Carefree Path of Dreams

Chapter 513: Seal the Spirit

A Murderous Level ghost would be able to split itself.

Fang Yuan had only destroyed one of its entities.

This time, the ’truth’ behind the crumbled wall was the source of everything!


Yang Guang shrieked and ran away as fast as possible.


The surroundings started to change. From an abandoned apartment, it slowly turned into the scene of a fire outbreak.

It was the same apartment but the furniture was all brand new. The scorching flames started to spread everywhere, even towards the corridors.

The intense inferno and thick black smoke filled Yang Guang’s lungs as he began to feel discomfort. Immediately, he started to crouch on the floor and crawled towards safety.

"Could this be... the fire which this apartment had once experienced before? Why was the corpse hidden in the wall? Could it be possible that the property developer was hiding the truth from the media by sealing the corpse up in order to increase the value of this apartment?"

Yang Guang held his nose and carefully made his way around the apartment as he finally understood everything.

The apartment was rented to foreigners. These foreigners did not have a strong backing or good relationships with the locals. Therefore, even if they were to disappear or die, no one would know or miss them!

From all the signs, this was the most reasonable explanation.

"So what if I’m able to deduce all these?"

Yang Guang gazed at the raging inferno around him and felt that even his eyebrows were about to be burnt.


"Save me..."


He could hear the screams for help and the struggles coming from the burning inferno as Yang Guang started to shiver in fear. "Something’s not right... there might be more than 1 casualty in this fire!"

Even though he could deduce this, there was nothing he could do.

"The window... If I cannot escape by the door, I can try the windows!"

Although he didn’t know how he had landed himself in the scene of a burning apartment, Yang Guang only had a single thought, and it was to survive!

The intensifying flames were distracting him, affecting his consciousness.

Finally, after crawling for a long while, a window appeared before him.

"This is great!"

He stood up and slammed the window hard to no avail, for it was locked.


Behind him, there were all sorts of cries.

Yang Guang covered his face with a cloth and ran straight into the window.


He was an athlete in university and was strong to begin with. With that headbutt, he shattered the window and flew out of the apartment.


As he cried, he tried to pluck out the shards embedded in his arms before examining his surroundings.

The flames were no longer there. It was as though all that had just happened was a mere illusion.

"I have survived!"

Yang Guang examined the apartment and shivered in fear before running away. "That camera is perfectly fine! The real source of trouble is this apartment and the wronged souls who were burnt to death here!"

After knowing this piece of important information, he knew that if he were to look into this, he would be able to lift the curse and set things right by making the one responsible for the fire to bear the consequences!

"Just that... why do I feel like I’ve become heavier?"

Yang Guang recalled that there seemed to be something riding on his back while he was crawling on the ground just now!

He shuddered and turned around as he came face to face with a charred face.


Yang Guang screamed hysterically. As soon as he woke up, he realised that he was being trapped in darkness.

"Director, this isn’t too good! By hiding a corpse in the wall... it’s too unethical..."

"Do you know how much the company has lost after this fire? We don’t even have enough money to compensate the affected families! Who would have the time to deal with these corpses?"

"But... the police..."

"There are just a few foreigners. There’s nothing much in sealing them up in the walls. Don’t worry, we have already bribed the news agencies. They will not report the true casualty rate!"


"This is... the wall which the corpses are buried in?"

Yang Guang wanted to struggle. However, the space around him was filled with cement and darkness and his movements were restricted.

Furthermore, a feeling of breathlessness started to overwhelm him.

"No... I am alive! Don’t bury me!"

He tried to shout but nothing came out of his mouth.

Finally, his eyes were shut and he fell into an abyss of darkness...


"Yang Guang... is dead!"

Fang Yuan and Wu Lu had arrived at the apartment.

They arrived at the room and realised that the camera was destroyed. They also noticed the crumbled wall and the shape of a human body indented in the wall!

"It is useless to deal with the split entities. We need to target its true source..."

Fang Yuan stretched his right hand out to feel the indentation on the wall and could feel a burning sensation in it.

"Is this where... the source once was?"

He examined the surroundings. Suddenly, the space around them transformed into a burning inferno once again and thick smoke started to spread everywhere.


Wu Lu screamed as soon as she realised where she was.

"Don’t worry. We are merely being pulled into an alternate dimension..."

Fang Yuan snickered.

If the ’ghost’ was hiding its source and was only sending out its split entities, it would be troublesome for Fang Yuan. It would take up too much effort for one to even locate the exact location of the alternate dimension.

But now, it had intentionally pulled Fang Yuan and Wu Lu into its own dimension and therefore had unintentionally caused its own death.

Oh wait, a ghost was already dead from the beginning, so there was no death it could cause to itself.

"Cough cough... will I... die here?"

Wu Lu held her chest in pain as she sat on the ground.

In the alternate dimension, these flames were real flames. If they were engulfed by the smoke, they would truly die as well!

Suddenly, from the flames, charred corpses began to appear. They varied in size but all of them had hatred in their eyes as they surrounded Fang Yuan and Wu Lu.

"Was the powerful curse created from the hatred of these wronged souls who died in the fire?"

Fang Yuan nodded his head and a streak of chilly energy started to surround him.

A chill which would be able to freeze one’s soul started to spread out and within a few moments, it had covered the entire house.

The flames disappeared in that instant and even the toxic fumes were slowly being dissipated.


Wu Lu stood up and was shocked. As she looked at Fang Yuan, she shuddered in fear.

"Are you scared of me?"

Fang Yuan glanced at her before taking a quick look at his own stats window.

In the brackets behind his Spirit Sealing Body, a new status appeared: Spirit Sealing Body (Partially released!)

"If I release the ghost entirely, I will likely lose control of it and thereby allow it to target me. If I were to release it partially, it would mean for me to release the seal by a little, harnessing the power of the ghost in me or even make use of its abilities! It feels like I’m borrowing my strength from something else."

Fang Yuan could feel a chilly sensation spreading from his body as he started to smile.

This technique was discovered by him after all these years.

Looking at his personality, if he did not perform enough research on the Spirit Sealing Body, he would not have recklessly increased its cultivation.

"There are still risks involved when I use my human body to control the power of a ghost! I not only have to deal with the risk of the ghost attempting to take over me, I will have to watch out for myself being harmed in the process as well... However, my body is already not as weak as a normal human, but as powerful as the realm allows me to be! If I will still be harmed by such physical conditions, I will just be a mere laughing stock even if I am the realm’s final hope!"

Of course, Wu Lu did not know what Fang Yuan was thinking.

Nervously, she gazed at Fang Yuan. The young man Fang Yuan once was started to turn pale and his face turned into a green-purple hue. His pair of eyes turned into a brilliant gold.

Anyone would feel the chills if they were to look at Fang Yuan, for it would be as though they were looking at... a real ’ghost’!

"I see you!"

Fang Yuan revealed a sinister smile.

By harnessing the power of the evil ghost sealed in and using his Fiery Golden Eyes, he could see through the alternate dimension, to where the source of the ghost was.

"Scan... Locate..... The next step will be to... capture!"

His body turned illusionary in an instant and his arms turned greenish-purple as though he was a frozen corpse. With that, he stretched his arms into mid-air.

In the depths of the alternate dimension.

An indescribable and unknown presence was being captured!

Even an exorcist could only deal with the simplest spirits!

But now, Fang Yuan was able to capture the source of a... Murderous Level ghost!

"Come out!"

Fang Yuan exclaimed.

Wu Lu’s eyes were wide opened as she witnessed Fang Yuan ’pulling’ out a charred corpse from mid-air.

Even a single look at the charred corpse caused extreme pain in her eyes and fear began to overwhelm her.

The true source of the ghost could not be described and did not have a definite shape.


In Fang Yuan’s chest, a silver swirl appeared and the entire charred corpse was being swallowed into it.

Of course, the Murderous Level ghost was struggling in Fang Yuan’s arms. Unfortunately, Fang Yuan remained emotionless as he absorbed the corpse. Slowly, the corpse became smaller and smaller and finally, it became a small black dot which completely disappeared in the swirl.


Fang Yuan took in a deep breath and sealed the ghosts in him completely, reverting himself to the appearance of a normal human.

The space around them started to warp, transforming itself into the abandoned apartment it once was.

After sealing the ’source’, the curse on the apartment was completely lifted!

Fang Yuan took a quick glance at this stats:

"Name: Fang Yuan (Tantai Mieming)

Essence: 15.0 (100)

Spirit: 15.0 (100)

Magic: 15.0 (100)

Profession: Exorcist

Technique: Exorcism (Peak), Pharmacy (Peak), Eagle Claw Grappling Technique (Peak)

Skill: [Medicine (Level 3)], [Botany (Level 6)], [Fiery Golden Eyes (Level 1)], [Spirit Sealing Body (2nd Grade)]"

’Spirit Sealing Body (2nd Grade): Your body is a weapon which is able to seal evil ghosts. You will able to seal any ghost that you come into contact with into your body! You have activated the 2nd Grade, and the capacity for sealing evil ghosts: 2! You can choose to release the ghost!’

"I am able to increase the physical limitations of my body just by sealing this ghost?"

Fang Yuan was a little shocked. "I am truly the Fate Soul of this realm! My existence cannot be comprehended with normal logic!"

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