Sage Monarch

Chapter 1193: Demon-Gods

Chapter 1193: Demon-Gods

Translator: Deathblade

Editor: Chesire Phoenix

The large-scale demonling invasion was finally starting, and they were using the cover of darkness to gain an advantage.

Yang Qi’s disciples were all waiting in combat readiness, as they knew that night was the optimal time for demonlings. Humans couldn’t see properly in the dark, but the wild demonlings were used to it, and some of them were even nocturnal.

That was why, when they had first arrived in the god world, Brahma had instructed them to build a shelter as quickly as possible. Of course, a cabin like that wouldn’t have done any good against a huge invasion like this. Even stone structures would be destroyed. The only way to fend off this many demonlings was to use a spell formation or a god kingdom.

There wasn’t any need to consider a god kingdom; the only gods who could create things like that were Consummate, Perfect, and Paramount Gods.

Humans who could reside in god kingdoms were considered truly blessed.

“This is bad, Elder Brother!” Zhang Jufang said, rushing in with a few other disciples. “The demonlings are finally invading! They’re all completely fierce, and there are even hordes of flying ones!”

“Calm down and make sure everyone is ready to fight,” Yang Qi said. “A horde of demonlings like this isn\'t going to break my spell formation.”

“But these demonlings seem to have been well-trained. And they even have some Quasi-Gods among them. When they unleash their power, it\'s definitely going to damage the spell formation. If you don\'t believe me, Elder Brother, just look up in the sky.”

“Fine,” Yang Qi said. Flicking his sleeve, he walked out into the open, looked up, and sent a burning column of flame up into the air. Screams rang out, then vanished as enemies were transformed into ash.

Up above were flocks of owls, each of them as large as an ordinary human, with wingspans of nine meters, soaring back and forth just waiting for an opportunity to dive down and kill someone.


There were over a hundred of them, and all of them could use godpower. In fact, they were actually flying in formation, which allowed them to pool that godpower. Every flap of their wings would summon an energy saber that slashed toward the spell formation, causing it to shake violently.

Before, the spell formation had been able to cut down as many demonlings as rushed against it. Unfortunately, there were Quasi-God demonlings on the attack now, and their combined energy arts were terrifying to say the least.

Normally, Quasi-God demonlings wouldn\'t appear in the presence of humans, but instead preferred to stay in hiding in the deep mountains and forests, maintaining contact only with their own people as they tried to cultivate their way to demon-godly ascension.

But in this invasion, they were attacking the humans with full force, hoping to plunder, not just flesh and blood, but also godstones, medicinal pills, wealth, and other items.

This was how war was waged between demonlings and humans.

Of course, the humans would never launch large-scale raids of the demonlings’ lairs. Instead, they would sometimes send disciples out to hunt demonlings for training purposes, or perhaps in order to harvest their internal pellets and hides.

And the demonlings would occasionally launch large-scale invasions in the hopes of destroying the humans and their bases.

“What are you scared of? They’re only a few owls. Get out there and kill them! This is going to be great training. The spell formation will hold against the ordinary demonlings, so get out there and fight those Quasi-Gods! Bitter, dangerous training like this is how you become part of the legion of gods!”

The Great Classic of God Ordainment contained many strategies for dealing with demonling invasions, and the simplest was to use a spell formation to block the ordinary demonlings and send out elite fighters to kill the Quasi-Gods.

“Yes sir!” Zhang Jufang said. He and a group of disciples quickly flew up and started fighting the owls.

At the same time, some of the official disciples who had sided with Yang Qi also went out to fight the Quasi-God demonlings. The demonlings rushed across the ground like a tide. Some of them looked like lions, tigers, or monkeys, while others had the faces of ghosts, or bodies covered with fur or scales. The demonlings of the god world were very strange in appearance.


There was one group of about a thousand monkeys with the faces of ghosts who, despite looking somewhat emaciated, were all Quasi-Gods. There were a thousand of them, and they were very intelligent, having set up an altar that they were powering by feeding it godpower.

A huge ghost face suddenly appeared, howling with piercing loudness as it transformed into a spear that slammed into the spell formation, causing it to tremble.

These were the ghostface monkeys of the god world, called such because of their horrific appearance that resembled that of an evil ghost. They were licentious by nature, and would often kidnap pretty young women, take them back to their lair, and rape them. Such young women ended up living lives worse than death, and would often hope to die.

Unfortunately, the ghostface monkeys were extremely powerful, and could advance through their demonic cultivation with incredible speed. As such, they were considered one of the most powerful types of Demonfolk. And right now there were a thousand of them, all Quasi-Gods, and all of them powering a magical altar.

“Quite impressive,” Yang Qi murmured. However, with a mere glance, he activated the spell formation, sending out hundreds of streams of thunderous sword energy to slam into the ghostface monkeys. Instantly, the monkeys’ vital energy was thrown into chaos and blood sprayed out of their mouths as they screeched in pain. One person had vanquished a thousand.

The ghostface monkeys were the main force in this wave, so with their ghost face crushed, there was a lot less pressure. Immediately, disciples rushed out of the spell formation in small groups to slaughter the demonlings.

There were countless demonlings in the invasion, but the majority weren’t Quasi-Gods, which made them easy targets. After all, in the mines of the House of God Ordainment, people under the level of Quasi-Gods virtually didn’t exist.

Many of the ghostface monkeys had been killed, and those that hadn\'t were fleeing in chaotic terror. However, that wasn’t the end of the fight. Next came the snakes. Tiny snakes, large snakes, pythons, anacondas, vipers, colorful snakes, flying snakes.... Every kind of snake imaginable could be seen, covering the ground and filling the sky. And despite the fact that none of them were gods, their sheer numbers made them formidable, as did their venom.

The mere sight was very impressive.

Even worse, some of the snakes mixed godpower into their venom, and could shoot it at targets many kilometers away. Even rocks would melt if venom like that hit them, much less a human.

The disciples and miners had just experienced a big boost in morale, and had begun slaughtering the demonlings with vigor. But then the snakes appeared, spitting venom, and almost immediately, some of the disciples on the forefront of the battle were killed. The venom was so strong it pierced through their defensive empyrean energy, causing them to melt down into pools of blood.

However, that was when fire dragons appeared on the towers built into the ramparts, which transformed into pillars of flame that shot out into the ranks of the snakes.

“Everyone fall back!” one of the disciples shouted from one of the towers. “That poison is deadly. Thankfully, the foreman prepared a Nine-Flames Fire-Dragon Grand Formation. We can use dragons to suppress snakes, and bury them in mountains of fire!”

As they fell back into the protection of the spell formations, some of the flying snakes shot after them. However, as soon as the snakes reached the border of the spell formation, they burst into flames. As a result, some of the snakes fled.

These demonlings were obviously intelligent, and would flee if they felt they needed to.

Meanwhile, Yang Qi stood atop the mountain, keeping an eye on the entire area. For now, there seemed to be endless hordes of demonlings advancing in their direction. It was a dangerous situation. Over at Mine One, bright lights shone into the sky, which Yang Qi knew was a result of the god powering the spell formation there.

‘I think I should take this moment to screw over the Yue Clan elder. If that spell formation falls, he’ll definitely be killed by the demonlings.’ Yang Qi chuckled coldly. He knew that if an elder died here, the House of God Ordainment would definitely investigate the matter. But it would never be tied to him. Furthermore, if he could divert some of the demonlings toward Mine One, it would take a lot of pressure off his own people.

However, it was right then that a burst of laughter rang out, along with a stream of energy that slammed into his spell formation and opened a hole.

Obviously, a top expert of the Demonfolk was here.

Yang Qi stood on his mountain, hands clasped behind his back. “So, a demon-god has come to this trifling mountain belonging to the House of God Ordainment? I\'m honored. I find it interesting that you didn’t take part in any of the previous attacks. Unfortunately, this mine doesn’t have much of value in it.”

A dark chuckle rang out as a beautiful woman appeared, clad in black garments. She seemed like a snake, and was obviously a demon-god.

“You might as well show your face too, Ghostface Monkey-God,” she said. “This bastard did just kill a bunch of your people.”

As she chuckled, a blast of green fire erupted, shot through the hole in the spell formation, and landed onto the square atop the mountain.

Then an extremely ugly monkey became visible.

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