Sage Monarch

Chapter 1190: Elder Brother Yue

Chapter 1190: Elder Brother Yue

Translator: Deathblade

Editor: Chesire Phoenix

There were a total of fifty-six foremen, and a dozen or so were already loudly agreeing to go along with Elder Brother Yue’s plan. They only made up about a quarter of the total number of foremen. However, those who hadn’t yet voiced agreement weren’t united in their opposition. In fact, most of them were considering the veiled threats and promises, and would likely side with Elder Brother Yue.

“Elder Brother Yue, if we do entrust all of the resources of all the mines to you, will you really ensure that everyone meets their quota?” one disciple asked. “If so, I’ll agree to go along with the arrangement.”

“Of course I will,” Elder Brother Yue replied with a smile. “You’re all Junior Brothers of mine, so who else do you expect me to watch out for? Don’t worry, I’ll make sure all of this is worth your while.”

“Elder Brother Yue,” said another disciple, “do you think the sect will mind if we make a deal like this? It’s obviously related to personal profit.”

“Why would they possibly care? According to the rules, we have to hand over a certain amount of ore. Not meeting the quota is a violation of the rules. In that case, they could slaughter everyone in a given mine and no one would say a thing. When it comes time to hand in the yearly production, just send it to me here. It’ll save you a lot of worry and allow all of you to simply focus on improving your cultivation.”

There were still quite a few disciples who weren’t inclined to agree. After all, handing the resources over to Elder Brother Yue would enable him to profit handsomely. Furthermore, he would essentially have their lives in his control.

For example, what if he just didn’t hand over the resources of a given mine at the end of the year? The sect wouldn’t care at all about any personal deals that had been made and would just execute everyone who had failed to meet the quota.

Despite the fact that many people didn\'t want to go along with such an arrangement, there was also the complication of the impending demonling invasion. Furthermore, Elder Brother Yue seemed very threatening, and already had a lot of people on his side. Whoever chose to speak up would surely be made an example of. He probably wouldn\'t do it openly, but it wouldn\'t be difficult to have some gang leaders mount an invasion on the mines of anyone who refused to fall in line. Or he could use disciples from the dao of devils to cause endless trouble.

Everyone here was a clever and astute person, so there was no way they were ignorant of just what Elder Brother Yue was capable of.

“In that case, I agree too,” said another disciple. “I’ll give you all the resources, Elder Brother Yue. From now on, I\'m your man. Whatever orders you give, I’ll follow.”

Elder Brother Yue laughed heartily. “Excellent. Wonderful! You really know how to take the big picture into consideration. I won’t let you down.”

“I\'m in. I want your protection, Elder Brother Yue.” By this point, many of the disciples were worried about chiming in too late, thus angering Elder Brother Yue. It seemed obvious how things were going to end, so jumping in at the head of the line seemed to make the most sense.

Elder Brother Yue was already savoring the new power he was accumulating. Thanks to the demonling invasion, he was consolidating the forces of the fifty-six mines. Furthermore, he would also soon be lining his pockets with ore. In turn, that would allow him to acquire all kinds of resources from the sect, making it that much easier to advance his cultivation base.

A lot of disciples were thinking that it wouldn’t be worth it to stand up to Elder Brother Yue. As long as they could further their cultivation and reach godly ascension, then they could eventually leave these accursed mines behind forever.

Things went on in this way until Elder Brother Yue had fifty-four of the foremen on his side.

There was only one left: Yang Qi.

Rising to his feet, he looked around coldly.

“What,” Elder Brother Yue said, brow furrowed. “Yang Qi, you’re the foreman of Mine Thirteen, right? Are you saying you refuse to go along? Are you really going to stick your head out like this?” He was making no attempt to be polite. He had the power now, and everyone else had acknowledged allegiance to him. As far as he was concerned, if Yang Qi refused to see the light, there was no reason to beat around the bush with him.

“Of course I refuse, Mr. Yue. This idea of yours is nothing more than robbery. You’re just taking our resources for your own. Why would I possibly agree to that? Hmph! We’re all official disciples of the House of God Ordainment. As foremen, it\'s easy for us to skim some profit off the top. Or, if we manage our mines well, and crush the gang leaders, we can surpass the quota and be rewarded by the sect. With more resources from the sect, our cultivation speed will improve and we’ll reach godly ascension that much sooner. If, instead, we work for you, how would we be any different from the novice disciples? You’ve got to be kidding me if you think I risked my life to pass the Bloodgore Trials only to agree to be your flunky.”

Many of the other disciples present were thinking the same thing, but hadn’t dared to speak the words aloud. And now they were very interested in seeing how Yang Qi handled the situation.

In response, Elder Brother Yue clapped softly. “Well said. Very well said. You\'ve got a lot of guts, Yang Qi, and I admire that. But aren’t you worried that being the only dissenting voice here will get you killed?”

Yang Qi chuckled coldly. “You’re saying you have enough guts to try and kill me? Not even elders in the House of God Ordainment would dare to violate the rules by killing an official disciple. Besides, you don\'t have what it takes to kill me. In any case, this discussion is over. I\'m leaving. I\'m strong enough to deal with this demonling invasion without you. If any of the rest of you have problems, just let me know. I can help you. And my help will come free of charge; I won’t ask for payment of any kind. In the meantime, you ought to spend some time thinking about whether you really want to be a flunky to Elder Brother Yue.”

With his words hanging in the air, Yang Qi turned to leave.

Many people felt their hearts stirring in response to Yang Qi’s words, especially when he mentioned helping them with the demonling invasion. If he could do that, then why did they need to be flunkies of Elder Brother Yue?

“You think you can just leave? Sorry, it won’t be that easy! Maybe I can’t kill you, but I can teach you a good lesson. I run the Guardian Mines!” Elder Brother Yue was well aware that if Yang Qi got away after making a big scene like this, it would be a big blow to the morale of his new followers.

“Myriad-Hills God-Mountain Subjugation!

“First stance: One Thousand Mountains!”


Clenching his hand into a fist, he shot toward Yang Qi, his godpower causing the image of a thousand mountains to be projected behind him. It was almost as if the power of a thousand mountains were about to crush Yang Qi, causing the entire area to rumble as if from thunder.

“Screw the hell off!” Yang Qi said, not even bothering to look at him. He flicked his sleeve, and a massive wind sprang up, shattering the incoming attack and continuing on toward Elder Brother Yue himself. When it struck, he was sent flying backward like a bullet, then slammed into the door of the mansion grotto, where he coughed up several huge mouthfuls of blood.

He struggled to rise, glaring at Yang Qi as he prepared to speak. Then he coughed up more blood and slumped back down. “You... you’re so strong....”

“There’s no way a piece of trash like you can run all fifty-six mines.” Without even bothering to look at him, Yang Qi flew up into the air and disappeared in a streak of prismatic light.

“What?!” Everyone knew that Elder Brother Yue was just about to reach godly ascension, but they had all just witnessed him being defeated with a single move. Only now were they starting to realize how strong Yang Qi truly was.

“Since when did Yang Qi get such amazing energy arts? Elder Brother Yue just used the move One Thousand Mountains, which is one of the top moves for Quasi-Gods, yet he was defeated so easily!”

“Well, it doesn’t matter. It seems to me that Elder Brother Yue doesn\'t have what it takes to keep us safe. Let’s get out of here and ask Yang Qi for help.”

“Yeah, exactly! Considering how strong Elder Brother Yang Qi is, there’s no way any of us are a match for him. Look what bad shape Elder Brother Yue is in.”

Even the disciples who were previously loyal to Elder Brother Yue were now reconsidering everything.

One of the disciples raised his voice and said, “Elder Brother Yue, it looks like you have a battle of wills on your hand. Since it doesn’t involve us, we’ll leave for now. After all, we have to make preparations for the demonling invasion.”

“I have to go, too. I’ll come back later to offer my respects, Elder Brother Yue....”

Before long, everyone had left, even the previously staunch supporters of Elder Brother Yue. He was completely alone.

After some time, he managed to struggle to his feet and pull out a jade bottle from inside the fold of his garment. After gobbling up the medicinal pills inside, he slowly recovered his godpower and vital energy.


The bottle shattered. “Yang Qi... you just wait. I won’t let you get away with this. How dare you offend me! My clan has a lot of influence in the House of God Ordainment. You obviously have no idea who the Yue Clan is!”

Yang Qi returned to his mountain peak, a serious expression on his face. He knew that defeating Elder Brother Yue might cause complications, but in the end, he wasn’t very worried about it. He was an official disciple, so according to the rules of the sect, he should be fine. The main thing he needed to worry about would be subterfuge.

Of course, he didn’t fear subterfuge either.

The night passed.

The next morning, a large group of foremen flocked to Yang Qi’s mountain.

“Elder Brother Yang Qi, considering how Elder Brother Yue threatened us so openly, we hope you can provide us with protection.” There were over twenty foremen present. As for the rest, they didn\'t want to throw their lot in with either Elder Brother Yue or Yang Qi.

After all, switching loyalties to Yang Qi would obviously enrage Elder Brother Yue.

Although he was only a disciple like the rest of them, he had the support of an elder who was also a god. As for those who chose to join Yang Qi, they decided there would be plenty of time to worry about such things later. The most pressing matter at hand was to avoid being a flunky of Elder Brother Yue.

“We\'re all fellow disciples, so it’s only natural that I help you,” Yang Qi said. “I\'ve already set up a huge spell formation here in Mine Thirteen. You can always find protection here. And if you have gang leaders in your own mines who’re causing problems, I’ll help you get rid of them. For all we know, they might be in league with the demonlings.”

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