My Demon Pet System

Chapter 122 - Retreat

A moment before the claws and sharp teeth of the bat demons reached the points of Yoichi\'s body not covered with scales, something incredible happened.

The young warrior quickly rotated on himself, keeping his arms in the same position. A tongue of dragon fire was unleashed around him, swiftly widening and overwhelming enemy demons in a scorching wave. ​​

Fortunately, Shioko and Enatsu had entered the tunnel and were far enough to stick their backs to the wall. Quickly throwing themselves to the safe side of the tunnel, they avoided being hit by the flames.

*vooom* - some faint screeching followed the delicate sound of draconian flames spreading through the air. Few of the attacking specimens could release their cry: Yoichi killed about a dozen bat demons with a single attack, pulverizing them instantly.

Kenji was also entirely hit by the flames, being in the path of Yoichi\'s power. The fire created by itself slipped gently on the hard scales of its skin, stroking its small dark body and leaving a thick smoke on the black horns.

Yoichi looked ahead immediately after making the rotation. Guided only by his instincts, he had performed an attack worthy of the strongest warriors in the region, perhaps in the whole world of Lumya.

All he had to do was release the draconic fire imprisoned under the scales of his arms to unleash all his incredible power, literally making a whole herd of wild demons disappear.

Like corianders fluttering in the wind on carnival day, the tiny red spheres resulting from the killing of the Komoerus soared into the air. Splitting up and approaching each other, they all conversed on Kenji\'s forehead. The little dragon accepted the XP points without the slightest complaint.

The heads of Shioko and Enatsu, when the heat of the rocky room became bearable, sprang up from inside the tunnel. Suddenly, before Yoichi\'s two companions could openly express their amazement, a loud noise broke out in the air.

A harrowing verse, mixed between a roar and a screech of a bat, was so intense that the walls and floor quaked. Small fragments of rock and mud came off the ceiling, striking Yoichi\'s fiery arms, who was forced to spread his legs so as not to fall, losing his balance.

As if it were an earthquake lasting a few seconds, the demonic scream of an unknown creature made everything tremble. Fearing that the entire cave was about to collapse, Enatsu and Shioko quickly exited the tunnel, avoiding getting stuck inside in the event of a rockslide.

All the Komoerus that still flew under the high vaults of the mine suddenly approached each other, joining in a single bundle of dark creatures.

Following a meandering trajectory, they headed in unison to a single point in the large room: a vast door entering the broadest area of the dungeon welcomed them, making them disappear into the darkness.

After that infernal cry, silence suddenly fell. The flapping of the faithful Nobu\'s wings and the that of the draconic flames burning on Yoichi\'s arms rumbled in the mine.

"What... what the hell did I just hear?" Enatsu asked incredulously. His arms were stretched forward with his hands open as if he wanted to keep himself at a distance from his comrade.

Beside him, Shioko stood by and observed every detail of Yoichi\'s new power. "He managed to drive out the Komoerus. That\'s what happened," the red-haired tamer remarked.

"But... but... what was that growl? Don\'t tell me I imagined it. It was strong enough to make the whole cave tremble!" Enatsu continued, as his heart beat hard in his chest.

"You didn\'t imagine it, my friend. Something called the Komoerus back, ordering the retreat," Yoichi confirmed. Soon after those words, he lowered his arms and looked at Kenji.

Within seconds, the dragon fire disappeared, and the scales gradually re-entered his skin. His arms returned to standard shape and size without having suffered any damage.

"Call those bats back? What are you saying? Who would call them back, huh? Their mom?" Enatsu mumbled, raising his hands to the sky.

"Hey, define that" – Shioko\'s words echoed among the thick rock walls of the cave. Enatsu looked at her in amazement, and Yoichi turned to her.

"You said someone commanded the wild Komoerus to stop. Who?" the archer repeated. She raised her arm and called Nobu back to report.

The light generated by the butterfly demon moved along with it into the room, making the shadows of the three adventurers who survived the first wave of enemies rotate.

"Not who. What," Yoichi replied, taking a step toward his companions. "The dungeon map is crystal clear. That room leads in only one direction. Do you remember which one?"

"The boss room…" Enatsu whispered, trembling like a leaf. "And so what? Wait… hold your horses, Yoichi. What does the boss have to do with those winged sons of bitches?" he inquired, moving his shoulders to shake off the fear.

"That\'s exactly what we need to find out if we want to get out of here on our feet, brother," the young tamer coolly replied, looking at his Oracle.

"The simple recovery of a missing object has turned into a real mission. I am genuinely amazed. When I crossed the threshold of the Demonic Veil, I never imagined I\'d see such a thing," Shioko interrupted, taking a step towards Yoichi.

The two guildmates stopped in front of each other, less than two meters away. Nobu, flapping its big butterfly wings, lay on its tamer\'s arm. Moving its tiny insect legs, it positioned itself on her shoulders, balancing the weight so as not to make Shioko lose her balance.

"You don\'t need an expert to understand that what happened outside of here is directly linked to what lies ahead of us after that crossing," Yoichi spoke. "The Hebigure, the Yoroishi... both of them were out-of-the-ordinary demons. Something extraordinary is happening in this area," he added.

When Yoichi spoke, his gaze and that of his companions followed in the wake of black mud trapped in the large rocks of the ground. Creeping sinuously through the fractures and exploiting the topography inside the cave, it continued forward, entering the murkiness of the boss room.

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