Rise My Elementals!

Chapter 261 - The Strategy For The Battle Against The Black Organization

Chapter 261 The Strategy for the battle against the Black organization 

Author: M_W Cancer 

Grammar checker: M_W Nomral 

"\'Mischievous\' for the Mischievous Lion organization, \'Blue\' for the Blue Fin Kingdom, and \'Sword\' for the Sword and Magic?" Queen Olivia thought for a second, "Hahahaha, this is great!"

"Mischievous Blue Sword? I like the name of that!" Queen Maria nodded in agreement.

"As long as everyone\'s name is included, I\'m fine with that." Madam Silva agreed as well, "Anyways, what is our strategy?"

Hearing that question, Leo walked towards the table before storing the chessboard and chess pieces in his Storage Ring and replacing it with a map of the entire Silver Kingdom.

"Right as we speak, Southwest Fortress, Southeast Fortress, and Heart city should already be attacking the Southern Fortress with the main goal of buying enough time for this discussion of an alliance." Leo pointed at the three different directions. "But, since the discussion was agreed easier and earlier than we have expected before, then we can order a retreat and barricade all of the possible paths forward so as to not let any members of the Black organization go anywhere than the Southern Fortress."

"Aside from that," Leo pointed at Blacksmoke city before suddenly calling out Claude, "Claude!"

Claude who was feeling out of place ever since he arrived at Leo\'s manor was quickly stunned when Leo called out for his name. He quickly calmed himself down as he then came running towards him.


"Tell the Patriarch and Matriarch of the Blacksmoke Noble Household to do everything they can to not allow anyone from the William city to get inside the Mischievous Lion organization, as in everything they can, no matter the cost and whoever those people are, whether Noble Households or owners of businesses." Leo ordered, "Leave with Hannah, David, Dandelion, and the two others who were with your group."

"You can trust me in this, Commander Leo!" Claude said before he turned around and motioned to Hannah, David, Dandelion, and the two others to come with him.

The moment they left, Leo turned to look at his Master Olivia, "Master, why did you allow Hannah to enroll in Mischievous Lion Academy? Don\'t you know that she\'s actually a member of the Williams Noble Household?"

This was actually the exact reason why he started with the Blacksmoke city first before proceeding with his entire plan, so as to have a good reason to make Hannah leave because he wasn\'t sure whether she was safe or not.

"Don\'t worry, we have already done a thorough investigation of her. Although Hannah\'s family is considered as a part of the Williams Noble Household, they are actually a very distant branch. In fact, her mother is actually only one of the assistants of their Logistic Department who was lucky enough to marry a branch member of the Williams Noble Household, a very distant relative of the Williams too. Her father was unfortunately killed during their escape from the Williams Noble Household to the Blacksmoke city, since at that time they were afraid of being inflicted in their Noble Household\'s mess. So, she hates the Black organization to the very depths of her bone." Queen Olivia replied. "If you still don\'t trust the result of the investigation, then we have also already assigned Claude and David, both trainee of the Mischievous Lion organization, to secretly observe Hannah\'s everyday life, so you don\'t have to worry. If she really dares to betray, then both Claude and David would not hesitate to kill her."

"Okay!" Leo nodded in understanding. He then continued, "To continue with the plan, the Blacksmoke city would deter the Black organization at Williams city so as to not let them lit up a fire in our backyard."

While saying that, Leo can\'t help turning to look at Queen Olivia, Queen Maria, Madam Silva, Elder Rain, and Commander Ava to see their reaction.

Noticing this, everyone smiled as they all motioned for him to continue. 

At first, he was really dubious whether they agree with him or not, but seeing their reaction, it seems like they are indeed supportive of him becoming the Commander.

"Going back to the main topic. We will allocate 100 soldiers to attack the west gate of Blue Coral city with the goal of only trying to disrupt them from sending out a lot of troops to attack the Southeast Fortress." Leo said the next step.

"But, would 100 be enough? Why not send 500 or 1,000 soldiers instead, or better let us the Blue Fin Kingdom handle them?" Queen Maria can\'t help asking. Right now, every territory of the Silver royal family was putting their entire guards up in fear of the Mischievous Lion organization, Sword and Magic organization, and Black organization attacks. So, sending out only 100, even with only the goal of disrupting, would be useless as they might not even be able to approach close to their wall.

"Before coming to Heart city, we first came from Blue Coral city. I do admit that their other gates are extremely strict, but their west gate is relatively unguarded thinking that we don\'t have any intention of attacking them. So, we can use that to our advantage. As long as the men we send only try to cause them trouble, then Blue Coral city wouldn\'t be able to calm down out of fear that maybe the Mischievous Lion organization is finally thinking of attacking their west." Leo replied.

"A psychological attack?" Commander Ava asked.

"Yes, a psychological attack." Leo nodded.

"Hahahaha, that\'s indeed great. The moment they heard the news of the Mischievous Lion organization actually attacking the Southern Fortress, it would be too late for them to try to attack the Southeast Fortress." Commander Ava said in understanding of Leo\'s plan.

"Exactly!" Leo smiled. Then, he turned to look at Queen Maria, "Right now, where are your soldiers stationed at?"

"They are all in the sea in the east, waiting for my signal for them to enter the land." Queen Maria replied.

"Perfect," Leo pointed at the Southeast Fortress, "Let your men dock on the Southeast Fortress port, I have men stationed over there and I would just pass them a message to let you in. After that, station 1/8 of your soldiers in the Southeast while the rest would help attack the Southern Fortress."

"Oh, in case if your plan in disrupting doesn\'t work we would still have enough soldiers to buy us time until we can successfully invade the Southern Fortress?"

"Yes! We can\'t always rely on just one plan, right? If I\'m capable of thinking of attacking them psychologically, they as well would of course be able to think of that. So, it\'s much better to prepare a backup plan."

"Sounds good to me." Queen Maria nodded.

After that, Leo turned to look at Madam Silva, "In our discussion, you\'ve mentioned that your men would secretly be stationed inside the Southern Fortress, right?"

"Don\'t worry, they are already standing still and waiting for the time of the attack. Once the Southern Fortress is under attack by the combination of the Mischievous Lion organization and Blue Fin Kingdom\'s force, they would also reveal themselves." Madam Silva replied.

"Would they be able to replace the guards guarding the south gate?" Leo suddenly asked.

"Just the south gate?"

"Yes, just the south gate."

"What for?" Madam Silva curiously asked, "Isn\'t it much better for them to attack any of the three gates so that we can easily get inside their territory?"

"Hehehehe," Leo laughed mischievously, "I have something prepared in the Twilight Forest. I won\'t be revealing it yet, since it relies on whether those two can complete it, but let\'s just hope they can."

"If it\'s just the south gate, then it should be relatively easy for them, considering that the moment the battle starts most of their men would be stationed in the other three gates." Madam Silva nodded.

"Gretchen, Margaret, Blaze, Haze, Glaze come here, I have something for you and your men to do." Leo suddenly called out.

Without wasting any time, Gretchen and the others quickly walked towards Leo.

"What is it?" Gretchen asked for the entire group.

"I want you guys to make a flag for the Mischievous Blue Sword Alliance." Leo said.

"Any request for the design?"

"I want it to be a blue-colored sword with two eyes and a mouth that looked like someone smiling mischievously, can you do that?"

"That\'s very easy. In fact, I can create something much better than that!" Gretchen shrugged her shoulders off, seemingly like saying that Leo\'s order for him is as easy as pie.

"Then go on and do that, I want it done before we leave Heart city."

"Roger!" Gretchen nodded as she then turned around to leave the place with Margaret, Blaze, Haze, Glaze, and all of their men.

Seeing them leave, Queen Olivia can\'t help asking, "What is the flag for?"

"Madam Silva said to me before that the Sword and Magic are following Vladimir thinking he is their leader, therefore the men that Madam Silva has gathered should only be a few, am I, right?" Leo turned to look at Madam Silva.

"Yes... But, don\'t worry, all the 10 Guardians are on my side, so although they are only a few, they ate still considered as powerful. But, what about it?" Madam Silva replied.

"Very simple..." Leo pointed his stick in the Southern Fortress, "We will use that flag to announce that Sword and Magic is our ally, henceforth making those members of the Sword and Magic who has been fooled by the Black organization betrays them from the inside."

"HAHAHAHAHA!" Elder Rain can\'t help laughing, "Usually in war, flags are only used to boost the morale of the soldiers or to identify oneself. I have never expected that you would actually think of using it to signal the members of Sword and Magic."

"Hehehe, the only reason why the Black organization has a lot of manpower right now is that they have fooled a lot of members from the Sword and Magic. But the moment we reveal the truth to them, they would only be left with a few soldiers to fight against us." Leo replied as he smiled mischievously.

"Indeed, that\'s my... Ehem!, Madam Silva for me, really capable of finding a very talented young man!" Elder Rain nearly said \'That\'s my younger brother for me\'. Fortunately, he was fast enough to cover it up.

"Anyways, back to the plan." Leo pointed his stick in the Heart city, "Every soldier of Heart city would be facing the north gate, preparing for the Silver royal family\'s attack. The moment they heard of our attack in the Southern Fortress, they would definitely try to attack the Heart city."

"This is indeed a headache..." Madam Silva shook her head as she also felt the direness of the Heart city\'s current location. Although Leo\'s plan was good, it still doesn\'t put any defense to their other enemy, specifically the Silver royal family.

"But, with the majority of our manpower fighting against the Southern Fortress, we can only leave weaker soldiers to defend." Queen Olivia also understood this. This was the exact reason why she stayed in Heart city in the first place, to deter against the King of Silver Kingdom.

"Then let\'s just increase our home base advantage before they arrive.." Leo smiled.

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