Yes, Sire.”


On that very night, a carrier hawk from the north delivered a letter to Shengzhou Pass. Shortly after that, another letter from Yuwen Tong was delivered to the same place by a carrier hawk from the west.

After Ling Zhang finished reading the two letters, the corners of his eyes slightly curled, a sparkle of excitement in them.

Mu Hengtian was dead. An army led by Nian Feng was attacking the Luohai capital. Lian Hai had made a suggestion to Dugu Shan, who had taken it and talked to the new emperor on his own initiative. The troops in the Luohai capital would be able to hold the city before the Yuexi garrison marched south and fought Nian Feng’s men. No matter what, the Luohai Kingdom was now too busy to offer the Wan Kingdom any help. The Luohai encampment outside Youzhou Pass was half empty, and the troops in it were no longer a threat to Youzhou Pass.

As for the situation in the Wan Kingdom, Zhaoyang City which was located to the north of the Wan River had been taken already...

The time had come for the North-western Army to depart from Shengzhou Pass!

After a while, Jiang Ke and Jiang Xi were summoned, both of whom were excited at the news. “Great! Because of that geriatric Xue Chi, I’ve been cooped up in here for such a long time. Now the time has finally come for us to go out there!”

“Send my orders – the army is to depart at noon tomorrow.”

“Yes, Your Highness,” Jiang Ke and Jiang Xi answered in unison. The two of them immediately left to make arrangements. Ling Zhang leaned against the back of his chair and clapped a hand to his chest where his heart was hammering madly, the glitter in his eyes growing brighter. Soon they would be able to rendezvous with Yuwen Tong. The plans they had been making preparations to carry out for years had succeeded one after another, and now the final goal was to be achieved. The prospect of it sent waves of thrill through his whole body, making him feel as though his blood was boiling.

The North-western Army received the orders that very night and all troops let out a roar of excitement. They all used to fight side by side with Yuwen Tong and saw Yuwen Tong as their master, but during this war against the Wan Kingdom, their master had been leading another army and fighting enemies in the Wan Kingdom, while they could only stay in Shengzhou Pass defending against the enemies’ attack. What with this situation, these soldiers who would rather die than shy away from fight had been feeling terribly subdued and had been itching to go out there to kick the Wan army’s asses for quite some time. Now the opportunity they had been waiting for finally came, and they were all anxious to go.

Jiang Ke first allowed his men to express their excitement, then hardened his face and said in a severe voice, “All of you are crack troops who have been serving in the North-western Army for many years and been through many fights. I believe none of you need me to remind you that underestimating the enemy is a mistake the North-western Army always tries the hardest to avoid! Tomorrow we’ll depart and I want all of you to bear this in mind – if anybody makes that mistake, I’ll behead him. Trust me, you don’t want to find out how sharp my saber is by being decapitated. I want all of you to be extra alert. Understand?!”

“Yes, Sir!”

The thrilled soldiers, after hearing Jiang Ke’s and Jiang Xi’s warning, finally cooled down and then started making preparations for the next day’s departure in orderly fashion.

Although Ling Zhang was not present, he could distinctly hear every sound from outside, so he had naturally heard Jiang Ke’s and Jiang Xi’s words. If truth be told, while he had been listening to the two of them, the excitement coursing through his body had ebbed away as well. Their words were indeed quite effective.

It would seem Yuwen Tong had entrusted the Northwestern Army to Jiang Ke and Jiang Xi for a reason.

The two of them were both good at war. Jiang Ke was cool-headed. Jiang Xi was exceptionally valiant but also fairly poised. Both of them were extraordinary field commanders.

After calming down, Ling Zhang anticipated the fight outside Shengzhou Pass the next day even more eagerly. He wanted very much to see how an army like this would crush Xue Chi’s men!

As this occurred to him, Ling Zhang took in a large gulp of air, dismissed all the miscellaneous thoughts from his mind and reread the letter from Yuwen Tong on the table, not missing a single word.

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