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Chapter 176 New Dimension Quest (2)

Chapter 176 New Dimension Quest (2)

-Because it is a world where records of your actions remain, you have been given the first chance to interfere with the problems occurring.


-What you think is right. It is Jormungand. If help is requested from the Hero Universe, there is a 100% chance they are involved.

Kang Shin-hyuk wondered if it might be related to the Ouroboros unit of Jormungand. While he was considering some silly things, the administrator continued.

-Of course, there are no traces of you left in that world anymore. If you wish to decline, there is no problem with it.

“What do you think, administrator?”

-A bonus of 70,000HP to members who respect the administrator’s opinion!

The administrator could hardly let a day pass by without giving out some HP bonus.

-Kieron belongs to a lower level than earth. Even when you first received the dimensional quest, virtually nothing was dangerous to you.

The huge monster at the end had been the exception, but he could’ve avoided it if he had wanted to. In fact, it had felt more like a bonus problem he faced after completing the main task. Thanks to that, though, his traits had evolved.

-It is the same now. Although there have been many changes in Kieron, they are very weak compared to the changes you have undergone.

“So I’m not in danger there.” Another world where he could play in comfort. It was cruel to the people of that world, but it was a world of a lower standard of force than earth. Even the strongest person in the world there wasn’t much better than Kang Shin-hyuk had been when he just awakened. So what about him now? He would have to restrain himself in order not to hurt people.

-That’s right. If you exert excessive power that doesn’t match that dimension, Jormungand may send a suitable enemy to face you, so you need to be careful in wielding your force.

It was the first time that such a restriction was given, but Kang Shin-hyuk was interested.

-On the other hand, what you can get is similar to before. That is time. The time ratio has soared once more to 1:15 now with the earth.

“What the hell is it about that ratio?”

-It is from the monster that had appeared. If it were a natural mutation, it wouldn’t cause a cataclysmic change, but this isn’t natural.

Yes, he had expected that such a guy would appear.

-What will you do? It is a dimensional quest that indirectly helps to defeat danger while defending humanity as it survives and rebuilds. There will be no real battle, but your metallurgy will be important.

“Sure, that’s good enough. Let’s go.” Shin-hyuk had little hesitation. Right now, it was around six o’clock on a Friday evening, and Claire and Shin Eunah would be gone the whole weekend on their business trip. With the time ratio, he could be there for a month and a half before he needed to head back. Time had always been one of the resources he needed more of. He also wanted to check out his new skills and make items to sell on the trading board.

“If only I heard this yesterday or even this morning.”

-Dimensional quests don’t occur every time, after all.

“It can’t be helped. I’ll go right away. Oh, wait.” Didn’t he decide to work with Lee Na-hee this weekend? He sent her a quick text that something came up over the weekend.

[Senior Nahee: Ah.]

[Senior Nahee: Oh, seriously?]

[I’m sorry.]

[Senior Nahee: My weapon was to be completed.]

[If it’s okay, we could do it Monday?]

[Senior Nahee: I won’t sleep until it’s finished.]


[Senior Nahee: If it’s okay, then look at me.]

[Senior Nahee: (Emoji where a cat makes a heart with its tail)]


“It’s just an emoticon!” For a teenager, being sent a heart emoji from a girl your age was enough to set off all sorts of delusions. Most likely, it didn’t mean anything; it was just a way to end the conversation. Although, there were cases where they might complain later about the missed signals. It was like Schrodinger’s heart emoji, as it possessed two contradictory results that wouldn’t be known until directly confirmed…

-Go to Kieron.

Kang Shin-hyuk finally moved to Kieron after a long time of worrying about the administrator and Lee Na-hee. As his eyes opened, he could see a rather large number of humans. It was the race of humans in Kieron.

“Block them! If they get past, Her Majesty will be in danger!”

“Prepare your javelins! Fire!”

“Eat javelin, you monster!” Dozens of javelins flew over the wall the humans were on, filling Kang Shin-hyuk with a strange sense of longing. He realized it was because they were weapons he made.



As Kang Shin-hyuk quickly moved to avoid the spears, the weapons lodged into the ground and caused screams to ring out. There didn’t appear to be anything there, but Kang Shin-hyuk remembered the monster that had been here before.


‘It’s coming up.’ Several monsters, exactly like the one he faced before, began to reveal their true appearance. They had been disguised as rocks and debris, even piles of dirt, but now they had javelins sticking out of them.

“Fire the arrows!”

“We have to kill them and retrieve the javelins!”

“The swordsman unit is moving forward! Stab them through the barrier!” The scene was very hectic, which is why none of them seemed to notice Kang Shin-hyuk appeared right in the midst of it. But was that really enough for them not to notice him?


“Was it because of you?” Since Onyx had been given free rein of the garbage warehouse, he had become more active. He had activated hiding as a habit, using [Synchronization] to hide Kang Shin-hyuk as well.

“Good job, Onyx.”


“Did you feel the dimensional shift in the garbage warehouse?”


Rarely, Kang Shin-hyuk would be able to interpret Onyx’s intentions successfully.

“Then, this situation… uh, what should I do…?” Thanks to Onyx, Shin-hyuk was able to take a step back and judge the situation calmly.

-It is a mutation. Originally, these are creatures that wait for their prey and hide. However, they have become impatient as humans followed the excellent fox’s guidance to regain their safe dwellings and a stable food supply with those javelins you left behind.

“Did you just say fox so naturally?”

-And when the world began to stabilize, and the possibilities of new life began to sprout, Jormungand noticed it. They were unable to intervene for the same reasons as you actively, but they had another possibility.

“That’s mutating this monster.”

-A 30,000HP bonus for members whose intelligence overflows!

Maybe the administrator shouldn’t be in charge of quiz questions.

-Thus, the entire race of them mutated. Complete stealth was possible, even disguising themselves as objects, and they even became faster.”

“I see.” The battle in front of them was fierce. Although they were smaller versions of that giant one they had fought before, their attack was threatening as they quickly moved their sharp front paws.

‘No direct intervention but… at this rate, they’ll be pushed back.’ He felt guilty standing by and doing nothing. If he did that, then there was no point in coming here. If so, how far could he interfere…

-If you don’t use your own weapon to kill enemies, it’s okay.

The administrator replied as if he had read his mind. He laughed with relief, now aware of what kind of help he could give. With Onyx’s assistance, he approached the barrier stealthily and laid his hands on it. Then, he activated his trait with all his power.


“The barrier is shining golden!” He gave the barrier the power of a dragon. The change wasn’t all that dramatic, however.

‘The barrier itself isn’t very strong. My trait is stronger than the target, so the amplification is limited…’ Despite that, it was enough. The barrier that had seemed like it might buckle at any moment was still standing strong against the monsters’ rampage.

“It’s a blessing!”

“God has blessed us!”

“God is looking down upon us. We can beat them!” Why did they quickly rely on faith? Kang Shin-hyuk let out a sigh, recalling something similar that had happened before. However, he answered them by activating his trait again to strengthen each human and weapon within his reach.

“Is this really alright? There’s no problem?”

-Of course. Your trait of remotely interfering with other people’s origins is perfect for dimensional quests.

The administrator admired Kang Shin-hyuk anew. The war situation had been completely reversed just by him activating his trait twice.

“God has heard our prayers and gave us strength!”

“Now, let’s kill them! Javelin troops!”

“Fire!” Their bodies dyed with a subtle golden hue; the soldiers threw their javelins with all their might. The golden-stained spears rained down upon the monsters.




The symphony of monster screams rang out as the swordsman troops tore through their hard shells with weapons stained golden.

“My whole body is full of strength!”

“Ooooh!” The soldiers rallied to wipe out the monsters, a completely different image than before. The battle, which would’ve lasted a few hours, was cleaned up in just five minutes.

“Oh, huh…”

“My strength…” After the battle was over, Kang Shin-hyuk let his power flow out of them. It would be too much to think it had been a permanent blessing.

“We won.”

“Is it all over? Really?”

“Yeah, at least this battle.” The soldiers collapsed on the ground, not even thinking of recovering their weapons.


“Well?” Kang Shin-hyuk let out a sigh of relief upon seeing the situation ended without any sacrifices. But, at that moment, one soldier turned his head towards him.


“Huh?” His eyes clearly met Shin-hyuk’s beyond the barrier. He had been one of the soldiers he met before.


“God’s Apostle!”

“No way, the apostle is back!”

“Eh?” Stealth shouldn’t have canceled out just because he sighed; how was he caught? Kang Shin-hyuk turned to look at Onyx on his shoulder but noticed he was no longer there.


The guy was on the ground, gnawing at the legs of the dead monsters. Kang Shin-hyuk felt a sigh forming in his very soul.

“How could it be?!”

“We thought that God had abandoned us…”

“He came again!”


Onyx was, undoubtedly, a gluttonous pig.

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