The Empress's Gigolo

Chapter 439 - She’s Waiting For Us!

Chapter 439: She’s Waiting For Us!

Over the next few days, Ren Baqian saw experts from all over the world arrive in Ming City in waves.

Those who arrived today were from the North Alliance .

Their leader, Tie Feng, was followed by more than a dozen armor clad officers. Behind them was another hundred or so cavalry.

Tie Feng was a Spirit Wheel expert and a powerful one at that. His officers were Earth Wheel, while the cavalry were Man Wheel. This wasn’t the North Alliance’s full strength, but the strength of just Wangbei City alone. The North Alliance’s strength was evident from the fact that this one city’s might was already greater than the combined forces of the Eight Great Sects.

A short while after entering the city, Tie Feng gathered the experts under his charge that had entered the city earlier. Together, the North Alliance’s forces were the strongest in Ming City.

“The North Alliance’s leader, Tie Feng, is inviting me to a banquet?” Ren Baqian looked at the invitation in astonishment. He knew that Tie Feng had arrived and had even sneaked a peek.

He didn’t expect Tie Feng to host a banquet so soon.

“Should I go?” Ren Baqian glanced at the invitation in his hand, deep in thought.

To be honest, he wasn’t interested in establishing good ties with these people. However, going over to size up the many experts present was a good idea. Who knew? He might even pick up some useful information.

He showed up at the banquet that night.

While he didn’t obtain any useful information, he got to know the North Alliance’s key personnel a bit better.

The scantily-clad young ladies who were dancing left an impression on him as well.

A deep impression indeed!

So much so that they even appeared in his dreams later that night.

Ren Baqian threw his underwear into the trash bin once he woke up, not even bothering to destroy the evidence.

Such things were no big deal in modern times anyway.

Now that he thought about it, he hadn’t been with a woman for quite some time. Ren Baqian wondered when he would finally reach the Earth Wheel level and be back by the empress’s side.

He felt as though he was living an ascetic life.

The next day, another one of the three strongest factions arrived. In a seemingly strange coincidence, the Southern Metropolis sent Ren Baqian an invite as well.

Two consecutive nights of wanton partying left Ren Baqian’s mind in a flurry.

The third day, the last of the strongest three, the Green Bell Flower, arrived.

A largely female army.

Before they arrived, Ren Baqian harbored fantasies about the Green Bell Flower’s female force.

Their name alone was alluring enough.

Upon seeing the eight foot tall, eight foot wide, metal truncheon wielding “woman” striding alongside an elephant, Ren Baqian almost fell off the wall that he was watching from.

Seeing this first fine specimen erased all other thoughts he had about them.

Thankfully, the Green Bell Flower had no intentions of throwing a banquet. Ren Baqian would have otherwise had to find a way to politely reject without incurring ire.

He wasn’t afraid to offend others, but this was a bad time to be targeted by others.

Over the course of the past three days, other smaller sects had arrived as well. This included seven of the eight sects.

Even the famed Manxing Pavilion from Tianjing Basin was here.

They entered the city slightly after the Green Bell Flower and seemed to have made the journey together.

Although the Green Bell Flower didn’t live up to its name, Ren Baqian had to admit that the Manxing Pavilion fully did so.

Their experts aside, Manxing Pavilion’s 10 or so disciples were truly good looking. The cold, chiseled faces of these beautiful ladies amplified one another’s allure. Eyes followed wherever they moved.

After the Manxing Pavilion and the Green Bell Flower arrived, Qingyun Sword organized a gathering for the first time.

It was to be held at the mayor’s residence.

A large number of people showed up, including even the reclusive experts from the previous generation.

The key personnel of the various factions plus the reclusive experts came up to a total of almost 300 people.

Right on time, Ren Baqian walked through the door of the residence with Lin Qiaole. There, they met Su Qing and an elderly man.

The two locked eyes in mutual understanding.

“Mister Ye, you amazed me with your vast array of knowledge the last time we spoke. I have been thinking about our conversation ever since and waiting for a chance to chat with you again.” Su Qing chuckled in greeting.

Ren Baqian was taken aback.

What’s going on? Is he trying to trade praise?

Ren Baqian promptly received the ball in his court, “You flatter me, Mister Su. Your elegant tales of conquest in the brothels left me yearning for more!”

It was Su Qing’s turn to be stunned.

What’s this? Did we not agree to trade praise?

I fawn upon your worldly knowledge, but in return, you talk about my philandering ways?

This is utter nonsense…

Su Qing glanced around and caught the Manxing Pavilion guests looking at him with disdain. Visiting brothels wasn’t particularly glorious, but it was no big deal when talking with other men. Ladies, on the other hand, would naturally find such things rather abhorrent.

Su Qing laughed and said, “Teasing me again aren’t you, Mister Ye.”

“Haha, naturally!”

Su Qing flashed a meaningful glance at Ren Baqian, signalling for them to enter. The two parties walked in quietly side by side.

There were too many experts around to speak freely.

Entering the mayor’s residence, they noticed that the tables were huddled together in the courtyard.

Up front were the seats reserved for the strongest sects. Ren Baqian and Su Qing had their own tables as well. Further back were the tables for the reclusive experts and the key personnel of the smaller sects.

People were still streaming in as they found their seats with the ushers’ help.

Ren Baqian felt like this was a large gathering of the martial world.

Its purpose, however, was not to elect a new clan chief, but was for the sake of suppressing a great evil that threatened them.

Mmm, yes, this great evil was actually his betrothed wife.

The courtyard was filled with noise. People were greeting one another and networking.

Ren Baqian turned to look at Lin Qiaole. Her head was almost lying flat on the table already.

The racket continued for only a short while longer before Qingyun Sword slammed his fists against a table.

“Can everyone please be silent!” A booming voice drowned out the noise in the courtyard.

Everyone immediately fell silent.

“This is the most complete gathering we’ve ever had! Such a rare occurrence!” Qingyun Sword exclaimed.

The three major factions, the numerous sects, and the reclusive experts were all gathered in the courtyard. Something like this would not even have happened 70 years ago.

After all, the countless wars back then had resulted in the deaths of more than half of the experts.

“I’m sure most of you already know why I’ve called for this meeting today. The fifth strongest expert in the world, Qi Zixiao, the Empress of Dayao, is in Tianjing Basin at this moment. This is our best chance, and we must seize it to escape from this prison. Should we succeed, our descendants will be free to roam the world.

I shall get straight to the point here. Amongst all of you seated here today, some will live to see this future, while others will not be able to. No one can know if they will survive this battle. We’re all gathered here for a single, common goal! For the sake of everyone in Tianjing Basin and for the sake of our descendants, we must fight for freedom,” Qingyun Sword said as he pointed up to the sky.

Everyone listening was moved.

Qingyun Sword’s words resonated strongly with his audience.

Qi Zixiao was powerful. She was so powerful that a group of people here wouldn’t be able to defeat her, let alone a single person.

Yet, some things had to be done.

Some blood had to be spilled.

How many people here had already made funeral arrangements? Everyone had gathered despite their alignments, moral compasses, and strength.

They might not live to see the future, but they wanted to fight for the people of Tianjing Basin.

They were ready to unleash 70 years of resentment. This was their rebellion!

“Where is she?!” someone shouted out in an agitated manner.

“Where is she? Kill her!”

“Kill her, then fight our way out!”

“Fight our way out!”

Qingyun Sword’s words had stirred up intense, murderous feelings within the crowd.

“She’s waiting for us!” Qingyun Sword quieted the crowd with a single sentence.

Ren Baqian raised his eyebrows slightly.

“She is just 400 kilometers away from us and has already been there for three days. She is aware that we are coming and is waiting for us,” Qingyun Sword said gravely.

“I’m not sure if she’s looking down on us or thinking too highly of herself. I had initially wanted to corner her after gathering everyone, but it seems as though she has stopped in her tracks to wait for us…”

At this point, Ren Baqian sighed silently and thought, Your Majesty… Wise up will you…

Su Qing glanced at Ren Baqian. This was going to be the end…

However, instead of seeing a look of complacency, he noticed that Ren Baqian was lamenting something.

Are you pitying these people? To think that the legendary Poison Warrior was someone with a soft heart! How unexpected…

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