Be happy with sports

Chapter 288 Small Vacation at Home 6

Chapter 288 Small Vacation at Home 6

Jake always had trouble understanding women’s feelings, so maybe he couldn’t get a relationship even though he had so many qualities, thankfully his fourth job skills Communication Skills and Emotion Control helped him understand that something was wrong with Tiffany.

"Aren’t you very happy about it? I understand that you went through a lot to help Clara with these stocks, but I did it just because I didn’t want to see you guys struggling so hard to succeed having difficulties and seeing your companies stagnate even though I can help."

"It’s not that, I’m very happy that everything went well and this problem is solved, I’m happy for Clara and me too that now I can focus again on the development of my company."

"I was just thinking that since you solved everything so easily, everything I’ve done in the last two years has been kind of useless, you know?"

"I’ll be honest and say that I don’t quite understand what you are feeling right now because I’ve never been through anything like that, but you have to understand that since I knew about the problem Clara was going through and that you were also having trouble help I’ve always been thinking of helping."

"I always said you could count on me, so once I had the opportunity I helped as I said I would, I don’t want to have any regrets in this life, so of course I would."

Jake knew that Tiffany must be feeling helpless that he couldn’t do things as easily as Jake, he understood that and knew what it felt like to do nothing when he saw Eva dying in his past life and it was because he didn’t realize she was sick.

But he understood that life was like that, as you fight your whole life to achieve some things, some luckier people get it in a few months, people might be jealous of it, but have to accept the situation, Jake was still trying to use them that he had to help his friends before thinking only of himself.

Tiffany just laughed when she realized she was being very immature, after all, she was being comforted and receiving advice from Jake who was only 17 years old, she couldn’t put her feelings in order at the moment.

"I don’t think you’re in the mood to celebrate, so I think you better go home and rest, take time off from work and get your feelings in order, and then work well for your company to make up for the lost time and grow even more."

"I think you’re right, Jake, I’m going then and another time we can celebrate."

After Tiffany left Jake was alone for a while smiling bitterly, he did something he thought was right and helped his friends the way he wanted, but he just can’t celebrate with Clara and Tiffany.

He even wondered if what he did was really right, after all, no one seemed to be very happy about it, but Jake soon comforted himself that he did what he thought was right and he felt better after doing it, at least he was sure it didn’t hurt Clara and Tiffany with that.

After that Jake went home to spend more time with his mother which was what he had come to do this week he was here, he would not say what he did today to his mother because he did not like to talk much about stocks and investing with your mother.

After all, it was a business that for many people was a risky investment, only Jake knew it was safe because he knew the future, yet he had to be careful not to end up losing everything if the future changed with him here.

The day after Eva went back to the restaurant, Jake called Emily, he had only one week in Miami and wanted to work out what he could before he went back to college and had to focus on basketball games again.

Emily didn’t show up because she didn’t know Jake was in Miami, otherwise she herself would have come to sort out some important matters with him, in the office, she organized the important documents Jake had to see and then went to Jake’s home.

Since Emily was her assistant on behalf of Jake, she didn’t have to leave home to talk to her, so Emily also preferred a quieter business environment and went quickly to his house.

"I didn’t know you were home, Jake if I had known I would have come before."

"I arrived a few days ago and was doing other things, so even if you came before I couldn’t talk to you, did you bring the reports?"

"Yes, I had already separated them all, as you read I’ll summarize the important points for you."

So Emily recounted the things she considered most important to Jake, first she reported changes and forecasts to the stock market, especially to the Cisco company they were investing in.

Jake knew what had happened and what was going to happen better than analysts had predicted, but he still listened to Emily who had the trouble of organizing all the information for him.

After Emily told Jake what was going on with the Amazon company too, they reached 180,000 customer accounts that month and her revenues were $ 15.7 million, she wasn’t very excited about it because it was little considered what had been invested.

What Emily had not considered was that the company had been started recently and was still growing, Jake was not concerned about the company, he could simply forget that he had these shares until more than 20 years later.

"Even though sales are not doing so well, it seems that the company’s IPO is expected to be very well, who owns company stock may end up with millions after the company enters the stock market."

Emily was so excited that she said it incorrectly, after all, Jake had invested more than 12 million in the company, so it was normal that he was a millionaire when the company went to market, she should be referring to who had invested little in the company.

By the time the company goes to market Jake’s 12 million will soon be worth 120 million, so Jake would have made a lot of money since then, of course, Jake expected his share of the company to fall because of the company’s IPO.

But with his contract he would have no less than 12% of the shares, that would be great for him anyway, of course, Jake didn’t want his share percentage to go down, but he was prepared for it.

She then talked about the Palo Alto company spending on developing Multi-touch technology, it was a lot of spending adding up what they used for electronics and plus the salaries of Charlie’s team, but it wasn’t much for Jake at the moment.

Jake’s own investment firm spent much more than that every year, of course, it was important because they were taking care of hundreds of millions of dollars in investments.

After receiving all the reports, Jake signed some necessary documents and finally settled everything he needed on this trip to Miami, but before Emily left Jake had to take care of more investments.

Last year he had received a 25 million profit share, had to repay the 12 million loan he made to buy Amazon stock and another 3 million to buy his current home with the renovation and another building for his company of investments.

The rest of the money he did not invest because he was saving to buy those 10 percent of Clara’s company stock or for an investment, he was considering making in some companies in a few years.

But now he had already bought Clara’s stock and still had over 30 million to invest again, so he decided to invest more money in the Cisco stock and leave the rest for emergencies and future investments.

He would invest $ 23,900,000 and leave $ 7 million without moving, next year he would probably receive more profit share from Matthew’s company and maybe also from Clara’s company.

With more of the money he would receive from the sponsorship he could think about how to invest this money again later next year, Emily received that money and thought for a moment and decided not to say anything and just go out to make this new investment.

"Are you thinking of anything? You can tell me, I want to hear your opinion."

"I was just thinking that it is very risky to keep hundreds of millions of dollars invested in just one company, I have made some market research and have dozens of companies that are growing as attractive as the Cisco Company."

"But when I was thinking of suggesting this to you, you decided to invest even more money in this company, so I realized that you wouldn’t listen to my advice and might even think I’m doing it because my dad asked."

Emily thought her father and Matthew were a little right to be concerned that their stock was appreciating so much and might lose everything at once, so she was in favor of selling at least some of it and giving it back to investors because so their company and their investments would only work with the profit.

Jake couldn’t answer what Emily said, everyone who works on venture capital stocks knows that it is better to diversify his investment portfolio into dozens of companies, so if some of those stocks were to devalue other stocks could rise and discount that loss.

But Jake was just investing in one company, so if the stock depreciated they would lose all the money invested, it was very high risk and not recommended and could only increase the bigger the investment.

Jake even in his past life made his money in the stock market by diversifying his investments in various stocks, he lost some more money made much more so, of course, he regretted not investing more money in some companies as well.

But now he was just choosing the company he knew would make the most money instead of unnecessarily diversifying money into several companies, not to mention that it would be easier for him to sell in the future.

"I understand what you’re saying Emily, the stock market is a high-risk investment like you said, sometimes higher risk investments can make you earn more, that’s what I’m doing right now."

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