My House of Horrors

Chapter 1134 - In That Moment, I Believe I Saw My Lecturer 2 in 1

Chapter 1134 In That Moment, I Believe I Saw My Lecturer 2 in 1

After the few Red Specters left, the black fog in the building not only did not disperse, if anything, it only thickened further. The scary laughter of children echoed in the corridors, and countless monsters weaved from curses crawled on the walls. Without the presence of the red high heels, this scenario appeared to be even scarier than before.

“Once those Red Specters show up, the only thing left for us to do is clean up.” A woman wearing a flower-patterned dress walked over. There were two men following beside her. One of them looked to be in his forties, and he always had a smile ready for those around him. “Miss Dress, Mr. Wood, looks like you two will also have the chance to experience the joy of this job.”

“We are given the chance to scare the visitors, and from that, we will be able to gain negative emotions from them. It helps us in the process and will give them an experience that they will never forget. The boss is really a genius; only a genius could come up with a brilliant idea like that.” Miss Dress, who was in the flower-patterned dress, was very impressed by Chen Ge.

“There are many other brilliant qualities about our boss, but the most important thing is that he treats us with sincerity, and he really sees us as one of his family.” The middle-aged man walked to Zuo Han’s side. “Whenever a new scenario is open to the public, there will be a group of visitors that serve as the first sacrifice. I actually have quite a good impression of these students from the Jiujiang Medical University. What can I say? They have just come at the wrong time.”

“Brother Zhou, is it really okay for us to scare the visitors like this. I am afraid that something will really happen to them.” The rather numb Mr. Wood turned to look the two ‘fainted’ visitors, and he was earnestly feeling pity toward them.

“They will be fine. To prevent this kind of problem from happening, the haunted house has the most professional medical unit, and all the fainted visitors get sent over for inspection before they are sent out of the haunted house,” the middle-aged man who was referred to as Brother Zhou said proudly.

“We even have a professional medical team at this haunted house?”

“Yes, they reside in the underground morgue. We will be going there now.” The medical unit was based in the underground morgue. This sentence was rather contradictory, but since Miss Dress and Mr. Wood were both new employees at the haunted house, they did not press for more details. The three employees worked together to pick up the two ‘fainted’ visitors. After they took the visitors out of the apartments, there were carts moved over from the underground morgue waiting for them outside the apartment building along with the other workers. All the workers appeared to be very familiar with this process. They adroitly moved the ‘fainted’ visitors onto the carts and moved to the fringe of the ghost fetus scenario.

“This time, the number of fainted visitors is rather high, so the group of doctors have personally come from the underground morgue.” With the directions from Brother Zhou, the two ‘fainted’ visitors were sent into one of the buildings.

“Be careful over there. Do not accidentally bump their heads.” The haunted house workers pushed open a wooden door. There were no lights in the room, but once they entered it, the surrounding temperature dropped instantly as if they had entered a fridge.

“Doctor Wei, would you mind holding back your presence? You’re going to give the visitors a cold.” Brother Zhou reminded the good doctor softly.

“More students from Jiujiang Medical University?” The old man’s voice came out from inside the room. Hearing this voice, Ol’ Zhou had a better smile on his face. The other haunted house workers were reacting normally, but one of the fainted visitors started to shudder and shake.

“This time, we not only have a student from Jiujiang Medical University, we also have a lecturer from the university.” Brother Zhou pointed at the fainted visitors and then took a step back.

“A lecturer? What is going on? Even a lecturer has abandoned their job to come and do this nonsense‽” Doctor Wei in the white lab coat and three other doctors walked out from inside the room. The four pairs of eyes skipped over Zuo Han, and they all focused on Mr. Wang.

“Wang Qinzhi?” When he saw Mr. Wang, the name practically fell out of Doctor Wei’s lips. Just as he said that name, the fainted visitor’s body shook violently. The always stern and severe Mr. Wang flipped open his eyes. When he saw Doctor Wei, his eyes reddened almost instantly, and he croaked out with melancholy and shook. “Sir‽”

“Sir’s sir‽” Zuo Han, who was still pretending to be unconscious, slightly opened his eyes. He was too curious about this development. Being recognized by his own student, Doctor Wei’s original anger halved. The old man did not say anything for a long time. Seeing Mr. Wang crawl down from the cart, Doctor Wei said, “You have the wrong person.”

He turned around and disappeared into the room.

“Sir!” Mr. Wang chased after Doctor Wei. He knew that Doctor Wei was not of this world anymore. After all, he had personally sent his dear teacher away, but now he had encountered his respected teacher again inside the haunted house. The people from the past reappeared before him. Mr. Wang did not have any fear in his heart. He merely wanted to chase after Doctor Wei. The overly long time he had spent faking his unconsciousness made his legs a bit numb. Just as Mr. Wang stood up, his arms were held back by others.

“Let me go!” He struggled as he yelled the name of his lecturer. At that moment, he was acting like a child calling after his parent.

“No wonder he is a lecturer at a respected university. His acting is so good that he managed to trick all the ghosts.” Mr. Wood grabbed Mr. Wang while Ol’ Zhou’s hands lightly pressed on Mr. Wang’s head. He did not use much force, but Mr. Wang’s body slowly crumbled to the ground. Peace returned to the room.

After Mr. Wang had really fainted, Doctor Wei walked out from inside the room. The old man had a conflicted expression. He squatted before Mr. Wang and studied him for a long time. “Of all my students, he is the most like me. In fact, he is even more serious and stubborn than I am. You’d better find a way to make him lose this part of his memory, or he will spend the rest of his life visiting this haunted house until he finds out the truth.”

“Are you sure you want to do that? You are his respected teacher. This would be a very good memory for him to have as a keepsake.” Ol’ Zhou still thought that it was better to ask for a second opinion.

“Keep what sake? When I was alive, I did everything that I could. I have already taught them everything that I know, so I have no regrets.” Doctor Wei waved his hands. “The living should look forward. It is understandable to be melancholic for a while, but drowning in the sorrow of the past will only drag them back.”

“Okay, then I will go and get Zhang Yi.” Ol’ Zhou and another employee went to summon Zhang Yi while Doctor Wei’s eyes slowly moved away from Mr. Wang to look at Zuo Han. He shook his head lightly. “You perhaps might not know this, but this is actually the third time you’ve pretended to faint before us.”

Zuo Han knew perfectly well that the elder’s words were meant for him. His eyelids were shuddering. He resisted the great fear that was growing in his heart and forced himself to keep his eyes closed. Doctor Wei looked at Zuo Han’s youthful and energetic face, and he slowly reached out to touch his head.

“You are the most talented child that I have ever encountered. You have all the qualities to be a very good forensic doctor. There is nothing more that I can teach you. I only hope that you will remember this—always insist on the truth. The dead cannot speak, so we forensic doctors have to help them voice their regrets.” The old man was suddenly reminded of Chen Ge. “Now that I think about it, that is also exactly what Boss Chen is doing. Could it be that the entwined interaction between the haunted house and Jiujiang Medical University was already written in the stars?”

New Century Park’s haunted house had a very good relationship with Jiujiang Medical University. That was a well-known truth. Their relationship was so good that there were people online who suspected that Chen Ge’s haunted house hired the students from the university to act as his ‘ghosts’.

“Similarly, we are all helping the dead who can’t speak seek their justice. Perhaps this is why both parties can understand each other so well.” Doctor Wei did not use much force on his palm, but Zuo Han felt a chill on the back of his neck, and he slowly lost consciousness. Making a living person faint without them realizing it was not that difficult for a ghost. At Chen Ge’s request, this had already become a skill that all the workers at the haunted house had mastered before they started working.

Moments later, Ol’ Zhou returned with Zhang Yi, and the latter started to work on hiding parts of the visitors’ memory.


“Let me go! Please let me go!” He San struggled as hard as he could, but probably due to highly strung nerves, Qin Guang only had one thought in mind, and that was to run. He did not hear He San’s pleas at all. The two broke through the barrier formed by the Red Specters and ran out of Jiu Hong Apartments Block 1. The whole hidden scenario was shrouded in black fog. They could not tell the direction at all. Qin Guang and He San did not dare stop. They did not even have a chance to take a breath before they took off into the black fog again.

Zuo Han said that the exit is at the deepest part of the scenario! Now that I have the rag doll’s head, the ghosts do not dare get close to me. If I am truly surrounded, I can sacrifice this student from the university and use him to distract the ghosts so that I can escape.

Qin Guang was racing like his life depended on it. He felt like he still had a chance of escaping.

“Hey! Watch where you’re going! It’s pointless to just barrel aimlessly in here!” He San yelled urgently, but Qin Guang was already beyond hearing any advice. This popular host who had left the hospital once again found his mental state at the edge of a breakdown. He did not wish to be sent back to the hospital just two days after he left it. When a person was under the great pressure, their inner potential would be invoked. Their adrenaline level rose, greatly improving their physical capability. Qin Guang and He San, both of whom did not like to do sports that much normally, somehow fought their way through the fog with the Red Specters chasing after them.

Another building appeared before them—Jin Hwa Apartments Block A.

“We’re at a dead end!”

“There is no way we are going into that building! If we are surrounded inside a room, then it will be over for us!” He San raised his voice to warn Qin Guang.

He had just said that when he saw a figure walk out from the building. Both parties were startled when they saw each other, and it was Qin Guang who was the first to recover. “You are... Xiao Sun?”

“Oh my, there are other survivors!” Sun Xiaojun was very surprised. He wanted to say something else when he suddenly felt the boiling fury in the black fog. A few Red Specters materialized in the black fog, and this army had stunned even this haunted house employee. “What the... What have you two done?”

Without saying anything, Xiao Sun turned back and ran, crawling back into Jin Hwa Apartments Block A. When creatures ran into danger, they would display a sheep effect. Wherever the leading sheep went, the group of sheep would follow. Only Qin Guang saw Xiao Sun run back into the building. He dragged He San and chased after him. The three kept running down the stairs. The building appeared like it led directly to hell. They passed one floor after another, but they still had not reached the end. He San’s mind was filled with despair, but there was no way back. All he could do was keep following Xiao Sun and Qin Guang down this road to hell.

“Brother Sun, where are you leading us‽” Qin Quang slowly realized that something was wrong. This staircase kept on going downward like it had no ending.

“I have no idea either. Also, why are you two following me‽” Sun Xiaojun was just a baleful Specter; he was also afraid of Red Specters, especially after he had accidentally offended one of them. So, just like that, two visitors found themselves chasing a ghost down to the bottom floor of Jin Hwa Apartments Block A. Along the way, they did not dare stop because there were too many abnormal ‘neighbors’ living in this building, and the way they looked at the visitors was like they wanted to eat them alive. The blood trickled down the banister and the walls. The black fog surged down the stairs, and the three visitors had nowhere else to run.

“What do we do now? We have nowhere else to go!”

“I already told you we should not go inside the building! You guys are too stubborn to listen to me!”

“Get into the room! Quick! Go and hide! The tour is almost over anyway!”

The three visitors pushed open a random room. They held their noses and mouths as they went hiding inside.

“What is it?” After closing the door, He San’s group realized that they found themselves inside a room with no furniture but multiple sets of old, boxy television sets. The television sets were placed together, and just the sight of them made one feel quite pressed.

“This feels so weird.” The room suddenly became very quiet, and the footsteps outside the corridor disappeared. It was as if the room that they were in was forgotten by time. The air froze, and the sound of static appeared. The television that was placed right in the middle suddenly came on. The faded light fell on the three visitors’ faces. The black and white static flickered, and one could see a black shadow that was slowly walking toward them. When the screen returned to normal, a child’s face was showing on the screen. The child’s gaze appeared to pass through the screen and stare directly at the three visitors.

His face slowly opened into a smile as his body slowly retreated. Then, the scenario that appeared on the screen shocked everyone. The three visitors appeared on the screen, and at that moment, the child was sitting among them!

“He’s right here!” Qin Guang pointed at the empty space before him. There was nothing there, but the television was clearly showing a child standing there.

“It should be some kind of reflection.” Before He San could finish, all the televisions got switched on at the same time. The static sound tortured the nerves of the visitors. After the screens stabilized, the three visitors saw something scary that would scar them for life!

Each television was broadcasting extremely gory and scary images, and these images were taken inside the haunted house. Some of main characters shown were their once teammates. It was so suffocatingly real, but that was not the scariest part!

It was as if all the killers, ghosts, and Red Specters had made a promise, they all seemed to notice that someone was watching them at the same time. Their bloody heads slowly turned around at the same time, and the crazed eyes stared at the three visitors beyond the screen!

The eyes filled with blood, madness, and sadism stared right at the visitors. The expressions of the ghosts and murderers slowly changed. It was as if they had found new prey. They dragged their weapons of choice and slowly walked toward the screens!

They got closer and closer to the screens. The scary faces stuck to the screens. Just as the three visitors were about to faint from shock, the television sets in the room suddenly all got turned off. The light all disappeared from the room, and the three visitors collapsed to the ground. They gasped heavily for air like they had just been given a second lease on life. But before they could recover, the television sets all turned on again, but this time, only the victims were left on screens. The killers and ghosts had disappeared!

“Where... have they gone?” He San stammered.

At that moment, knocking came from behind them!

Dong dong dong!

The three visitors instantly scurried away from the room door. Their faces were pale; none of them dared open the door. The knocking became more insistent, and the door trembled. Several seconds later, the door suddenly opened on its own. There was nothing outside the door, but the light in the room suddenly darkened as if the light from the screens was being blocked by something. He San, who was closest to the television sets, turned back to look, and his gaze was directly glued to the television screens.

All the screens had changed. They all turned to show this room that they were in. Other than the three visitors, the room was incredibly crowded, filled to the brim with different kinds of people. Blood dripped until the screens were dyed red. One figure after another appeared in the room, and the image broadcast on the television sets was slowly turning into reality.

Qin Guang was so scared that he had already fainted. Before He San lost consciousness, somehow, the scenario from back when he first visited this haunted house crossed his mind.

“If only I hadn’t tried to be so cheap that afternoon and used that theme park coupon that had almost expired...”

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