The Glory After Rebirth

Chapter 516. Joining Forces with the North-Western Army

Chapter 516. Joining Forces with the North-Western Army

Translator: DragonRider

Two days later, the North-Western Army detoured around Jifang City from the east and joined forces with the army led by Yuwen Tong.

Jiang Ke and Jiang Xi came to seek an audience with Yuwen Tong, both of them quite excited. The North-Western Army had encountered significant obstacles on their way to this city, but now they finally rendezvoused with Yuwen Tong’s troops. It had been six years, and the two of them finally could fight side by side with Yuwen Tong once again.

Looking at his two trusted lieutenants, Yuwen Tong also felt transports of emotion bubbling up inside him. The two of them had fought shoulder to shoulder for ten years and were his most capable subordinates. Considering Jiang Ke’s and Jiang Xi’s abilities, he should have long since promoted them. Actually their contribution was more than enough to earn each of them a title of marquess. The reason why Yuwen Tong had not bestowed on them any titles of nobility was because his plan to unify the three countries had not succeeded yet, and if they did not have any titles of nobility, it would be more convenient for the two of them to continue to be in command of the North-Western Army, and he would continue to have complete control over the army.

Jiang Ke and Jiang Xi paid their respects to Yuwen Tong, excitement written all over their faces. It would indeed be an honor to be made a marquess, but serving Yuwen Tong mattered even more. They had been, still were, and would continue to be Yuwen Tong’s most competent and most loyal lieutenants.

“Sire, every member of the North-Western Army is ready to fight for you at a moment’s notice,” said Jiang Ke.

Yuwen Tong nodded. He had every confidence in the allegiance of the North-Western Army.

On their arrival, Jiang Ke and Jiang Xi entered into the formulation of battle plans for taking Jifang City.

Yuwen Jin, He Xiao and a couple of other newly appointed officers were relatively young. Having sensed the competitive pressure from Jiang Ke and Jiang Xi, they began to work even harder than before. Xiao Jiangyue and a couple of older generals were aware that Jiang Ke and Jiang Xi were undoubtedly the ones the emperor trusted the most, because the two of them had always been in the emperor’s confidence. Of course, the knowledge of this had no negative influence on their loyalty to the Great Wen and Yuwen Tong. Though they didn’t compare with Jiang Ke and Jiang Xi, they were also irreplaceable military officers of the Great Wen. As long as they remained loyal and dedicated, they would always have a place in the imperial court of the Great Wen. They were fully aware of this, which was why they were unperturbed.


Jiang Ke and Jiang Xi went to see Ling Zhang immediately after they left the conference tent. “It’s an honor to kneel before you, Your Highness.”

Ling Zhang flung out his arms to stop the two of them when they were halfway to their knees. “There’s no need for formalities, generals. You two must have had a tough journey.”

Ling Zhang had previously stayed in Shengzhou Pass for a few days, so Jiang Ke and Jiang Xi were now both well acquainted with Ling Zhang. In addition, the two of them admired Ling Zhang very much, for Ling Zhang had fought valiantly on the battlefield and helped them greatly several times.

At this time, Jiang Xi smiled, “The two bodyguards Your Highness assigned to stay with us have been quite helpful during the journey. We wouldn’t have arrived here in such a timely manner were it not for them.”

Ling Zhang said, “They just did what they’re supposed to do. I’ve been making preparations for so many years, and now they proved worthwhile. My efforts finally paid off.”

Jiang Ke and Jiang Xi both had enough sense of propriety not to ask what kind of preparations Ling Zhang was talking about. They were both aware that those were part of Ling Zhang’s intelligence network, and they did not have to know any details.

Jiang Ke naturally started to recount to Ling Zhang what the North-Western Army had been through during its westward advance after parting from Ling Zhang. Ling Zhang listened raptly.

Jiang Ke had just finished the story when Yuwen Tong showed up. At the sight of Yuwen Tong, he wanted to stand up but Yuwen Tong placed a hand on his shoulder and stopped him. “There’s no need for that,” said Yuwen Tong.

Yuwen Tong walked up to Ling Zhang, felt Ling Zhang’s pulse first and then checked the cut in the wrist of his other hand. “Did the worm cause you pain again?” he inquired.

Ling Zhang shook his head. “No. I’m fine. The meeting is over?”

Jiang Ke and Jiang Xi were both somewhat puzzled at Yuwen Tong’s actions. When they caught sight of Ling Zhang’s bandaged wrist in his sleeve, they were astonished, wondering what had happened. Then they heard the conversation between Yuwen Tong and Ling Zhang and became worried.

“So Your Highness is not well. Did something happen?” asked Jiang Ke.

Jiang Ke and Jiang Xi were different from the others, and Ling Zhang was unsure as to whether or not he should disclose the truth to them, so he looked at Yuwen Tong.

Yuwen Tong carefully put Ling Zhang’s hand back and then told Jiang Ke, “The Wan Kingdom played dirty.”

Jiang Ke and Jiang Xi were taken aback and then realized this might be the reason why Ling Zhang had previously insisted on going west to rendezvous with Yuwen Tong. Their apprehension deepened in spite of themselves. Jiang Xi, who was less poised than Jiang Ke, immediately asked, “So Xue Yi was telling the truth back there? There’s indeed someone seeking revenge against Sire? Who is it? Did we catch them?”

As Yuwen Tong had confided it already, Ling Zhang replied with an inclination of the head, “It’s true. That thug is cunning and also pretty good at kung fu. I was within an inch of catching him the last time I saw him, but eventually he took Chen Jing and escaped.”

Ling Zhang gave them a sketchy account of the events. Jiang Ke and Jiang Xi were both indignant after hearing the story, only too anxious to storm into Jifang City immediately and kill Chen Jing and that thug.

“What about you, Sire? Are you okay?” Jiang Ke looked at Yuwen Tong.

Yuwen Tong said, “Trying to save me was the very reason why Brother Zhang got hurt. In order to eliminate the Gu worms from my body, he lured one of them into his own body. Right now the worm is still in there.”

Jiang Ke and Jiang Xi were both shocked. The knowledge that Ling Zhang had enticed one of the worms into his own body to save Yuwen Tong filled them with admiration once again, but at the same time they were worried about Ling Zhang’s health.

Ling Zhang explained on his own initiative, “The Mother Worm is already dead, and its death inflicted harm on the bastard who raised it. The one inside me is a Child Worm. It’s no threat to me. Mr. Mu will extract it after he arrives, and then I’ll be okay. The cut in my wrist is superficial. It’s no big deal. Presently Yao Yi and a couple of others are the only ones privy to this matter apart from you two. Be careful not to spill the beans.”

Jiang Ke and Jiang Xi immediately promised that under no circumstances would they breathe a word of it to anybody.

But both of them were deeply impressed by what Ling Zhang had done for Yuwen Tong, admiring the strong bonding between the imperial couple once again in spite of themselves.

“Where’s Mr. Mu now?” Yuwen Tong inquired of Ling Zhang.

“He should soon arrive in the city that the North-Western Army took a couple of days ago. We’ll see him in two days if he travels fast enough,” responded Ling Zhang.

The reason why Mr. Mu had been progressing without any trouble during his journey to this area was that the North-Western Army had quickly disposed of all the enemies along the way during its westward advance.

“We would have assigned some men to stay behind and escort Mr. Mu had we come to know about this beforehand,” said Jiang Xi.

Ling Zhang said, “It’s okay. Mr. Mu has some men protecting him. Also, he has my and Sire’s tokens, so nobody would stop him.”

Mr. Mu was a miracle-working physician. He had saved Ling Zhang’s father, helped preserve Fu Caiwei’s health during her pregnancy and done a lot of other things for them in the past five years, so Ling Zhang and Yuwen Tong held him in high esteem and were very grateful to him, and they had been doing everything they could to return the favor.

Previously Mr. Mu had been living in the suburban manor all along, keeping Ji Yin and Ling Xingzhong company. He had not chosen to move to that island with other members of the Millennium Pavilion, which was a good thing for Ling Zhang and Yuwen Tong. Sometimes, Ling Zhang couldn’t help but wonder whether it was because of all the subsequent events that Mr. Mu had decided to stay in the capital city, but although Mr. Mu was not capable of foretelling the future, Ji Yanlai might have the ability. Of course, according to Mr. Mu himself, he had grown fond of the vitality of the capital city and thus decided not to return to the Millennium Pavilion where he would surely end his days in idleness.


Jiang Ke and Jiang Xi, knowing that Ling Zhang was not in good health and needed rest, felt it inappropriate to stay for long and soon took their leave.

Ling Zhang, who had nothing particular to do, told Yuwen Tong that he wanted to take advantage of the terrain around the mountain pass by deploying a large-scale Formation. “What do you think?” he asked.

Yuwen Tong said, “I think it’s doable, but it won’t be easy to deploy a Formation under the noses of the Wan army. They sure as hell will try to destroy it.”

Ling Zhang smiled, “Which is why I’ll do it at night. I want to borrow Yao Yi and some others.”

At the sight of his sly smile, Yuwen Tong was bubbling over with delight, a gleam of desire appearing in his eyes, but what with Ling Zhang’s physical condition, he didn’t dare do anything and thus felt a twitch of anger at the Wan Kingdom. “No problem,” he said.

After getting Yuwen Tong’s approval, Ling Zhang raced against time to draw a diagram of the Formation, intending to finish it before Mr. Mu’s arrival and then have Yao Yi, Wang Dashan and some others to deploy the Formation.


Two days later, Ling Zhang finished the diagram. Before he could show it to Yuwen Tong, a message came saying that Mr. Mu arrived.

Yuwen Tong, who had been informed of it sooner, had gone to welcome Mr. Mu.

The generals, as they saw Yuwen Tong in person go to welcome the visitor, were all very curious, wondering who the visitor was.

When they saw Yuwen Tong return with Mr. Mu, all of them, except for Yuwen Jin, Xiao Jiangyue, Jiang Ke and Jiang Xi, didn’t know who Mr. Mu was and were confused.

Yuwen Jin and the other three were also surprised by Mr. Mu’s arrival, for they had enough physicians in the army, and a miracle-working physician like Mr. Mu would not normally choose to be an army physician. Why did Mr. Mu suddenly come here?

While Yuwen Jin and the others were speculating in surprise, Ling Zhang showed up. At the sight of Mr. Mu, he hastened up to him and said, “Mr. Mu, I’m sorry to put you to such trouble. It must be really tiring to travel with all haste. How do you feel?”

Mr. Mu still had his elegant mustache. Old as he was, he looked like a middle-aged man. He was lean, hale and hearty, and he had been taking very good care of his health. Though he did not have powerful internal energy, he almost appeared as young as Ji Yin did.

“It’s not every day a geriatric like me gets to make a journey like this. Also, I was under the protection of some men. I’m perfectly fine,” said Mr. Mu after stroking his mustache. Looking at Ling Zhang’s countenance with bright piercing eyes, he had a general idea of what to expect.

“Let’s go and find someplace where I could feel your pulse,” he said.

Ling Zhang offered to let Mr. Mu take a bath and have some rest to get over his fatigue first, but both Mr. Mu and Yuwen Tong believed that was unnecessary. Yuwen Tong directly ushered Mr. Mu into their tent.

Ling Zhang had no choice but to follow in their wake.

The others, though curious, did not dare go to the main tent unbidden. They looked at each other in puzzlement, conjecturing what it was about.

“Just now Mr. Mu said something about feeling His Highness’s pulse.”

“Is His Highness not feeling well?”

The couple of officers made these speculations and were all somewhat worried, for they had some excellent army physicians, but the emperor had still had Mr. Mu come to this place from the capital city which was quite far away. If the empress was indeed ill, it would be a big problem.

Yuwen Jin, looking in the direction which Ling Zhang and the other two had taken, was so anxious he was involuntarily scratching his head, feeling an urge to catch up with Ling Zhang to ask him what had happened to him.

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